BSL and Beyond= Slower Growth?


Well-Known Member
Anyone notice their hair growing slower as it gets longer?

That's what i'm noticing. Checking my pictures, I hit BSL in august, it's now 3 months later and my hair seems to be in the same spot! How discouraging.

I do know it is growing, I have new growth. Not a huge amount though. I can only hope my hair's thickening up nicely for my next touchup.
(maybe my hair's just taking a rest for the winter...)

Anyone notice the same, or is it just me?:spinning:
really wow most people say after BSL your hair grows like weeds.......:ohwell:
Did you stop using protective styles?
Me! me! me! This is my third time at bra strap ( i keep cutting!). Everytime i get to bra strap my hair grows at snails pace, it's so discouraging. I have started taking some vitamins and my hair has been in tree braids for the past 3 months, and i must hair is starting to take off! I have had these braids in since october 10th and i have about half an inch of new growth :grin: Thats actually pretty good for me because i have barely been hitting .25 of an inch. I think it may be the vitamins i'm taking? I have also been using WGHO, maybe that could be it too? are so pretty!

Good luck!
No, my hair isn't growing slower, but what I have noticed is that my hair needs have changed. For example, my hair needs much less protein than it did a year ago.

If you aren't getting growth, you probably just need to tweak your regimen a bit. Like using less heat, doing more protective styles, upping d/cs, etc...
If you are getting new growth then it must mean that you are not retaining the new growth - not that your hair is not growing.

How are you wearing your hair and what is your regimen?
Anyone notice their hair growing slower as it gets longer?

That's what i'm noticing. Checking my pictures, I hit BSL in august, it's now 3 months later and my hair seems to be in the same spot! How discouraging.

I do know it is growing, I have new growth. Not a huge amount though. I can only hope my hair's thickening up nicely for my next touchup.
(maybe my hair's just taking a rest for the winter...)

Anyone notice the same, or is it just me?:spinning:

I've been feeling the same way, but when I stop to actually think about it, it's because I've been slowly trimming the remaining chemically treated ends so I'm back to BSL :ohwell: but I do need to tweak my regimen a bit to extend the growth period before I trim again.
I'm really hoping my growth doesn't slow down... I just did a length check last week and was so happy to find I'd hit BSL! :band2:

I had thought that it was all downhill from here... I'm sure hoping my growth doesn't slow down now... :sad:
I do know it is growing, I have new growth. Not a huge amount though. I can only hope my hair's thickening up nicely for my next touchup.
(maybe my hair's just taking a rest for the winter...)

Anyone notice the same, or is it just me?:spinning:

I'm not at BSL yet, but I am growing slower. I'm 9 weeks post, and I would be exaggerating to say I that have a half inch of growth. This new growth is thick and tough, so I agree with your comment that your hair is thickening up and taking a winter rest. Mine seems to do this every year and it grows like a weed during the summer. :yep: