BSB/BSL: The things I learned


Well-Known Member
1) I don't know how to flat iron
2) #1 explains why I've had a fhi for 3 years and have only used it maybe... 4 times
3) Even after "flat ironing" my hair the roots were still curly and puffy
4) I'm not trying this again
5) hey, my hair's at bsb :grin:
6) I need a trim badly.
7) I tried to hide any unnecessary bits from this picture:


8) I guess I should order more mega-tek. :look:
Is BSB below shoulder blade? It's possible to be BSB and not yet BSL, right? I was just wondering because I know I'm past APL, not yet BSL, but my hair is right below my shoulder blade.
Yeah, I think it really all depends on where your shoulder blade ends and where your bra strap falls.
I'm sorry, I'm slow. What does BSB stand for?
Right when I think I know all the abbreviations, this pops up.
Thanks in advance!
Is BSB below shoulder blade? It's possible to be BSB and not yet BSL, right? I was just wondering because I know I'm past APL, not yet BSL, but my hair is right below my shoulder blade.

I claimed BSB when my hair was barely touching my bra. It seemed like it took FOREVVVEEEERRRR to reach my damn bra. A WHOLE year. My bra sits low on my back! I was ready to claim BSL but I was not there yet. Thus BSB was invented:rolleyes: and solved alot of drama on the boards also.
Congrats on reaching your next milestone!:grin:, are you saying mega-tek helped out.. just curious :look: