BrwnSkinBeauty is on YouTube!

She and her hair is beautiful!!!!! WOW! nice growth. I wonder if she is fully natural or texlax because in her slide she mentioned that she permed her "edges" while transitioning. Either way, her hair is beautiful!!
She's fully natural. Perming your edges wouldn't straighten the length of your hair, or anywhere except, well..., the edges. And knowing how fast the grow-shed cycle for edge hair is, those permed edges are probably long gone.

Do you guys really feel like her hair grows *extra* fast? To me, that seems like an acceptable amount of growth for someone aiming to grow their hair out in a little over 4 years.

What do you guys think? *trying to not have my hopes dashed*
I don't think it's the growth that's the issue. It's the retention. As others have pointed out, a little over 4 years of growth should give you about 20 inches in each strand, *if you don't break them* or they don't shed. Her hair seems to be super-duper strong. Many people will grow, but not many will retain, 20 inches in 4.5 years. She probably also has a super-long grow-shed cycle.

She does have beautiful hair...but seeing that she always had long hair..she probably is one of the lucky ones who hair grows regardless. Therefore her advice would be useless to me.
Lol. I see what you're saying, anyone who had waist-length pressed hair at 15 y-o without doing anything extra is not in the same boat as me. (My hair now looks like her "severely broken off" hair). I wouldn't call her advise "useless" though. You never know what might help you. E.g. I have added to my arsenal her smoothing technique and use of leave-in conditioner while doing twists or pin curls. It helps with combating frizziness and tangles. Small thing, but still.
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