Bronzeg/Chinablk Big Chop

I just saw her on Curlynikki today and I was shocked. I was like how did I miss this.

Congrats to her and best of luck on her new journey.
I love her hair...she was one of my hair idols even though she was relaxed and I'm natural (I wanted her length!!). She hasn't made videos in a while either. I love her even more now and I hope she'll do natural videos.
It looks good

I see why folks were straight tripping, her hair was long.

oh well at the end of the day she has to be happy.
wow I was NOT expecting that at all...she was one of my first relaxed hair idols!! Well I can't wait to see her natural journey...she looks great! Not manly at all, her family is wrong for jokin like that
Nice! I subscribe to her channel on yt but i didn't know she was going natural. Her hair looks cute! pls! I just read her article on curlyNikki. I don't understand why other ppl get all up in arms about someone else cutting their hair. It's their hair! It grows back!!! lol
I'm also member of Hairlista and there are a lot of pics of her on her page there. I actually saw it before she was profiled on curlynikki. WOW! I was blown away when I saw her chop -- considering where she came from. She gave me the strength to get rid of my nasty relaxed end off the back of my transitioning hair, and my hair is so much better for it. I think it's great she was comfortable enough to do that.

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Oh wow... her hair was stunning before. She still looks good now but what a shock. It'll grow back.
I think she looks beautiful either way, she's a gorgeous lady and her features work with long or short hair. It'll grow back.. it's hair, that's what it does lol.
I know this is going to be unpopular, but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....:drunk::blush::help2:

Just kidding, I actually think her face looks really cute with short hair and it fits her features well. But on a personal level, at least a few times a week I would wonder "when is bronzeg going to make another hair vid?". I LOVED her hair videos, and she was definitely one of my big inspirations, so this is a huge shock in light of the fact that I don't think it was mentioned on her channel she was chopping. Anyway, I'm glad she's happy! I'm pretty sure once I get to my hair goal (APL-BSL), and I'm there for a few years I'll get bored and chop as well, but until that day, I'll shed a tear for all that long lovely hair

ETA: I literally clutched my chest and gasped when I read this thread tittle in the list at work!
I literally gasped when I saw her on CN a few days ago. Usually i'm not so much surprised when I see other BC's but this one was a complete shock. Like some ladies, I would always wonder when she'd make a new hair vid. I completely applaud her for being so brave and making herself happy.

You go girl!
Woooow her too?
I was still in admiration of that carauso roller set she did! And now a BC?
I had no clue. Oh well, good for her :)
Seems like relaxed heads are becoming an extinct species in the world of hair care.

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I don't know who she is, but her BC looks great! She's beautiful either way, but I think she has more of an "edge" with her short, curly fro.

She definitely has the skills to grow long, healthy hair...I'm sure it'll grow back more beautiful than ever.
Oh wow. I LOVE IT!!! I'm so happy for her. I wonder if she's going to share her natural hair journey with us on YouTube. I would love that. My hair is about the same length as hers and I would love to "grow with her".

I guess, I'll have re-join hairlista to keep track.
Woooow her too?
I was still in admiration of that carauso roller set she did! And now a BC?
I had no clue. Oh well, good for her :)
Seems like relaxed heads are becoming an extinct species in the world of hair care.

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yeah right :lachen: in LHCF world maybe, but not in RL.
Wow, I'm stunned! She never talked about BC'ing, so who would have known. I guess she was eager for another hair journey. Much luck to her in her new marriage and her new natural hair journey! :grin: