brillo pad hair: can anything be done?


New Member
my little cousin has hard dry brillo pad feeling hair. even when she gets a relaxer it doesn't take and the hair stays hard and crunchy; and no matter how much moisturizer she uses it doesn't do anything but put a sheen on her hair while the hair remains hard. i would like to advise her on how to soften her hair so that its at least manageable. any suggestings on products and methods?
I have natural hair and spray Sta-Sof-Fro Hair & Scalp Spray (extra dry formula) in my hair every day. Have you considered looking into her diet? Does she drink enough water? You know how some kids can consume a lot of junk and not enough water. Does she take vitamins (like Flintstones)? If products are not helping, then she might need to fix the dryness problem from the inside out. HTH
thanx for the responses ladies. and in answer to your questions...

hmmm, well she uses that pink moisturizer stuff, and she told me she only washes every 2 wks. when i told her she needs to wash at least once wkly, she said she couldn't do that because her hair gets too difficult to deal with. i've tried to give her advice but although she wants healthy long hair she doesn't seem to want to do the work. she's 14 btw, and lives with her aunt and brother who don't take any time out with her, so it's not like she can get help from the aunt...

i think she washes her hair with vo5 products, but i think in order to benefit from those shampoos you need soft hair to begin with... her hair is neck length btw, and she has raggady ends, but since they go below the neck she won't trim them, so they're breaking fast.

hmmm... i know you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves, but i decided to put my 2cnts in when she got her relaxer touched up and it didn't look as if she had a drop of relaxer in her head. ahhh, and i noticed chemical burn along her crown and little bald spots here and there...

i would appreciate any advice. i just hate to see someone so young mess up their hair to the point where it's falling out...
I think if she wants long hair, she needs to follow in your example and you have to explain that to her.

Also, pink lotion is not the best mositurizer because of the mineral oil. Well that has been the case for me it always left my hair hard. She needs to wash her hair at least once a week. Her dry brittle hair can be from overprocessing and not enough mositurizer ( which means she needs to was at least once a week and make the time to do it).

If she likes the pink lotion feel, she can use the motions creme.

Or try the creme care free curl which should soften and add mositure to her hair. Mositure, Mositure Mositure not grease so it can get soft. ( water and humectants, etc)

Hope this helps. If she want nice hair she needs to undertand she needs to put a little more time and use effective products. let her see some of the hair pictures onthis site if you can. or the members of th emonth section where she can see their regimen.
Just asking, does she apply the relaxer to the new growth only? Since she says the relaxer doesn't take on her hair, does she overlap it on purpose? That could be causing problems. Other than that, make sure she is eating healthy and Moisturizing Daily! (no pink oil)
Shamboosie swears that Nexxus Humectress is a miracle hair cure. He says that nothing else will soften the hair as well. I don't know about that, but I do agree that Humectress is a great hair softener.
thanx again for the responses... i just foubd out that she uses pink oil relaxer, but her most recent relaxer was done with somebody's left over designers touch. it does look as if theres alot of over lapping going on.

i tried to speak to her the other day but again she just looked at me as if i were crazy. when i showed her pics of you ladies, she made the ingnorant comment that all of you must be mixed or something. i know! i couldn't believe she said that either. i was like, "'so you really think black ppeople can't have healthy, pretty hair unless some white persons genes are in the mix?"

i don't know ladies... i think i'm just gonna have to let her learn from her own mistakes...