Brewers Yeast - A new Vitamin to try!!


Well-Known Member
As I have just started my vitamin regime I have been on the hunt for new vitamins. I stumbled across Brewers Yeast. I noticed that it was contained in many of the hair supplements/Vitmains for hair. So I started to do a bit of research. From the looks of it contains lots of the essential things we need for our hair. I dont think I will use it alone but I will add it to my regime and see how it goes. Its quite cheap to.

Brewers Yeast is known as nature's wonder food, a name that it certainly deserves. It is an excellent source of all the major B vitamins (except B12). It also contains other vitamins, sixteen amino acids and fourteen or more minerals.

If you are concerned with the health of your hair, skin and nails than introducing brewer?s yeast into your health care regime could make a noticeable difference. It has been shown that taking brewer?s yeast on a regular basis can improve the appearance and strength of hair and nails. It?s a natural choice for someone considering a prescribed treatment for hair loss.

The Hair Solution Vitamin Chart
Natural Sources

Brewers Yeast, Liver, Molasses, Fertile Eggs, Yogurt, Raw Nuts, Seeds
Helps transport oxygen to all cells of the body. Converts glucose to energy. Fatigue and Mental Disturbance are deficiency.
Brewers Yeast, Liver, Fertile Eggs, Yogurt, Green Leaf Vegetables
Essential in enabling the assimilation of protein. Aids in maintenance of nervous system.
(B Group)
Brewers Yeast, Poultry, Fish, Whole Grains, Peanuts
Essential part of enzyme system and in making food available for energy. Good defense against nervous tension and anxiety.
Brewers Yeast, Liver, Whole Grains, Brown Rice, Fresh Vegetables
Utilizes vital hair Amino Acids to form new protein tissues. Prevents excess oiliness of scalp.
Brewers Yeast, Liver, Whole Grains, Brown Rice, Fresh Vegetables
Good for hair building and restoration.
Para, Amino Benzoic Acid (Paba) (B Group)
Black Strap Molasses, Brewers Yeast, Liver, Fertile Eggs, Whole Milk, Wheat, Celery
Deficiency of either of these vitamins can result in hair color change and hair loss.
Brewers Yeast, Beef Liver, Fertile Eggs, Whole Milk, Natural Cheese, Wheat Germ
Highly important in preventing Anemia which can result in hair loss.
Fertile Eggs, Whole Grains, Legumes, Sardines, Rice, Brewers Yeast
Necessary for metabolism of fat carbohydrates and protein. Aids in utilization of other B Vitamins.
(B Group)
Dark Green Leaf Vegetables, Oyster, Salmon, Whole Milk, Brewers Yeast, Whole Grains
Important in red blood cell formation. Necessary for growth of cells, aids in metabolism of protein.

Sixteen Amino Acids The buildig blocks of healthy, strong hair.

The Hair Solution Mineral Chart
Natural Sources
Steel Cut Oats, Carrots, Tomato Juice, Brewers Yeast, Sea Kelp
Necessary for healthy hair, works with Vitamin A.
Black Strap Molasses, Fertile Egg Yolks, Soybeans, Brewers Yeast
Helps in formation of red blood hemoglobin which carries oxygen to the hair and scalp.

Tuna, Herring, Broccoli, Wheat Germ, Bran, Whole Grains, Brewers
Works with Vitamin E, Preserves tissue and elasticity.

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I tried this a while ago. The ultra cheap 99p tablets from Savers...
It gave me big itchy bumps on my arms and legs. I only took them for 2 days and the itching lasted a week.
It could have been the Sea Kelp I also started taking at the same time but after some research I figured out it was probably the Brewer's Yeast.
Brewer's Yeast is high in Biotin, a few people have had problems with Biotin and itching.
PerfectDoak said:
I tried this a while ago. The ultra cheap 99p tablets from Savers...
It gave me big itchy bumps on my arms and legs. I only took them for 2 days and the itching lasted a week.
It could have been the Sea Kelp I also started taking at the same time but after some research I figured out it was probably the Brewer's Yeast.
Brewer's Yeast is high in Biotin, a few people have had problems with Biotin and itching.

That sounds terrible, its funny how pep react so differently. I have taken up to 20mg of biotin twice a day with NOT an itch.
I am just goung to give it a few months and see how I get on:grin: . I need some serious growth to hit bra-strap this year
Yeah. I don't think my body likes many supplements.

If you've taken Biotin before though, I think you'll be ok with the Brewer's Yeast.
Candy_C said:
be careful with this one...i developed a yeast infection because of it!...yeh..NOT NICE!
ITA! And yeast are what gives beer drinkers buddah bellies.:perplexed Yeast craves sugar too and that will make you even bigger.
I've been taking it (off and on) for the last couple of years at least. I have debittered brewer's yeast in a powder and I add it to sauces and soups. I can't tell if I've gained benefits from it but I'm sure I have, mainly the iron and b vitamins.

I've never gained weight from it and I don't eat sugar.
Isis said:
I've been taking it (off and on) for the last couple of years at least. I have debittered brewer's yeast in a powder and I add it to sauces and soups. I can't tell if I've gained benefits from it but I'm sure I have, mainly the iron and b vitamins.

I've never gained weight from it and I don't eat sugar.

Really? Consider yourself lucky. It could be that you eat healthy overall too. I dont drink or eat bread(s) my body cant handle the yeast. And my family has a history of diabetes also. But, if its working for you keep doing it.
If I am not mistaken this brewer's yeast is not a live yeast that feeds off of you. In powder form it is full of b-vitamins and complete protein. If you get a good brand you can benefit greatly from it.:)
I add powdered brewers yeast in a chocolate protein shake 2-3 times a week for breakfast. It tastes kind of like a peanut butter and chocolate shake. I've actually added some natural peanut butter to it occasionally to enhance the taste. :lick: It keeps me feeling satisfied for many hours. Fortunately, I haven't had any problems with taking the yeast, or any weight gain (I've actually lost weight). I love the fact that it's a great way to add protein, fiber, iron, and biotin to my diet using a natural source. I first read about it in Anne Louise Gittleman's book The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet.:)
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charmingt said:
If I am not mistaken this brewer's yeast is not a live yeast that feeds off of you. In powder form it is full of b-vitamins and complete protein. If you get a good brand you can benefit greatly from it.:)
I think I read that water brings it out of dormancy and sugar acts as its fuel. But, like I said if it working...go for it I hope you see optimal results.
foxybrownsugar said:
Really? Consider yourself lucky. It could be that you eat healthy overall too. I dont drink or eat bread(s) my body cant handle the yeast. And my family has a history of diabetes also. But, if its working for you keep doing it.
I only know brewer's yeast to be a very healthy product, as Charmingt and Legend are saying. I too do not drink alcohol or eat bread, except for sprouted bread on occasion, mainly for health. Brewer's yeast is also another good protein source. :yep:
Isis said:
I only know brewer's yeast to be a very healthy product, as Charmingt and Legend are saying. I too do not drink alcohol or eat bread, except for sprouted bread on occasion, mainly for health. Brewer's yeast is also another good protein source. :yep:
okay, God Bless & good night.:)
I've taken it for 3 years...usually 3 months on and about 3 months off. It's great for my nails...makes them hard. And it makes my hair pretty "resistant" as well. Very strong. It's old school. That's what my mom took and her mom before that (along with cod liver oil). I have never noticed an "abnormal" desire for sugar beyond my usual sugar fixes...I actually think it helps me maintain my weight while I'm on it. I have also never had a yeast infection...
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I am glad to here that a few women have already tried the vitamin, with the impressive ingredient list the only way to see if it work for you is to try it. They usually say try it for 3 months to get into your systen correctly b 4 you judge it.
And for those poor ladies with bad side affects, thats unfornutate and as know its different stokes for different folks.

I am gonna stick with this- Touch up time in 12 weeks with determine whether this is a keeper

Brewer's yeast is quite good but I found it too bitter. I use Nutritional Yeast - a tbsp in a smoothie instead of milk or yogurt
yeh it made me crave sugar so bad, and it was a ridiculous 6 tabs a day. i had so much wind and stomach cramps, and i usually never suffer with anything, i'm pretty fit. so i just had 2 lock it off, i see it works well for ladies who sprinkle it on foods. maybe that would;ve been better, like in my cereal or something.
Candy_C said:
yeh it made me crave sugar so bad, and it was a ridiculous 6 tabs a day. i had so much wind and stomach cramps, and i usually never suffer with anything, i'm pretty fit. so i just had 2 lock it off, i see it works well for ladies who sprinkle it on foods. maybe that would;ve been better, like in my cereal or something.
Ah you took 6 a day. I only take 3 and still saw benefits...
What manufaturer offers the best source of Brewer's Yeast? Is it best to take in tablet or powder form?