breaking hair line


New Member
:( my hair is always breaking off by my hairline, i hardly have any hair there, can any one advise me on what i should???
eve777 said:
:( my hair is always breaking off by my hairline, i hardly have any hair there, can any one advise me on what i should???

Eve, we need more info on your hair. Relaxed or natural? Braided or worn out? How do you wear it most times? Do you wear scarves or wigs?

Info about your haircare practices will help people decipher what's causing the breakage and advise on what changes you need to make to stop the breakage.
i weave my hair at he moment, it used to be extensions plaited in my hair but that made it worse. i used to have a perm but i grew it out. so now im starting again and so my hair is now natura. i think i have 4b hair according to this site,but as i am new to al this i apologise in advance for my unawareness of what to do on here.x:confused:
i used to have a leisure curl perm which is what broke hair of in the first place but whether i relax it or cury perm it, it ends up breaking. i really dont know what to do wiht my hair, the only thing that lets it grow is weaving it but im fed up of not having my own hair,plleaaseee help me out, with any suggsetions.xx
How tight are those extentions that you are brainding into your hair? I think they may be too tight.

Are you moisturizing that area?

Could you perhaps take a break from the weave and get your hairline back in order?
eve777 said:
i weave my hair at he moment, it used to be extensions plaited in my hair but that made it worse. i used to have a perm but i grew it out. so now im starting again and so my hair is now natura. i think i have 4b hair according to this site,but as i am new to al this i apologise in advance for my unawareness of what to do on here.x:confused:

No need to apologize. Just needed to know more so that we might have sth to work with.

My guess is whoever is weaving your hair is pulling it too hard at the front? Also leaving braids/cornrows in too long can cause matting as oils and fluff accumulate where the braid is, making hair break when you undo.

I'm not very familiar w/ weaves or what you can do, but hopefully someone more enlightened will come in to help.

Would you be comfortable wearing cornrows w/o extensions? Perhaps if your hair didn't have to deal with carrying the weight of extra hair, it wouldn't experience more strain than it can take? You can wear a fake puff with the cornrows for a change of style.

How about just doing twists on your own hair? Or bantu knots? Something that would be easy to undo and redo as needed. And you could wash your hair in twists and not have to deal with combing your air for a it a chance to grow.

Just wanted to add that pulling it back to style or brushing it back - if you did this when you had a perm - could cause breakage too.

A lot of people have grown hair back with Surge or Boundless Tresses. Do a search on the forum for these products (or just the word hairline) to see how people have managed to grow back hair along their hairline.
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i understand what your saying but i dont have much hair at the front to cornrow or twist, there isnt im very limited to what styles i can have.the weave is ok,the breakage was due to the perm i had previously.and any perm as a matter of like to be able to keep my hair in good condition and grow it, and hopefully it will be abe to take a relaxer or perm with out breaking off
eve777 said:
i understand what your saying but i dont have much hair at the front to cornrow or twist, there isnt im very limited to what styles i can have.the weave is ok,the breakage was due to the perm i had previously.and any perm as a matter of like to be able to keep my hair in good condition and grow it, and hopefully it will be abe to take a relaxer or perm with out breaking off

How is the weave attaching to the front of your hair...or do you just do a comb over? Wait, I didn't even ask what sort of weave you have as in, how is it attached to your head?

How big a difference in length is there between your broken hairline and the hair that is OK? Is a BC out of question...and maybe sporting a TWA?

I just re-read your post and I take it you are looking for a haircare regimen that will help you strengthen your hair and make it healthy so that this time around you grow it long, right? There used to be a thread for beginners that sort of broke it down for you, but I don't see it anymore. My suggestion is to get yourself one of the books recommended on home page bookstore because for me, had I not read one of those books, I would've felt overwhelmed with all the info since different things work for different people.

Alternatively, if you can post what your regimen is, your hair type or a picture of your hair if you don't know the type, perhaps people who have nailed down workable regimens can "prescribe" a program for you. Maybe the Crown and Glory guide might work for you?

The reason I suggest reading one of the books is they help you understand hair in general, and then you are able to ID what info it is you seek. Like do you just need a protein treatment or moisture treatment? Are you having breakage due to weak hair or shedding or traction alopecia (from pulling)? The more you know about hair, the easier you'll find it doing searches on here. I'm sorry I haven't been of more help. Perhaps you can start reading this website until you can get the books highlighted on the homepage. I love that website because it's like having a book. You can read from Intro and go page by page...or use it for reference by looking through the table of contents or going to the index and jumping to the page you want to read.
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thank you soo much for advice. it is over whelming, but your right i do want to just grow and keep my hair. there is a big difference in the front of my hair and the good bits. i cant work with it.hopefully i will find something that fits me, sorry i dont understand your abbreviations by the way,hihihi.the front of my hair are not weaved cus there isnt any hair to cornrow, just whispy bits and the rest is cornrow and a closure.
One tip a lot of women don't realize.

If you use one of those satin bonnets with the elastic on the edges, try to place it below where your hair is. It can break the hair. For me, it goes on my skin.:)
eve777 said:
thank you soo much for advice. it is over whelming, but your right i do want to just grow and keep my hair. there is a big difference in the front of my hair and the good bits. i cant work with it.hopefully i will find something that fits me, sorry i dont understand your abbreviations by the way,hihihi.the front of my hair are not weaved cus there isnt any hair to cornrow, just whispy bits and the rest is cornrow and a closure.

On the bold, I beg your pardon. What abbreviations? I tend to be so lazy (no one would think it with the way I ramble) that I abbreviate a lot. (sth = something; pple = people; ID = identify...) Did I use any other? *shameface*
The hair around my temples was short and thinned out due to tight braids and over brushing. Now I don’t use brushes at all. I started to pay more attn to my temples and massaged my scalp with castor oil each night.
I now use a mix for my scalp that has sulphur in it. But I don’t want to confuse you. Start by making sure the braids for your weave aren’t too tight. Then try to grow your hair back. Be patient it will grow back but your hair and scalp will need to recover from previous damage. Have a read thru LHCF. There is a wealth of info that will help you.
thankyou for the tip, i know this may sound silly but where do i buy the natural castor oil from, actually this backs up what my mom said, whcih was that they used castrol in jamaica but they had to beat the seed to get the natural oil.
The important key to maintain your hairline when it grows back is not relax that area when it first grows back.
The hair is still weak and will break off when relaxed I had it happen to me and I now relax my hairline every other relaxer with no problems.
I always put castor oil on my hairline 3 days before relaxing it.
OP: have you considered daily scalp massages? I agree with the other ladies re: the weave not being too tight. You may also want to try Stimulate! by Hair2Heaven. It's full of essential oils that will help bring your hairline back.
Also as an inexpensive option, please try Africa's Best Organics Hair Fertilizer! It is DA TRUTH for bringing back thin edges. If I can ever get these pics of my camera phone, you'll be amazed. AND my thin temples are heriditary. Bit using this 2x per day, I saw NOTICEABLE results in 30 days and the product guarantees results after 8 weeks of use. Its less than $5.