

New Member
I believe my hair is very moisturize, but there is still breakage everytime I comb with my wide tooth, which is maybe around 40 pieces. I did not know about protein treatment until I came to the hair boards. I recently purchased Aphogee 2min reconstructer, but do I need something stronger to start out, is my breakage normal. What has help with your breakage instantly?

I recently purchased "Beautiful Black Hair" by Shamboosie.
I've gained a few pointers thus far, and one of them suggests using Nexxus Humectress Moisturizing Conditioner (it's called The Magic Potion in the book) to stop breakage! The author says that he used this product on a client and her hair breakage stopped!
The author recommends Nexxus products through out the book, but I not suggesting this.
That would be up to you. I've read good things about Nexxus Humectress here on the boards and this product might be the Potion you need to stop the breakage. Do a search on Nexxus Products/Nexxus Humectress Moisturizing Conditioner here on the boards.
I believe several members use this product. I'm considering using it as well~to prevent breakage and to obtain moisture in my dry hair.

*The normal hair shedding rate is 100 strains per day*
what do you use to moisturize your hair?

[/ QUOTE ]
I have the same careful not to overload the protein...
Remember it could be the comb itself. Have you examined the seams of the comb to see if they are smooth?
dont comb from the roots up but from the tips down, there may be build up so use a clarifing shampoo every 6 weeks, remember combing can cause breakage so dont do it all the way through more than thrice a week!if your hair is dry and brittle DONT use a protein to stop it, use moistiuring treatments for a few weeks to make it softagain, protein will make it worse for you.
Hey Crispy, welcome to the board. I use the aphoghee treatment (the one that turns hard and stinks) FOLLOWED BY THE APHOGEE BALANCING MOISTURIZER *VERY IMPORTANT*. that tends to stop my breakage. Also, when i need "just a little" bit of protein, i opt for the nexxus keraphix, that does a very good job as well, but overall, i'm a aphoghee lover.