

New Member
So I was having issues with shedding but got that under control with garlic supplements and black tea rinses. But now when I detangle I see a lot of little pieces of hair aka Breakage.

I did a egg/mayo/wgo pre-poo before my wash thinking maybe I need more protein. Followed up with a DC but there were still a bunch of little pieces.

Does this breakage mean that I need a trim or I need more protein or moisture?

Please help!!!
I think you maybe went a little too much with the protein. After the tea rinse did you dc as well? I would now just focus on more moisture and assess if after that.
What kind of comb are you using? Because a few years ago I was tearing out my hair with the Denman brush. I now detangle with a large tooth comb and only use the Denman to define my curls.

Oh and maybe next time do an egg and conditioner treatment, but don't add mayo because it might be protein overload.
I think you need moisture moisture moisture. I was experiencing small breakage on my ends. At first I reached for the protein but it didn't really help. Then I focused on moisture (prepoos, DCs, CWs) and it has helped tremendously. Good luck!
Yeah breakage could mean you need moisture or protein.

They say if your hair is mushy you need protein but it can be hard to tell. I didnt know how to maintain my moisture/protein balance but i did the aphogee two step followed by the moisture balance and then twisted my hair, I had zero breakage during the process and very little since and thats just from me pulling to see lol.

Aphogee isnt for everyone but it worked for me, you may have to try diff products and methods untill you find what works. The other ladies may be right about your hair needing moisture, experiment and see.