Breakage when hair is wet vs. dry



Is there a difference between breakage when hair is wet and breakage when it is dry? I've noticed that my hair is breaking when it is wet. It's very minimal, but I'm somewhat alarmed because this has never happened before. I was using Surge, which caused some breakage in the area I applied it, but I stopped using it weeks ago. I don't have any breakage when my hair is dry, only when it is wet. I've been doing regular protein treatments (about once a month with a strong protein treatment, and every 2 weeks with a mild protein treatment), but I don't want to over-do them. What is the remedy for this problem? More moisture or more protein?
well hair is the weakest when its wet anyway so its prone to more breakage. Do you comb your hair while its wet (i take it that you are relaxed right?)

However it the opposite for me and my natural hair. If i want to comb it, it has to be wet. When its dry it feels like my hair is snapping in the comb.
Yes, I'm relaxed. I do comb my hair when it is wet, but I've always handled my hair when wet and I've never had a problem. I mostly notice the breakage when I'm washing or rinsing my hair. But, you're right, I probably should lay off the wet handling until this problem subsides.
Mine breaks terribly when wet and does not break when dry. I have relaxed hair with very fine strands. I think those with fine strands have more of a problem than those with sturdier ones.
So, this is normal? I am still a bit worried because I've never noticed this before. Like I said, it's not a lot of breakage, but just the fact that it is happening at all when it never used to is what is troubling me.
Tee are you washing your hair in the shower or in the sink?
shower is best because all of oyur hair is going one way,when you wash ie less tangles=less breakage. If you wash in the sink you have to pull & comb your hair the opposite way, which= more breakage.
My hair has started breaking like crazy when wet because of the curly vs straight texture im dealing with..i guess i have to be extra extra gentle..use michael jackson prey..i mean kid gloves when dealing with it
CheerBear said:
My hair has started breaking like crazy when wet because of the curly vs straight texture im dealing with..i guess i have to be extra extra gentle..use michael jackson prey..i mean kid gloves when dealing with it

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Tee- Maybe the fact that your hair is getting longer and you're dealing with more length is a factor. I noticed that I'm having a lot more breakage as it grows than when I first cut it. Does that sound stupid?
I am 4b relaxed and my hair breaks like crazy when wet, does not break when dry -- one reason I refuse to comb it while wet. I know a lot of folk on this board comb/detangle their hair under the shower and I just can't do that -- I would have any hair left!!!

As some stated above, hair is at its weakest and most fragile when wet and should be handled very gently . . .
hiza said:
weaveitup said:
my hair breaks more when dry

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My hair do the same.

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