Breakage question, advice needed!


New Member
So I thought my protein overload breakage was over. I did the wet hair strand test and although my hair could still do with a little more elasticity it no longer snaps right away. Also I've been having a lot less breakage when combing or manipulating it when dry.

Usually I wash my hair every 5 days or so, 5 days if I've been working out and every 7 days if I havent. When I go longer than 5 days it becomes necessary for me to m&s. Friday night while m&s-ing my ends I started to see breakage, breakage that was coming from the ends of my hair only. When I manipulated my hair the next day this breakage didn't happen, not even if I pulled on my ends. However when I applied moisturizer to them again....I again immediately started seeing little broken off pieces.

So now I'm it possible that i'm having moisture overload on the ends of my hair only? While the rest of the hair strand is apparently balanced? It seems to be the only logical answer....I think if it was protein overload the moisturizing would do my ends good not cause them to practically melt off the end of my hair strand.

Any advice? Opinions?
It is possible... but it's more likely that you have split ends or are in need of a trim. When was your last trim?
Are your ends snagging or anything?

Seems to me that your hair just doesn't like the moisturizer that you're using.
wow i posted this so long ago and had no idea i got any responses :S. i ended up getting a trim and I haven't seen as much breakage since. i do think that I may need to pay attention to how I apply my conditioner and moisturizer as when i do see breakage it seems to be coming from the 'insides' of my hair, like my crown. I will also be looking into possibly switching up my moisturizer. Thnx for responding guys!