Breakage!!! Pic in Fotki.


Active Member
Ladies, please help! What can I do to fix my little mess up? Read all about it in my fotki, please leave comments! :wallbash:
Firstly i must say that your hair is BEAUTIFUL, i left you a few comments in your fotki. The breakage is not all that bad but like i s aid in one of the comments that you needn't beat up yourself too much about it. Trust me i'm the Diva of breakage and i know it can cause setbacks and mess up ones' goal but hey the rest of your hair is still very healthy, it just the ends that needs a lil triming (not much) and you should have your hair like spanky new again.

HHG to you and continue to TLC you hair. Ease off those rubber bands too ehh!
I think that you maybe could moisturize and baby those ends and not trim them. I think that you can recover from this by keep your ends protected :bighug: your hair is beautiful
Ok, well atleast you know not to use the rubber bands anymore, did you wann try those little plastic oh's to wrap around your ends, i think you wouldnt get any damage with those..
wait, why do you use rubber bands in your braid outs? try using perm rods and the ends and putting castor oil on the ends first before rolling.
I must be slow, cuz I really dont see damage. I was expecting to see a bald spot or something. Your hair is still beautiful. It's really not that bad.
try satin rollers on the ends of your braids with a little moisturizer/oil. If even hair is not a priority for you, it isn't that bad. You still have very nice hair:yep:
Thank you to all the ladies who gave me advice I really do appreciate it. And as we all know we know our own hair best. While the damage may not seem like much to most, I can trully tell that I gave myself a set back. Thanks LHCF. I will implement your suggestions.
Sorry that this happened to you.
I wouldn't trim my hair if I was you. I would wear it in curlier styles to hide the unevenness and just trim it a little at a time.

Your hair is gorgeous and full still.