

Well-Known Member
:eek: :eek: :eek: HELP!

My hair is breaking! My hair was overprocessed in June, pre-LHCF, because the lady didn't rinse my relaxer out good, decided to do a deep conditioner, THEN do the neutralizing shampoo (I was arguing with her the whole time but by the time she did it right it was too late). I went to her the next week because my hair was coming out in handfuls with the white bulb on the end and she told me to do a protein treatment. I left a Deep Brilliance protein treatment in for 20 minutes and did NO conditioner or moisture. Still was shedding. Finally found LHCF in August and started doing ALOT of conditioning.

I thought I was doing everything I was supposed to but its breaking, NOT shedding but breaking off when I comb it ( I guess I need to stop combing it dry). But how am I supposed to put my hair in a bun without a comb, thats the only time I comb it. Ok here is my regimen.

Wash and DC once a week
Co-wash once a week
Buns 6x a week
Moisturize and seal 1-2x a day
Surge every day
MTG as a prepoo

I use bobby pins to bun could that be breaking my hair? I still have new growth and I see short pieces throughout my head and the hairs in the sink are as short as this ________________. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, I see you are using Neo Af. Maybe you should not use any growth aids until you stop the breakage.
I was using Mizani H20 Rose Conditioning Hairdress but that wasn't good. So I just started using NTM Leave-In this week. It seems pretty good.
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Are you deep conditioning w/ a moisturizing conditioner? Also, do a search on the baggie method, alot of ladies havehad their breakage stop after baggying for a while. HTH
I use Kenra MC but sometimes I use others that aren't moisturizing, maybe I should just use the Kenra. But I CO-Wash with Nexxus or SoftSheen Carson "revitalizing deep conditioner" I don't know if that is moisturizing or not.
have you tried an aphogee protein treatment it's really good for stopping breakage. after you use it it must be followed by a moisturizing conditioner. you can do a search on it. HTH
I was sort of scared to do a strong protein treatment because I've never really done one before besides the Deep Brilliance and I messed that one up.Ill try it again tho and make sure I do a moisturizing conditioner afterwards, now that I know better from being on here so much.
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I put my hair in a bun without a comb all the time, I wash once every 3 weeks and dont comb that whole time, the bun looks better un-combed, plus no one ever believes me when I say I havent combed it for 3 weeks. For me, combing leads to breakage, if you have to comb, try finger combing.
I had overprocessing breakage starting in the summer as well. If nothing else works, you may want to try henna. It helped me alot.
evagray said:
:eek: :eek: :eek: HELP!

My hair is breaking! My hair was overprocessed in June, pre-LHCF, because the lady didn't rinse my relaxer out good, decided to do a deep conditioner, THEN do the neutralizing shampoo (I was arguing with her the whole time but by the time she did it right it was too late). I went to her the next week because my hair was coming out in handfuls with the white bulb on the end and she told me to do a protein treatment. I left a Deep Brilliance protein treatment in for 20 minutes and did NO conditioner or moisture. Still was shedding. Finally found LHCF in August and started doing ALOT of conditioning.

I thought I was doing everything I was supposed to but its breaking, NOT shedding but breaking off when I comb it ( I guess I need to stop combing it dry). But how am I supposed to put my hair in a bun without a comb, thats the only time I comb it. Ok here is my regimen.

Wash and DC once a week
Co-wash once a week
Buns 6x a week
Moisturize and seal 1-2x a day
Surge every day
MTG as a prepoo

I use bobby pins to bun could that be breaking my hair? I still have new growth and I see short pieces throughout my head and the hairs in the sink are as short as this ________________. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

If the damaged occurred from the relaxer, there's probably nothing you can do to stop it (depending on the extent of the damage). Products can help slow the breakage/shedding down, but it won't stop it completely. If it doens't break/fall out today, it will tomorrow.

Reconstructors fill in the broken fibers and allow the hair to "hold on" for a while though. In other words, instead of allowing all of it to break/shed off today, it will break/shed little by little. Same thing just over a longer period of time.

Deep Brilliance reconstructor didn't work for you, so you'll need to try another one. Aphogee is a good one. Always follow up with a moisturizing deep condtioner to balance it out.

I know this is not what you wanted to here, but this will help you on your hair journey. Take it from me, I know, this same thing happened to me over the summer and I still have breakage and shedding going on, but it's under control and my hair is still healthy despite.

HTH and HHG:)
I had been experiencing major breakage and shedding for the past few months. I thought it was hopeless and that i would have to cut my hair off, but my hair has been doing better much better since finding out the root of my problem. As a person who self relaxed i thought i was over/underprocessing my hair. Turns out I was NOT moisturizing properly, especially following a relaxer.

Prior to find the proper products and method to moisturizing my hair it was dry, breaking, shedding, and felt like straw. Today, 3 weeks later and for the first time in a LONG while, my hair feels soft and the breakage has decreased dramatically. Here's what has helped me:

Washing Once a Week (Until hair is healthy less manipulation)

-Prepoo with Olive oil, coconut or your favorite oil (optional)
-Wash with moisturizing shampoo -I use Ojon, you can use whatever
-Deep Condition with Alter EGO Hot Oil Treatment -sit under dryer with plastic cap for 15-20 minutes
-Wash out deep conditioner and apply Ojon moisturizing conditioner, comb out hair and rinse immediately.
-Gently PAT hair with towel to absorb water, NO RUBBING
-Part hair and Apply Alter EGO CREN to scalp
-Spray in S-Curl
-Massage in a quarter size of KeraCare Oil Moisturizer
-Using a wide tooth comb I gently comb through my hair and distribute product, A pull into a loose bun and secure with a bobby pin. I let this airdry while I go about my business.
-Before I go to bed when hair is completely or mostly dry I apply a mixture of Grapeseed and jojoba oil with A few drops of rosemary and peppermint oil to my scalp ( to combat dryness), gently massage for a few minutes. I then reapply s-curl as needed, finish off with a little coconut oil, put in a bun with ouchless band, tie loosely with a satin scarf and put on satin bonnet.

Daily Maintenance
Apply moisture product as needed, no combing until wash day. I wear my hair in loose bun. On about the 3rd day I apply MTG.

The key for me right now, is to baby my hair, so very low manipulation until my hair becomes healthier. If you can help it stop combing your hair daily. Good luck.
lonei - I will really try to stop combing. But I know if I do I have to buy some better combs, like bone combs because I can feel it breaking sometimes when I use a comb.

alexstin - I think when I do a big product buy in December Ill get some henna and try it. It seems like it really works for alot of people on this forum. Thats funny that you replied. I was just looking at your album. I had bought some flexirods a while ago but haven't used them yet and I saw the tutorial, Im going to try it now. Do you sit under a dryer or airdry the flexirods?

luvlonghair-thanks for the information! especially about what a reconstructor does, so you think the Deep Brilliance didn't work at all for me, or was it because I didn't use moisture afterwards?

Backtomyroots - thanks for the regimen. Where do you get Alter Ego Cren from? So that works for breakage also, not just shedding?

Oh yeah, I just happened to have a little bit of Ojon left that I can use :lol: (im a PJ), but its so expensive though I could probably never buy it again.:ohwell:

That's another thing. When I first get a relaxer I do not moisturize my hair because I feel like its going to be weighed down. I'm realizing that thats really bad because thats the time that the hair seems to be most vulnerable, because you just put all those chemicals in it!:perplexed But Ill do it now since I only wear protective styles anyway, my hair will only be down Wed-Sunday of Thanksgiving week and back up on Monday!
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In the past I have had this problem several times, especially when I used to color. First aphogee protein treatment and follow up with the moisterizer. ION Reconstructer, no heat or little heat for several months. The strong protein will help in the breakage and stop it almost instantly believe me but you have to follow up with the moisterizer and the ION Reconstructer will rebuild the structer of your hair.
evagray said:
:eek: :eek: :eek: HELP!

My hair is breaking! My hair was overprocessed in June, pre-LHCF, because the lady didn't rinse my relaxer out good, decided to do a deep conditioner, THEN do the neutralizing shampoo (I was arguing with her the whole time but by the time she did it right it was too late). I went to her the next week because my hair was coming out in handfuls with the white bulb on the end and she told me to do a protein treatment. I left a Deep Brilliance protein treatment in for 20 minutes and did NO conditioner or moisture. Still was shedding. Finally found LHCF in August and started doing ALOT of conditioning.

I thought I was doing everything I was supposed to but its breaking, NOT shedding but breaking off when I comb it ( I guess I need to stop combing it dry). But how am I supposed to put my hair in a bun without a comb, thats the only time I comb it. Ok here is my regimen.

Wash and DC once a week
Co-wash once a week
Buns 6x a week
Moisturize and seal 1-2x a day
Surge every day
MTG as a prepoo

I use bobby pins to bun could that be breaking my hair? I still have new growth and I see short pieces throughout my head and the hairs in the sink are as short as this ________________. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Something similar happened to me right b4 I joined this board.
My hair was comin out and breakin off like crazy I was scared. There were short pieces all over my head, I couldnt wear a part. It was so bad I had to take scissors and try to cut the broken off hairs out of my scalp.
They were this short______.
I did an Aphogee treatment.
It stopped the breakage right away. After that I had to go into nurture mode with my hair and leave it alone for awhile and that included relaxers. I went without a relaxer for 6 months. Stopped combing and manipulating it so much. Leave ins became my best friend.
Daily moisturizing also helps.
Recs: Lady Velvet silky touch with mink oil :up:
Definitely moisturizes my situation :grin: