Breakage or New Hair


New Member
I have always stretched my relaxers to 11-12 weeks but this time I decided to go to 16 weeks. I have never been able to make it this far before because my scalp would itch like crazy at about 8-9 weeks. I have not had itching this time around but I have noticed something. In the center of my crown area and the center of the back of my head I noticed short hairs that were 1/4 in long. Initially I thought it was breakage. (I used to scratch my head horribly at my crown area). But.. then I started thinking. My new growth is over an inch long and this hair is shorter than my new growth. Could it possibly be new hair. I'm considering this because my scalp is not itching so it must be healthier. What do you all think???
Are these short hairs where you used to see longer hairs, or are they completely new? If it's the former, I think it's breakage.

This is just based on my own experience several years ago when I had a Wave Nouveau and moved so couldn't get another one done in the normal tim frame. The processed hair in my crown broke off, leaving the natural hair behind. This was because that's where my coarsest hair was, so as it grew, the difference between it and my processed hair was too much and with any manipulation the weak bits would snap off. However, it was obvious to me that it was breakage because essentially, where there had been longer hairs, suddenly there was a twa at one spot in the middle of my head. So you should be able to tell.
It's hard to tell. My hair has always been thin in that area and it's in the back of my head so I really can only go by feel. I t does not seem like I lost a lot of hair in the area. I will have to relly keep an eye on it.