Breakage on sides and back


Well-Known Member
I have small areas of breakage on the sides of my head and the back. All around the hiarline.
Has anyone experienced this? Did you find out what was causing it?
I really want to pinpoint the cause. I've heard wearing one's jacket in the winter can break off hairs that only become noticeable later on when they start growing out and sticking out more.
This is really worrying me and the jacket theory is all that I've come up with so far. Anyone's opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Divine Inspiration said:
How are you styling your hair?

I wear my hair in a pony most days. I never do anything fancy. Just deep condition once a week and conditioner wash about 3 times a week and then airdry in a pony.
Maybe the breakage is a result of tension from the hair being pulled into a pony consistently. Do you lose strands when you remove your ponytail holder? Also, do you sleep with it in a pony? You may want to consider giving the pony a break at night so the tension doesn't become too much for your hairline.

Just a guess...hth
I agree wth divine
You need to let the pony run free every once in awhile, you keep working the same hairs with the brushing, or combing. puts tension on the same hair , change the way you wear your hair style. Do a roller set or just flat iron it straight for a day or two each week.
Thanks hairmaster and Divine. I will give the pony a rest and try wearing my hair down for a while.