Breakage - Oldie but goldie


OK I am Susanna, I live in the UK and a long term LHCF member ( 7 years). I am a 4b/a mixed

Since the beginning my problem has been breakage, and over the years I have tried everything to bring this under control with no luck. MY hair has been natural for about 10 years and it has never been beyond my ears. Relaxers/texturiser cause awful damage to my hair.

All I want is shoulder length twist...not a lot for a girl to ask.

My current regime is

Weekly condition washes. I use a variety of conditioners from Aveda, Organic Roots, Herbal Essence, sometimes on their own, sometimes with addition oils. Sometimes left overnight. Then dried naturally and twisted. Left in twists for the week. Sleep on satin pillow or bonnet. This hair has had the best and cheapest spent on it.

I have done the henna, protien, moisturing, heat, no heat, finger, brushes

But I always have the same breakage, nothing seems to improve it.

The only thing that seems to work is to put it into braids, but I cannot afford it any longer!

My health is good, my diet could be better, I am prone to eczema but at the moment only small patches.

Please help ask question, query every thing. I feel I have tried everything available to me! I dont believe my hair was much longer even when I was a child.

I see ladies here who have been natural for 2 years with longer hair than mine.

Do I just give up and accept, shoulder length hair is not going to happen for me.

Thanks for everything

So you saw now change in length when you were in braids?

Is there a way for you to hide your hair for a while like in a 3/4 wig and just baggie or keep your hair covered under a wig.

Seems like your hair does not like a lot of manipulation not sure how much you used protein and heat in your regimen can you elaborate?
I was reading a thread recently on another hair board where a member had the same problem and eventually she found out that she had a zinc deficiency that meant her hair grew with holes and gaps in it and therefore was always breaking. Also how about fish oil or flax seed oil supplements or Chlorella for overall extra vitamins.

I hope you find a solution because I know how disheartening severe breakage can be. Luckily Aphogee 2 min fixed mine very quickly along with a virtually no heat routine. Good Luck!
Thank you ladies for your reponses

Miss Coco, yes my hair only seem to keep it length when in braids. I have looked into hiding my hair away but I dont like wigs etc, just my own personal preference, I can just cope with braids. Anyway the good wigs can cost the same as getting braids put in.

I do a regular monthly protien wash. And once every 6 month I do an intense protien treatment. Heat, maybe once at month at the moment, but have had sessions where I have not touch heat for a year thinking it could be that, but little difference.

Rben, I already take a multivitamin, and EFA for my ezcema. Chlorella yes, but not consistantly, about a month then forgot about them.

I do hope so, I am 42, and it would be nice to find a solution soon.

