Breakage near touch up time


Well-Known Member
I have a question for those of you who touchup "by ear". Is there a certain amount of breakage you look for? It's been 12 weeks since my last touchup but I'm not really seeing nay breakage. I get small hairs here and there but I'm not sure that its due to needing a touchup. It's not everyday that I get these hairs or everytime I comb that I get these broken hairs. I'm thinking it maybe breaking for another reason such as dry hair or something else. Maybe that's how it begins?

When your hair starts breaking near touch up time, is there a certain pattern to the breakage? Is it a lot or does it gradually increase? Does it break in certain areas only? Does it break only when you comb it or just at the touch?

Although I plan on getting a touchup soon, I can't really tell if my hair is trying to tell me that it needs a touchup. Maybe if I hear some other people's experiences, I may be able to determine what's going on here. To be quite honest, I'm not really alarmed by the breakage--I htink its minimal but zero breakage is best!!!
hmmmmmmmm............I have never known when its time for a touch-up, I just go in and get one about every 3 months or so because thats what my hairdresser tells me I need to come in.
But if your not experiencing any breagake. Im guessing you can hold off for a touch-up.
i don't get excessive breakage from not getting a touchup. i get excessive shedding when trying to comb... whole strands of hair. i'd rather have the breakage. with shedding, you have to start over in that spot.

daviine, it sounds like you're doing some things right, or this isn't really a problem for you.

I thought I heard some people say that they get breakage when they try to stretch out their touchups.

I wasn't intentionally trying to stretch out my touchup--I've just been broke and busy!
I can't just get and go for a touchup whenever I want because I know Marvin and Emile would have a fit if I brought Emile up in there!!!

I was even considering transitioning for a few weeks but I've changed my mind (for now anyway).

At any rate, I'm glad that I'm doing something right ---and if I had to guess, I would say that it's moisturizing my hair.

Too bad my hair won't be getting long anytime soon since I'll be gradually trimming away all these overprocessed ends!
i'm glad for you daviine! you dont sound like your in a danger zone. When i'm nearing a touch up, which can go from 6(rarely)-10 weeks apart, my hair is soooo hard to handle. I get massive breakage, i cant do a damn thing as far as styling, and i avoid combing at all costs.
At this point preventative protein treatments dont "work".. meaning they ward off soem breakage, butif i know whats good for me i'll relax it. Also my hair wont hold a curl at all, if i get a washn set, my hair will fall straight and look blah.