Breakage Mystery: Help!


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,

I have been having breakage (I don't see any white bulbs) for the past 2 and a half weeks, and I don't know why. I get about 10-15 strands from 1/2 an inch to 1 1/2 inches daily. When I put my hair in a ponytail, I see a lot of strands sticking out. I wash and press my hair every two weeks. This is what I used differently in the past 3 washes:

Wash 1: Aphogee 2 min (followed by my normal moisturizing conditioner) - I didn't see or have any breakage these two weeks.

Wash 2: Aphogee 2 min (followed by my normal moisturizing conditioner) - I didn't see or have any breakage these two weeks.

Wash 3: ORS Hair Mayo - I started to see breakage these two weeks

Wash 4 (this past Sunday) - regular moisturizing condition - and the breakage continues.

I have been taking biotin consistently for the past two months, so I think the smaller hairs is new growth, but I don't understand why the other hair strands are breaking. I have incorporated castor oil into my regimen, but I don't think that could be it either. When my mom pressed my hair a couple of days ago, she mentioned that she saw a lot of short strands....what can I do to fix this?


Hi, I'm having the same issue but last week I washed and deep conditioned with the Aphogee 2 min for 20 minutes under the dryer and followed up with an Aubry organics moisturizing conditioner under the dryer for another 10 minutes and the breakage subsided by at least 80%. I will do the same procedure this week because it seems to have helped. Your hair may be lacking protein and moisture balance. Try what I did and see if it helps. Good luck.
Without knowing your full regi, the first that comes to mind is you've tipped to far on the protein side, thus you should stick with moisturizing products until you regain protein/moisture balance.
pet - have you changed the tools and products that you use when you press your natural hair? For instance, if you normally blowdry and use a pressing comb, have you added a flat iron? Or if you normally use a serum on your hair before straightening, did you use a pomade/grease?
divachyk said:
Without knowing your full regi, the first that comes to mind is you've tipped to far on the protein side, thus you should stick with moisturizing products until you regain protein/moisture balance.


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Thanks everyone!

Kinkyhairlady - my hair was not breaking before I did the aphogee 2 min, but I have heard it's good to use it every once in a while.

divachyk - I think you're right. My hair does not like protein, this is why I don't do it often. However, since my hair loves moisturizing conditioners, sometimes my hair ends up too soft. But I would think if my hair is breaking because of the protein, wouldn't it have started to do so right after I used aphogee?

poobear - I have not changed any tools or products. The only thing that was a little different from my normal routine was what I mentioned.

My normal regimen is as follows:

Wash hair with CON
Clarify with Redken Hair Cleansing Creme
Condition with Hairveda's Shrinillah
Before blowing drying I spray ORS olive oil, put a dime size amount of CHI, and a dime size amount of ultra sheen satin creme press.
My hair is pressed with the ultra sheen.
Right after the press I oil with Hairveda's Shikakai Oil, and every two days or so I oil with castor oil.'s looking like the aphogee was a little too much for my hair (plus, I have fine hair). But I still don't understand why it would start to break an entire month after I used the product...does that sometimes happen? But then again, I do have a lot of short strands....perhaps I just didn't notice during those 4 weeks?

Can an oil help moisturize pressed hair, or would I have to wait to wash it again to do a proper deep moisturizing conditioning treatment?

Thanks again!
too much protein lady! don't use any more for awhile until you get your moisture level back under control. no Aphogee products or that ORS. i don't think you need to change anything else.
Why are you clarifying so often?

You need a moisturizing dc before you press your hair.

Oil doesn't moisturize it seals.

How much heat are you using? How many passes?

If you aren't relaxed I don't think you need that much protein. Try aogbp or curl junkie repair me 2xs a month if you want protein.

I think you need moisture to balance out all that protein. What do you use for a dc?
shortdub78 said:
too much protein lady! don't use any more for awhile until you get your moisture level back under control. no Aphogee products or that ORS. i don't think you need to change anything else.

I agree! Protein is not for me. :( I just got back from Walgreens and I bought a bottle of ORS moisturizing lotion. I will use a little bit of this and seal with some castor oil. My hair only needs to be wrapped to get it back straight if I use something with water in it.
HanaKuroi said:
Why are you clarifying so often?

You need a moisturizing dc before you press your hair.

Oil doesn't moisturize it seals.

How much heat are you using? How many passes?

If you aren't relaxed I don't think you need that much protein. Try aogbp or curl junkie repair me 2xs a month if you want protein.

I think you need moisture to balance out all that protein. What do you use for a dc?

I use hairveda's shrinillah conditioner. My hair likes coconut oils/conditioners. I clarify each time since I only wash my hair every two weeks....I want a squeaky clean scalp. As for protein, I will be cutting back on that ASAP! Since oil is only for sealing, I purchased some ORS moisturizing lotion today and will use just a little on the length of my hair and seal with castor oil. Thanks again.
pet said:
I use hairveda's shrinillah conditioner. My hair likes coconut oils/conditioners. I clarify each time since I only wash my hair every two weeks....I want a squeaky clean scalp. As for protein, I will be cutting back on that ASAP! Since oil is only for sealing, I purchased some ORS moisturizing lotion today and will use just a little on the length of my hair and seal with castor oil. Thanks again.

Hmmm, you don't need a clarifying shampoo for a clean scalp. Try putting the shampoo in an applicator bottle on your scalp only. I would consider not using a clarifying shampoo. Clarifying shampoos are for removing build up on hair not your scalp. If you used hair spray and gels daily you might need to clarify. If you were using this on your length of hair it is very harsh and drying especially for our type of hair. You have to dc especially after clarifying.
pet, not necessarily. Protein overloading can be a building process. Perhaps the protein usage, along with other factors, might have caused it. Factors such as not properly moisturizing or using daily products that contained protein, thereby sending your hair in protein overload slowly.
I had similar problems too and am slowly bringing my hair back.

I can't find the source now, but coconut oil apparently helps the hair and skin retain protein. So, as I was using it daily and doing protein DCs I slowly got into overload. Then one day it just was breaking and felt like straw. grrr

For now, I have eliminated all protein and coconut oil to help it de-protein. It's been a month and softness is slowly returning.

So a suggestion would be to cut back on the coconut oil as well and use something else. Peanut oil as a carrier for Argan oil seems to work well for me.

Other oils that retain proten in the hair (if i remember correctly): Grapeseed oil and jojoba (which is similar to human sebum, but I wont use it while my hair is still fragile just in case). I know there was another but I can't remember. If I find the source, I'll post it.

hey lady! try putting table salt in your conditioner, like two tablespoons and 3oz of conditioner. mix it in a bowl. depending on the conditioner it will foam/fizz or become like a liquid. apply this to your hair and let it sit for 30mins to an hour with a plastic cap. rinse and dc if you feel the need to. your hair will be so soft. i have protein overload and this was the only thing that saved me from ripping my hair out.
hey lady! try putting table salt in your conditioner, like two tablespoons and 3oz of conditioner. mix it in a bowl. depending on the conditioner it will foam/fizz or become like a liquid. apply this to your hair and let it sit for 30mins to an hour with a plastic cap. rinse and dc if you feel the need to. your hair will be so soft. i have protein overload and this was the only thing that saved me from ripping my hair out.

Interesting...If you don't mind my asking, how does salt help with protein overload? I may try this