Breakage in the nape area


Don't Come for me unless I send for you!
For the past three years now I have experienced breakage in the nape area of my head. At best the hair stays for a month or two then starts to shed and break. At times I have neglected this area and not moisturized as I should have but others I've given it the utmost care and respect.
During the past two years or so, I've worn wigs so I could wash my hair regularly (I never feel clean with weaves). Nothing seems to help:sad:

I've posted about this before and tried to search the previous suggestions to try and stick to one routine this time but some of my threads have disappeared.

As far as regimen goes, I try to KISS with full installs usually for 12-16 weeks. A week before my installs I do protein treatments and get my ends trimmed. A day or two before I DC. The weave I have now, I've had since Dec. 31, 2012. Note: The nape and front were braided and the rest is weaved up. My braids fell out sometime in feb. I oiled that area every other day.

~I have eczema and just broke out, please excuse the dryness.


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instead of just oiling you need to moisturize and seal your whole head with extra emphasis on that back section. i actually suggest the loc/lco method. the liquid portion is just a light misting, so your hair doesn't have to be soaking wet then do a cream and layer with the oil of your choice. its sounds like alot but it really isn't cause you go light with all the products. i don't get soul glo marks on my bed linens anymore and my hair never feels greasy either.

here's some product recs:

liquid: shea mositure coconut-hibscus mist, komaza califa mist, komaza aloe my hair, komaza coconut mist

creams: claudies revitalizer isha, quinoa-coffee balancing, or balancing end could also try any of shea moistures creams or lotions as well

oils: whatever your hair loves, i do a mix of a few different oils sapote, evoo, evco,hemp, castor, and sometimes kukui and meadowfoam.
I get eczema too. I don't know if its due to the steroid creams that i use but the hair in my name is super fine almost downy. I had a similar problem.

For me, i used lighter products to moisturise and seal at least twice a day such as hawaiian silky and grapeseed oil. I was extra gentle, only finger detangling.
I stopped wearing braids extensions, weaves and cornrows and twists and once it was long enough to plait, only wore minibraids. I would re-style the remainder of my hair but keep the minibraids in the nape for up to 2 months, redoing every 2 weeks to remove lint (which always gets trapped in that part for me)

another thing i realised is removing allergens from my hair is important, hair acts as a trap for dusts and allergens. you also have eczema, so i maybe forward to assume that you have hypersensitivity to some things. but rinsing hair often with just water is often enough.

basically, Light products, Light touch, light manipulation and no tension or rubbing.

Oh actually I remember now! it wasn't due to the steroid creams. It was due to me practically itching out my hair. This may be the case for you. Sometimes you just can't help it.
If that area is super itchy can i suggest Crotamiton cream or ointment. Its steroid free ( so no thinning) and works to get rid of itchiness instantly. It's a life saver. I use it on my scalp and sometimes my body when i get patches of eczema. It has sodium lauryl sulphate in it but that's just due to the aqueous cream base. It pretty affordable too. £6 for a 100g tube. and you only need a smudge . It's commercial name is Eurax Cream
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southerncitygirl thanks so much for the suggestion! I will def. start the loc method. I've never used a liquid before, which do you use?

llan yes!!! I scratch all the time! My scratching has actually caused the shedding, I'm sure of it. My hair everywhere else is fine but I don't retain as much length as I could because my hair thrives better in its natural state. However, since I have no hair in the back I can't wear it out. I will look into your advice this weekend. Is Eurax Cream sold in stores such as CVS? TIA
southerncitygirl thanks so much for the suggestion! I will def. start the loc method. I've never used a liquid before, which do you use?

llan yes!!! I scratch all the time! My scratching has actually caused the shedding, I'm sure of it. My hair everywhere else is fine but I don't retain as much length as I could because my hair thrives better in its natural state. However, since I have no hair in the back I can't wear it out. I will look into your advice this weekend. Is Eurax Cream sold in stores such as CVS? TIA
I use eurax too, its amazing. My two sisters also have eczema and it works for them. The oldest of my two sisters also had this problem with the nape area, she was allergic to the shampoo she was using so it was causing the eczema on her nape to flare up. Since she has stopped using it her hair is growing back plus she makes sure to keep the scalp moisturised
I get eczema too. I don't know if its due to the steroid creams that i use but the hair in my name is super fine almost downy. I had a similar problem.

For me, i used lighter products to moisturise and seal at least twice a day such as hawaiian silky and grapeseed oil. I was extra gentle, only finger detangling.
I stopped wearing braids extensions, weaves and cornrows and twists and once it was long enough to plait, only wore minibraids. I would re-style the remainder of my hair but keep the minibraids in the nape for up to 2 months, redoing every 2 weeks to remove lint (which always gets trapped in that part for me)

another thing i realised is removing allergens from my hair is important, hair acts as a trap for dusts and allergens. you also have eczema, so i maybe forward to assume that you have hypersensitivity to some things. but rinsing hair often with just water is often enough.

basically, Light products, Light touch, light manipulation and no tension or rubbing.

Oh actually I remember now! it wasn't due to the steroid creams. It was due to me practically itching out my hair. This may be the case for you. Sometimes you just can't help it.
If that area is super itchy can i suggest Crotamiton cream or ointment. Its steroid free ( so no thinning) and works to get rid of itchiness instantly. It's a life saver. I use it on my scalp and sometimes my body when i get patches of eczema. It has sodium lauryl sulphate in it but that's just due to the aqueous cream base. It pretty affordable too. £6 for a 100g tube. and you only need a smudge . It's commercial name is Eurax Cream

I have eczema to and what helps is using straight undiluted peppermint oil on my scalp after I wash my hair and right before I go workout. I live for that cool feeling on my scalp!

I reverse the letters and do lco you can try shea hibiscus coconut-hibiscus mist and i just got the komaza califa, coconut, and aloe my hair mists in the mail today. The califa mist can be diluted with filtered water. I'll tag you in my moisture mist thread.

I don't know. I'm in the UK and i assume you're in the US but it is a widely available over the counter cream, so I think it should be there. It works for up to 10 hours and starts working instantly. I recommend it to anyone who has eczema or hypersensitive skin.

Other things to consider,
Trimming and filing your nails to the quick. you'll do less damage this way.
Using fragrance free and hypoallergenic products.
(some other ladies are recommending shea moisture products, i personally avoid shea butter as i'm mildly allergic, if i did use products containing shea i would NOT put them on my scalp)

The thing that'll make the biggest impact though, i'm afraid to say, is wearing it out wig and extension free. It need to be tension free at least until its long enough to plait. I know it would be a challenge but you should consider it hard.

oh and watch what your eating you should probably consider taking an antihistamine daily, until your flareup is under control.
That doesn't look like breakage, it looks like it straight fell out. I would take everyone's advice about the eczema and stay away from weaves and braids all together. Maybe wig it just until the back grows in a bit but then just moisturizer and seal and let it be.

I'm avoiding touching up my edges so I just bought some really cute neck scarves that I'll use as pretty bandanas to dress up buns. You could use those to cover that area while wearing ur hair out or up.

OP, how is it going? Did you try the Eurax cream?

I have eczema in my nape area as well and I have/had the same breakage problem that you do. My nape is very dry and sensitive. It does not grow unless I keep it moisturized and twisted. So, i made daily twists whenever I could grab my hair. I had to make them daily because my hair was so short that the twists would come loose. Finally, i was able to grab two pieces, twist them then I put small clips on the twists to keep them in place. Finally my nape hair is growing. I'm trying to do the same thing with my edges.

I moisturize my nape once or twice a day and I will always keep it twisted and protected from now on.
yodie I tried the LOC method that southerncitygirl suggested by I wasn't consistent with it. I was able to retain about 3 inches in the nape but it fell out again. My nape is currently similar to the previously posted photo. I wasn't able to find the eurax creme but castor oil did help for a while.
FYI Eurax is on Amazon:

Another thing: There's a thread here on an oil mix used to treat patients with alopecia that was said to help with hair growth. I'll track it down.

I thought that another thing is I'm wondering if you're using synthetic hair for your weaves? You may be allergic and that can aggravate your eczema. If not just make sure to wash the weaves you're using before putting them on since some have chemicals on them.

Definitely keep up with the LOC method. It helps to soothe the dryness which can help with the itching.

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emada said:
FYI Eurax is on Amazon:

Another thing: There's a thread here on an oil mix used to treat patients with alopecia that was said to help with hair growth. I'll track it down.

I thought that another thing is I'm wondering if you're using synthetic hair for your weaves? You may be allergic and that can aggravate your eczema. If not just make sure to wash the weaves you're using before putting them on since some have chemicals on them.

Definitely keep up with the LOC method. It helps to soothe the dryness which can help with the itching.


You know what? I think you are onto something. I have eczema and a ppd allergy and my nape was short and struggling the whole time I wore them. Synthetic or remy it didn't matter.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
I have virgin Malaysian hair right now. So I don't think it's the hair. My nape is just extremely sensitive and any traction damages it.
You know what? I think you are onto something. I have eczema and a ppd allergy and my nape was short and struggling the whole time I wore them. Synthetic or remy it didn't matter.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y

Yes, when I wore synthetics it irritated my neck, and when switching to human hair (although it was cheap-Outre) it helped a bit but it would cause a problem, especially in the summer. Who knows what they use in that mess? :nono:

I know some people soak the hair in a vinegar water solution to get some of the stuff off.
yodie I tried the LOC method that southerncitygirl suggested by I wasn't consistent with it. I was able to retain about 3 inches in the nape but it fell out again. My nape is currently similar to the previously posted photo. I wasn't able to find the eurax creme but castor oil did help for a while.

I've been using Paltas hair treatment on my scalp and it's been very good for my nape and edges, my overall head. Do a search on Paltas. This and twisting your nape should help.
emada said:
Yes, when I wore synthetics it irritated my neck, and when switching to human hair (although it was cheap-Outre) it helped a bit but it would cause a problem, especially in the summer. Who knows what they use in that mess? :nono:

I know some people soak the hair in a vinegar water solution to get some of the stuff off.

A Korean bss owner told me the same thing. She said wear your own hair. She said who knows what chemicals are in the hair, thread and finishing sprays for both the synthetic and natural. She said it has to be unhealthy. I still keep in touch with her and I appreciated her advice. She also lost a couple hundred dollars that day from a sale from me. She is just a nice lady.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
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I have virgin Malaysian hair right now. So I don't think it's the hair. My nape is just extremely sensitive and any traction damages it.

Hi my cousin had the same issues in the nape area for years but could not understand what was wrong. She just recently was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism. You may want to check with your doctor to check your thyroid and hormone levels because that may be affecting your hair.
My hair in the nape is weaker and prone to breakage. It used to grow to 3" tops and break off several times a year.

I also had eczema there as a child. I have managed to grow it out for the first time to about 8-9" by keeping it twisted and mositurised 24/7.

Not sure whats going to happen when I try to style it eventually, but we shall see.
Kinkyhairlady thank you. My mom has thyroid problems and her hair fell out last year in the nape area as well so this could be a factor for me. I'm also anemic and my vitamin D level is extremely low. I was looking at my hair journal and when I was able to retrain hair in my nape was when I was taking vitamin D pills.