Breakage in the middle ( continued )

As you can see in my siggy, my hair was a hot mess. After 2 perms, I cut off the last inch, now my hair is mostly one length. How to I retain length so I can make it to BSL (right now I'm APL) ? Any suggestions ? How do i keep this from happening again (breaking middle). By the way, my hair doesn't like baggying.
I had similar breakage. Like you, I cut my hair to get it all the same length. When I go to salon, I make sure she applies extra conditioner on my nape. I apply a light mosturizer every other day. I try not manipulate that part of my hair. I've been trimming my hair consistently with each wash since February. Now that I think my nape is at a good place, I will dust as needed.
i would like to know this too cause that has always been my problem for a long time no matter what i did to care for my ends and because i hate the way it looks when i wear my hair down i would simply cut it to an even length and start over, i've done this many many times...
Protective styles and trims I would say to maintain healthy look of your hair to let it grow. Low Mainteance and moisture. I would also try to put less stress on the sections of my hair that get damaged easily.
You have to figure out what's causing the breakage, in order to fix it.

At the nape, the usual suspect is not rinsing/neutralizing well enough, or the relaxer just being too much for the potentially more delicate hair there. Either only relax the nape every other session, or spend three times as much time rinsing/neutralizing that area as you do now.

Next, it could be hair toys - are you regularly using barrettes/bobbypins/anything with an edge in that area? Are you pulling your hair up into a ponytail with something less than perfectly smooth?

Also, it could be how you tie your scarf - is the knot always sitting right at the back of your head?

Is the hair there a different texture? Does it need more moisture/less protein or more careful combing?

Do you rest/rub the back of your head on an office chair/car headrest/necklace/high collar coats/etc/etc?

If you analyze everything that touches that section of hair, you should be able to pin down something....

Good luck - I hope you figure it out, as you have some lovely hair!!
Question about hairpins. I use hairpins that have the little black rubber at the tips of them. Do these promote breakage or is it the pins that don't have the little rubber tip?
Question about hairpins. I use hairpins that have the little black rubber at the tips of them. Do these promote breakage or is it the pins that don't have the little rubber tip?

I don't like them, because I found that the rubber tip almost ALWAYS lifted up, and I would find little pieces of hair caught in them. :nono:

I have some now that are fully dipped (not just the ends) that I got from the BSS, and my new love, Good Hair Day pins, that I got from Ulta.
I don't like them, because I found that the rubber tip almost ALWAYS lifted up, and I would find little pieces of hair caught in them. :nono:

I have some now that are fully dipped (not just the ends) that I got from the BSS, and my new love, Good Hair Day pins, that I got from Ulta.

Oh good information. I noticed the last two days that my hair was getting caught in them. I will get the pins that are fully dipped. What is BSS what does that stand for??
Kiya I find that part of my hair is very dry. I've been perming that section every other month. As for hair toys, I don't use them. My scarf is not tied tight at all. As a matter of fact sometimes it's not even on my head in the morning ( that's how loose it is ). I try to moisturize it, but I slack off sometimes. And I only touch my hair twice a day, in the morning and the evening.
Kiya I find that part of my hair is very dry. I've been perming that section every other month. As for hair toys, I don't use them. My scarf is not tied tight at all. As a matter of fact sometimes it's not even on my head in the morning ( that's how loose it is ). I try to moisturize it, but I slack off sometimes. And I only touch my hair twice a day, in the morning and the evening.

Hrrm - have you tried baggying that area? If it's perpetually dry, it might be breaking off just from that....