Breakage in back of head


New Member
My hair grows very fast, however I have one problem, my hair breaks off a lot on the back of my head because of how I sleep at night. The only thing that seems to help it is when I get braids, however braids breaks my hair out in other places. Can someone give any suggestions on how I can grow the hair in the back of my hair without using braids?
Well maybe the way you tie your scarf when you go to sleep rubs the back of your neck. None the less we all have our trouble spots and whith any trouble spot your just need to pay more attention to that spot. Use extra moisture, comb that spot less, and try not to put too much friction on that area. Maybe you should try using surge and castor oil on the back area to thicken it up. HTH
thats the thing I don't wear anything on my head because it gives me a bad migrain
i have the same exact problem..breakage in back of my head..i dont kno what to do..i dont wrap anymore and ive started surging back there..lets see what happens...
its the pits isn't it? You have all this length on the sides, base of the neck and top but the back looks as if your hair just one say said "I can't catch up and im too lazy to try" LOL.

Hey thanks Taliah, I may have to try that as well.
My hair was the same way until I stopped wrapping my hair and used sponge rollers to keep my hair in place; place two large braids in my hair or wore a bun to sleep. Regardless of how I wear my hair to bed, it's crucial to use a satin/silk scarf. Since this gives you a migraine, you might want to tie it loosely or use a satin hair cap.

Another thing that really helped me was combing the back of my hair separately from the rest of my hair, and using scurl on my hair before combing it. The back area of my hair has essentially caught up to the rest of my hair now.
Those are great tips Jennifer MD and makes me feel better since I'm experiencing the same thing. I sleep on a satin pillowcase because I'm allergic to the elastic in sleep caps. I'm trying to wrap my hair more to protect the areas in the back.
I also use to experience that same problem and what I started doing was moisturizing that area more, I would wear my hair down and have the back just french braided across(not too tight) just to let that area rest, and no one could tell, I also put my relaxer on the back less often then my other hair and to my surprise it began to grow!
When rinsing out a relaxer you should pay close attention to your nape area
My trick is to tell the stylist that it is burning in my nape, so they wash that area first and completely.... In Shamboosies book, he talks about how women have breakage in the nape area due to not rinising that area good enought, and not switching towels after the relaxer has been rinsed out.
Just thought I would throw that out there.
Also, have you considered sleeping with a satin bonnet?