Brastrap in 2007 Challenge!!!

I made it!:grin: I've updated my avatar with the pic I just took. I had to dust this time but I'm still pleased with progress. It has really thickened up (Thanks to Sareca's low manipulation challenge, the vits and the oils) Congratulations to all you ladies who made it in 2007! To those who aren't there yet, it's just around the corner:yep:...Keep doing what you are doing!
I made it!:grin: I've updated my avatar with the pic I just took. I had to dust this time but I'm still pleased with progress. It has really thickened up (Thanks to Sareca's low manipulation challenge, the vits and the oils) Congratulations to all you ladies who made it in 2007! To those who aren't there yet, it's just around the corner:yep:...Keep doing what you are doing!

Congratulations HoneyA! It looks really thick too :grin: