Brand spankin' new!


New Member
Hey! I'm brand spankin' new but have been lurking for about 2 years *guilty* I've finally got some guts and did the Big Chop *dun dun duuuuun* today and I feel all free and a bit apprehensive all at once! After about 6-7 months transitioning, I cut my hair. I have an admittedly fat face and a big head so I'm a bit afraid that the whole 5 inches of curly hair look won't nice on me but I'm going to give it my best! So uh.. hi!
:welcome: and :hiya2:

I have a fat head too so feel you on the short hair. It WILL grow with time, however!
5" is AMAZING after only 6-7 months girl!
I'm sure I don't have to echo the other ladies about the pics. :)
This is two months before my BC! My hair was -constantly- under processed no matter what I did. I had terrible split ends and it was pretty uneven in the back. (Don't mind the torn wallpaper wall. Moody nephew strikes!)


This was taken a few minutes ago! My hair is kinda dry since the plain eco styler gel doesn't do anything for me. I have LOTS of shrinkage and still some permed ends in the back I have to get my sister to cut tomorrow.

5" is AMAZING after only 6-7 months girl!
I'm sure I don't have to echo the other ladies about the pics. :)

My hair has always grown relatively fast. It's just I've never been good with retaining length. I hadn't been taking the best care of my relaxed hair and even still with my relaxed hair because I just couldn't 'take a perm'. Even professionally my twin sis is about 4a/3c hair, our stylist could relax her hair, roller set and she's good to go but my hair has always had to be flat ironed afterwards to get straightening (my hair is I'm pretty sure 4a/4b). So when I've home relaxed, I've always followed with a flat iron and it just made my hair dry and weak but it was the only way I could get my hair straight so it was a pretty vicious cycle.

This is my second time growing out my hair. Last time I did so when I was 19 and I just transitioned until the perm grew out and that took about a year-year and a half to get to shoulder length and then I foolishly relaxed it again. Of course, I didn't know nearly as much as I know now so I'm hoping to retain retain retain!
Your hair is beautiful!! Congrats on the bc :)
I was only picking with you lol. I didn't mean for you to go all out and take a picture tonight :lol: But thank you for sharing. Good luck to you on your natural hair journey and happy hair growing, much love. :yep:
Hey Jenko! Welcome to the boards and thanks for the pics! I have a big head too, so don't be ashamed :) How are you planning to wear your hair while its on the grow?
I love your Jem Avatar! And as of now I have no idea. I'm on day one of a two week vacation from work so I got time to play with it. I have a friend at church who recently BCed and she can style like no one's business so I might bug her to do it. I'm leaning though towards two strand twist-outs since that seems to be the easiest thing ton do, lol.