On break
I saw this on Amazon. 12.00 for t2oz. I do struggle with dry hair I may give it a try. With Prime I get free shipping. Because of the acv I think it may work well on hi po hair.
If this works for your hair, and if it really is the only thing you need, I dont think it's all that expensive. I see people on this forum buying boatloads of products from hair boutiques that may or may not work, so it evens out in the end.
@naturalyogini, I wholeheartedly agree with @beingofserenity that

As I've been trialing and trialing products, I've allowed myself to spend up to around $2.50/ounce max try to find what works. In that process I've spent LOTS and LOTS more than I ever could have imagined on hair care products. Regarding Especially Hair, I just know that I deep condition, style, and refresh my hair too frequently and have too much hair on my head to rely heavily on a DC/styler that costs me $4.38/ounce before shipping costs. I would minimally need to purchase about 2.5 jars a month, which is 3 jars. That's $105/month for just one product.
If it was super duper amazing on my hair, the smell was fine for my nose, and I truly didn't need to purchase other products, I'd do it!

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