

New Member
Ok ladies I have been wanting to get my hair braided for like a year now but I can't find anyone to do them for me because they say I have to much hair and my is thick so the kitchen braiders want to charge me the same price as the african braiding salon but I really don't like going to the kitchen braiders cause I got to hunt them down when it's time to get my hair braided so I think I'm going to go ahead and bite the bullet and go to african braiding salon like two or three months after I get my relaxer and the braiding salon I go to is up the street from my house they are really good I have going there off and on since I was 15 it's just that 150.00 price tag here is my qustion do I let them catch my edges or do tell them to leave them alone
They will probably try to convince you that your head won't look good if you don't get the edges braided. Also, make sure they braid all the way to the end of your hair. ;) As you can tell, I have had bad experiences with African hair braiders. :( Also, I know what you mean about chasing people down. :mad: Good luck and post some pics after you get your hair braided.:)
nelli711 said:
Tell them to leave them alone! If you don't, them braids will snatch you bald.

i agree.
i know what u mean about the kitchen braiders. my sis is one and i have to wait for her to finish cooking and yelling at the kids before she starts on my hair, not to mention all the phone calls where she's arguing with her man :look:
the african braiders are thorough but they braid tight as hel. i definitely wouldn't let them touch my edges.