Braids w/o extensions


New Member
How do you care for them.

Basically, I have my hair in micro's and planned on leaving them in for two months (end of March), but my hair has grown out to the point my ng is dreading and my edges are have suffered a little ( 4 braids around the edges fell out :blush:). I knew it was a possibility I'd have issues with my edges b/c my hair is very fine in that area and being that I'm tender-headed, any kind of stress was bound to cause a reaction.

So basically, the micro's are coming down at the end of the month (next week) and I want to braid my own hair for the month of March while wearing wigs and fake ponys so my hair can rest/breathe from extensions.

I really have two questions:

1) What should I do when I take my braids out? I believe I read that a deep protein conditioning treatment should follow when weave is taken out after a period of time. Is that correct?

2) How do you care for braids when its your own hair as far as keeping it moisturized and clean.
In Naturallady's fotki (under old regime section) she talks about washing the braids while wearing a stocking. Its an interesting technique. HTH
When I have a set of box braids in (with my own hair), I shampoo weekly with diluted shampoo, and concentrate on the scalp and let the suds rinse through the length. I follow up with conditioner on the length of the hair and rinse. (I make sure to do everything in a downward motion, if that makes sense, to cut down on frizz) Then I blot sections with an old t-shirt, again to cut down on frizz, and while the hair is still damp, seal with castor oil (warmer months) or a shea butter-aloe blend (colder months). Deep condition every two weeks, with the braids still in. HTH