Braids/Twists or Wing it?

Braid/Twist or Out

  • Braid/Twist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Flatiron

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other Suggestions

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I am going out of town for the next couple of weeks and am torn as to whether or not to put my hair "away" in braids or twists OR get fancy and maybe straighten it in anticipation of my low humidity destination. I kind of want to straighten it just for the novelty, however I know I should probably put it away. It would definitely be easier to set it in braids/twists for the duration of the trip but there is always that small something that is saying, "Whip ya "loose hair" back and forth!"

I have (stuck-at-BSL) fine, dense type 4 natural hair. Braiding/twisting once I've reached my destination is not really an option as the time to do such things won't really be available.

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I picked "other" -- a nice weave install would be perfect, imo. Anything, really, where you don't have to do too much to it while you're gone is ideal. This means kinky twists and braids with extensions or wigs would be perfect, too --- I just happen to like weaves best out of all of that.

If you get a straight weave/wig you could have the flat-ironed hair look without spending all the time necessary to do it each morning while you're out of town. Have fun!