Braids than applying soon is 2 soon


New Member
I'm going to take out my cornrows and I need a relaxer. I know that (forgot her name) suggests waiting the same amt of time that the braids were in, while deep conditioning weekly before applying a touch up. This is not feasible for me. How long do you wait? Is it okay if I do it right away?
I did mine right away and I kind of wish I hadn't. I'd coat my newgrowth extremely well with conditioner, grease, or oil. Even if this makes your new-growth underprocessed, it won't weaken it too much and you'll still be able to work with it.

One thing that I definitely wouldn't do: I'd wait until applying the relaxer to my hairline. The hairline is going to be the weakest, especially................ESPECIALLY........especially
after braids. So even if you have to do the rest of your head right away, don't do you hairline. I'd wait at least a month before doing my hairline. This is coming from someone who wish she would have waited
Ok so how did you manage your hair? You just took braids out?

(I'm going to check out that thread now)
Well, I had a lot of new growth when I put my braids in so you can imagine what it looked like when I took them out
but I new it would be beneficial to wait a while before relaxing. I COULD NOT comb through my hair unless it was wet and with conditioner so basically I have been conditioner washing everyday and just putting it in a wet ponytail with curl activator for the last 5 weeks.

I learned one thing though: After approx. 15 weeks of new growth, I can't wait any longer. All the new growth is so thick and hard to manage, it makes me not wanna take proper care of my hair like I usually would
Maybe I am not experienced enough in managing new growth, but for me, I can't deal after so long.

I will let you know what differences I notice after I get my hair relaxed on Saturday

Speaking from my own experience...

I have relaxed on the same day as taking out braids. I felt like I had a better chance of decreasing breaking it my hair was all the same texture. I did plenty of deep conditionings and a couple of reconstructors to get my hair back into shape. My hair is doing great.

You just kind of have to figure out what is best for "you"

Good Luck!
i would suggest you wait at least 2 weeks... just so your hair has time to breath and relax from the stress of the braids.
I used to relax right when I took my braids out! EVERY single time!! I wore braids for 2 months, took em out, relaxed, waited 1 month and put the braids back in! I was at bra-strap!!
I just went through this. I took my last set of braids out on August 28. I just got a touch up last night. I was more than 20 weeks post relaxer at the time. I did a couple deep conditions and two protein treatments in the time between taking out the braids and last night's touch up. I would have waited another week but my husband made plans for the weekend so I wanted to look nice.

I did the same thing you are doing now. I co washed every other day and put my hair in a bun to air dry and left it like that until the next co wash. I didn't comb hardly at all. I think this is why I didn't lose any hair.

If you are frustrated then I would say go ahead and get the touch up.
I'm going to take the braids out and do a CO wash followed by a protein treatment. I guess I'll do a braid out and play it by ear.
I younger sister just took her braids out and she was like 4 months post relaxer....she washed her hair and it got so matted that we could not comb it
nothing would work so we went and got some of the Better Braids spray and tried that but it was still tangled and almost looked locked
(mind you she is a 3a). It took my mom 4 hours to patiently comb and detangle her hair
we was all so scared for her because we thought she would have bald spots afterwards
. Her hair is semi okay now but my older sister and mom said she should have relaxed right after the braids came out
they said this would have caused much less damage. My sister is very upset know because she feels she lost alot of hair
. I think someone else said it but you really have to know what is best for your hair!
I wouldn't want anyone else to go through this...I felt so sad for my sister