Braids lock in moisture better than twists

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
I generally prefer twists over braids and so whenever I need to section my hair into a style, it's never braids. I often wear chunky twists after my weekly wash routine. I noticed that my hair never stayed moist enough. Granted, I haven't found my staple moisturizer but still...
A friend commented that my hair was dry (and it felt it too- like hay) and so we tried a different moisturizer. I used Curls Whipped cream mixed with a watery spritz (sprayed into the hand with the Whipped Cream) and this time, instead of twisting, I braided my hair in 15 sections (a la Kemi21). Not sure if it's the daily spritz OR if it's the braids but my hair is a lot more moisturized. My theory is, since the twists are loser, perhaps the hair is more exposed to the elements and thus gets drier quicker? What are your thoughts?
That makes sense - my hair dries much faster in twists than it does in braids - I always assumed it was because the braids were tighter, and thus less moisture got into the middle.