Braids Leading to Breakage on the Ends


New Member
I got braids put in my hair yesterday with human Wet n Wavy hair. The hair was braided halfway so I could get that curly look when it gets wet. However not all of my natural hair is braided and I was wondering if this would cause breakage on the un-braided portions of my hair.
When I braid my hair, I personally like to braid down past the ends so that it is all covered and resting. Make sure to oil the braids to keep your hair moisturized.

A little trick is to braid about an inch past your hair and then use a little nail glue at the end of the braided part, not where you hair is but past it. By doing this the braid won't unravel and will look neat for a longer period of time.
Use some Salerm 21 to keep your braided hair moisturized and put your hair in 3 or 4 big braids at night and tie it with a silk or satin scarf to minimize breakage and tangling.
I had a different type of hair extensions last year and some of my real hair was left out for the purpose of hiding the bonds that held the hair in place.

all was fine and my real hair responded very well to it, but in the back, I did not comb the hair that was loose. The back of my hair ended up matting up and when I got the extensions removed, the lady had to comb all the naps out and wow, that was not fun.....but she said next toime to make sure that I comb that area or else it will matt take it for what its worth
When I got braids, I used to hate when stylists don't braid all the way to the ends of my hair. I felt sometimes that I was being cheated because they didn't want to finish the job. Regardless, to answer the question, I never experienced severe breakage or trauma when they leave the hair out. I would encourage you to keep your natural hair moisturized though.
I would personal never leave any of my hair exposed when braided again. I usual braid my hair to give it a break but when you have it exposed you have to care for it just as if it wasn't braid (the ends that is). Anyway, I have always had success with braids except when I left the ends out and my hair broke off very badly.