Braids and MegaTek (or other growth aids)


Well-Known Member
I've seen a few posts now where people have mentioned they have stopped using Mega-Tek while they have braids and will continue after.

I was planning on getting braids and using it then. I thought it might be easier for me to apply it more regularly then without having to think too much about styling.

Has/Does anyone use growth aids with braids. Does it work for you? Why or why not?
I use MT and CC (curls champagne - has keratin and amino acids) on my scalp usually alternating between the two every other day...I just apply it on my scalp

I still dc every week and moisturize my own hair (shea butter/oyin whipped and knot today) on wash day and spritz with my leave in (aloe vera, glycerin, oil and h2o), everything's been great...not hard not mushy...just great
I used MT while in braids. I diluted with oils and applied every other day. I waited until my braids were two weeks old though. I also washed and conditioned them every week while using the MT.
I use MT and CC (curls champagne - has keratin and amino acids) on my scalp usually alternating between the two every other day...I just apply it on my scalp

I still dc every week and moisturize my own hair (shea butter/oyin whipped and knot today) on wash day and spritz with my leave in (aloe vera, glycerin, oil and h2o), everything's been great...not hard not mushy...just great

I used MT while in braids. I diluted with oils and applied every other day. I waited until my braids were two weeks old though. I also washed and conditioned them every week while using the MT.
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Do both of you have full after braids pics of your hair so I can see how well it's responding to so much protein on a daily/every other day basis? By the way, how long have you been wearing braids, a few weeks, months, a year or more and using the protein-ladened growth aids?

You see, I know that it is not safe for our hair to put protein on it daily and not properly wash it out within a short time period (within 24 hours) without having some problems eventually. I would be very careful with this. Just a note of caution.

Thanks for the advice. No, I don't have pics of my hair after the braids. I just started wearing braids about 2 months ago and that was the first time that I used MT on a consistent basis. I never used it while I was not in braids. It was just easier for me to apply to my scalp while in braids. I also like to keep in mind that what works for one does not always work for others.
Thanks for the advice. No, I don't have pics of my hair after the braids. I just started wearing braids about 2 months ago and that was the first time that I used MT on a consistent basis. I never used it while I was not in braids. It was just easier for me to apply to my scalp while in braids. I also like to keep in mind that what works for one does not always work for others.

You're absolutely right, I apologize for this and forgive me for interfering - I won't do it again. Happy hair growing.

I know you deleted, but thanks for writing. It's great caution, even if it doesn't happen to everyone. I have to wash out my MT within 2-3 days (though reading this, maybe it should be within 24 hrs) because my roots see like they want to be dry otherwise. I can say, however, that shea butter seems to keep everything in check. The twists give my hair a nice rest from styling and help growth, but MT did so well for me when my hair was out.

Let me stop writing now before I start regretting the Challenges I am in for the year....

HHG to everyone!!!


Thanks for your concern
i love using growth aides in braids because you can see the growth... i apply MT everyday and cowash once a week
To be honest i actually prefer applying mt while in braids i definately found it easier and i wasn't applying too much.

I would apply the night before then go to work (you couldn't see the mt) and rinse out when got home. I'm doing the c&g method so i was really on it for 7 weeks (didn't make 8 weeks, it was xmas!) with mt'ing and washing my braids.

My pics after braids are in my fotki.

I have tried using mega tek with zero results. I bought 2 bottles at once. I have almost completed the first bottle and I have no desire to use the second one. So if anyone is interested in purchasing it from me for $20 plus postage let me know. It is yours.