

New Member
Hi you guys. I had did, well maybe 'tried' to give myself a touchup on my hair like 3 weeks ago. I want to have cornrows now and i plan on keeping them in till mi-July or so(and maybe get them redone for a wedding i'll be going to in Aug.) So im wondering if my hair will be ok and be able to take the braids in my hair? The touchup did NOT doo very well. Usually when i woudl press it later on after perming it(this time i did it the next day) it would be flat. But this time it didnt take. So, would it be ok if i were to go ahead and get some braids? I want some. So i can STOP touching my darn head. Its not long enough to put in2 a nice simple bu and its not even that much lonmg enough at times(cause of these darn roots) for me to have some other styles, esp. smooth ones and to get that i have to have a brush and some heat to do that. So anyway, i was wondering if my hair will be ok and i wont have major breakage anyway, since the touchup didnt really take that well anyway. :^P
I think you will be fine with the braids. Just remember to take care of your own hair while in braids. Washing them, conditioning and oiling your scalp. ALWAYS keep your hair moisturzed.
i agree wit lee coz the recommended time that u shud wait b4 gettin them is 2weeks after a touch up and u're already past 2 weeks and the relaxer didnt really take so in concept u shud be ok but then that depends ont he condition that yo hair is b4 u actually get them done so make sure that u deep condition a lot b4 the braids to ensure that yo hair is in the best possible shape 4 the braids
Ok well yday i conditoner washed my hair yday and i had the heating cap on for 30 minutes and my roots were softer than they usually come out to be. They are though still pretty tough to deal with and i have made an appointment this friday. So what can i do now to get the roots smooth? Only thing i can think of so far is to press it a bit NOT to get it real str8 and smoothed down but press out some so that they can put their hands through my hair. Or should i just put some lottabody setting lotion and s-curl on my roots? hehe
Hi Keke,

A mixture of coconut and castor oil on my new growth does it for me. I apply these oils right before taking a shower, I think the steam from the shower is what does it. My hair is super soft and smooth after I remove my shower cap. I do this every day, morning and night. It really does wonders for my 4b hair. Some people use wgo but I can't stand the smell in the summer!