Braiding Lessons Or Classes?


New Member
Hey Everyone,
Does anyone know of someone, a stylist, or salon in NY/NJ that offers lessons in braiding and other natural hair styles. Through searches, I've seen classes offered in other states or for licensed stylists, but nothing really for beginners. I went natural almost 3 years ago and would love to start styling my hair for myself. I'm eager to learn, but I need to find someone patient and willing to start me off with the absolute basics!

Welcome newbie. I don't know of anyone but I learned to braid better by practicing with my dd's hair. I also braid my own now and again. Good luck!:grin:
I know this isn't the answer you are looking for, but, have you considered having an individual teach you?
I learned when I was very young, from a girl who braided hair outside on the steps of our apartment when I was growing up. She was patient and I had lots of learning oppurtunities because of her. Braiding is one of the few art forms that is passed down from generation to generation and I have a passion for it. Although classrooms and professional instructors may be the only choice for lots of people, it is just such a special experience to learn in an informal manner and setting.
Maybe someone from work or church may know someone to recommend?
I know this isn't the answer you are looking for, but, have you considered having an individual teach you?
I learned when I was very young, from a girl who braided hair outside on the steps of our apartment when I was growing up. She was patient and I had lots of learning oppurtunities because of her. Braiding is one of the few art forms that is passed down from generation to generation and I have a passion for it. Although classrooms and professional instructors may be the only choice for lots of people, it is just such a special experience to learn in an informal manner and setting.
Maybe someone from work or church may know someone to recommend?

I totally agree. This is how I learned to do a Dominican blowout. :-) Usually, people are flattered when u ask them how to do stuff like that! Or, even with the economy, you may want to ask a stylist if she could teach you when her shop has down time.
Thanks for the suggestions. I think it is a great idea to maybe ask a stylist in exchange for helping out. I think the one-on-one would be the best way to learn, at least for me. For seeking out individual people, I guess it depends on your location or community.