Braid Take Down and Then Relax (long)


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,

Let me first start by saying my first real hello to you ladies. HELLO ! Yes, I am new.

Like most folks I started off as a lurker. Well I finally stopped being cheap and paid my subscription. I would like to say that the question I have has been discussed here before but I am guilty of information overload. You know how it was in school when something was foreign and exciting, sometimes you just felt a bit overwhelmed to the point of just not getting it! So here goes.........

I am taking down my braids and want to relax my hair and put braids back in later on. My question is, do I do a protein treatment after I take down the braids but before the relaxer and do another treatment during the relaxer or just do one during the relaxer? I know I need a treatment b/c my biggest problem before I put my braids in was breakage. Pesky little bits and pieces of hair type breakage.

Here is what I think know:

1. I need to leave my hair out of braids no less than two weeks before I relax.
2. Detangle before and after I wash from the braid take down.
3. When I finally relax do a protein treatment before neutralizing.

So ladies, as you see, I need your help or just the link for my answer. Thank you ladies for such a wealth of information, I look forward to sharing my results with you all later!

Edit: I know that I have to space out the time between braids, relaxer and new braids. I do not want to further damage my hair when I relax it, I really need to know when I need to do the protein treatment. I am greatful for the responses so far, but I need help with the protein treatment issue. Thanks.
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I have to find a new braider. I am already 13 weeks from my last relaxer. I truly doubt that I can go any longer without a relaxer. When I was only 5 weeks post, I was almost crying because I couldn't handle my hair. To me it's just that thick and coarse.)
I agree with LovedAlot. I do not think you should get a relaxer if you are simply go to get your hair rebraided. Just wash and carefully detangle and get your hair rebraided. HTH :)
Have you tried using Scurl moisturizer on your new growth...I am suggesting this because I have been stretching my relaxer for the first time (my hair would always break off by 5/6 weeks post and I would HAVE to relax..or so I thought) and the S curl has really helped with breakage..In fact it has my new growth so soft and manageable I am thinking of stretching for 12 weeks and I am on week 8. I think I am 4a/b texture too. HTH
I have used S Curl, that is what got me through when I was 5 weeks post and needed to give my hair a break between braiding. By the time I take my braids down I will be at 16 weeks. My current braider will be on vacation so I have to go to someone else. I am trying to make certain that I take down my braids, relax my hair and get back in braids by mid-May.

I appreciate the suggestions on how to control my new growth, but I am going to relax my hair. I just need to know if I need to protein treat two separate times.
I tell you don’t do it. I made that mistake for years before I found LHCF. DON’T DO IT. Relaxing your hair will only make more fragile when getting it braided and while it is braided. If you want to go relaxed before getting more braids wait 4 weeks after your relaxer then get the braids. This is the best way to avoid breakage and damage after taking your hair down.
KathyMay said:
If you want to go relaxed before getting more braids wait 4 weeks after your relaxer then get the braids.

That is what I intend to do but the problem I am facing is how do I prevent breakage once I take the braids out. Do I do a protein treatment right after taking my braids down or do I wait until I relax my hair?
I don't recommend it...

I have worn braids for about a year.....with no relaxer.
I use curl activator after wash and deep condition to airdry.
While in braids I made a MTG concoction, an a leave in conditioner (w/o MTG) my hair comes down soft and moist from root to end every time. I can comb straight through my hair when I take my braids out.

Here are a couple of websites that might help you make a decision

Try these websites:

I am a newbie here's lookin out.....Wishing you the best.. Any decision that you make will be a good one for you. You know your hair better than anyone else and what ever you decide, I am sure you will be beautiful.
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StellaB said:
I don't recommend it...

I have worn braids for about a year.....with no relaxer.
I use curl activator after wash and deep condition to airdry.
While in braids I made a MTG concoction, an a leave in conditioner (w/o MTG) my hair comes down soft and moist from root to end every time. I can comb straight through my hair when I take my braids out.

Here are a couple of websites that might help you make a decision

Try these websites:

I am a newbie here's lookin out.....Wishing you the best.. Any decision that you make will be a good one for you. You know your hair better than anyone else and what ever you decide, I am sure you will be beautiful.

I forgot this;

I wash my braids in shower 3x per week with conditioner. I don't leave braids in a long time. I frequently braid like ever 3 to 4 weeks. Sometimes I do in 2 weeks (thatz just because I like braids that are new). But if you have a lot of build up when you have braids in, you should braid more frequently. (check out Crown and Glory Method).

I am as we speak taking down my braids and I plan on doing a protein treatment before I relax, because my hair is shedding like crazy (which is normal i suppose), then perm about 4 days later. ALSO I must note that after reading on the board about texlaxing this is what I am going to do because like you I plan on getting my hair rebraided again within three weeks after taking them down and I know that relaxing my hair straight will cause breakage when I get my hair rebraided. Texlaxing will hopefully keep my hair strong but make it managable while I am out of braids because I am 16 weeks post relaxer and Im going to a professional conference for a week and bunning is out of the question because there is so much new growth. HTH
I wouldn't do a protein treatment directly after taking down braids. I did this once and I had some seriously tangled hair! I would do a really good wash( with creme of nature detangling shampoo) then deep condition first then maybe a protein on your next wash.
I guess I need to read up on texlaxing. Will this enable me to get my hair under control but then rebraid without having to wait for another month?

I have searched the boards again because I know I saw something about protein after braids. I guess my best bet is to do a treatment, wait awhile and then try the texlax procedures.

Thanks. :)
I am doing the C&G as well. My hair has not been relaxed since late November 06 - at first I was completely freaked out - I've not dealt with new growth since I was maybe 15 years old and almost 30 years later, I had no clue what to do with my natural hair.

Being here and reading the Corwn and Glory method has helped tremendously.

This is what I've been doing with great success:

braided in corn rows for two - three weeks
twice daily I spray with apHogee green tea and karatin
mositurize with camellia or rice bran or coconut oil

i wash my hair while braided using a method very close to the C&G
i deep condition with heated towel while braided
rinse every day and especially well when shampooing and conditioning

unbraid for two - three days
super wash and deep condition with a moisture mask one day skip a day, wash and do a deep rpotein mask, and then mositure again

it feels like overkill, but it has worked great. I've got about three inches of new growth and three inches of relaxed hair on the ends. I have experienced very little breakage and no more shedding that one would expect - less than a hand full each time.

I would suggest you do a deep moisture treatment before the protein because it will make your hair easier to detangle.

good luck
Thanks for the info. Now I am rethinking my next steps for my hair. I haven't decided if I am going to relax and rebraid in late May or not but obviously, the hair healthy advise is to just treat with conditioners and protein and rebraid.

I am just going to leave the braids in a bit longer until I can make a decision. My DH isn't here to see how fuzzy I am and no one else's will have the guts to say anything about the fuzzies! :D