Braid Sprays... A few Questions.


Well-Known Member
I used to be totally against Braid Sprays, but I know there are people on here using them, and they are also part of the C&G Method, so I'm thinking of giving them another shot when i get braids tomorrow. I'm just looking for ways to keep my own hair as healthy and moisturized as possible.

**Note** I'm talking specifically about Braid Sprays, not leave-ins... I use Infusium on my Braids w/ no problems at all.

The only Braid Spray I've tried in the past is the one by African Gold and it was horrible in my hair. It left my hair very dry, but coated at the same time, and it contributed to the worst case of that nasty "lint" I've ever seen. I think all the cones in the product were the culprit... it's OUT.

I have a bottle of the African Pride Spray that I use on the extension hair after I rinse it. It seems to detangle the hair well, and seems to have a good list of ingredients... Any thoughts?

If you use any other type of Braid Spray, let me know! And for religious users what are the benefits of Braid Spray? Thanks!
Braid sprays do different things. Some advertise their product to help maintain the synthetic/human hair longer, some are for scalp conditioning, others are for hair moisture...etc

If you're using infusium, you really don't need the added moisture of a braid spray. Any product you add to your braids will add to the normal build up. I like sulfur 8 medicated treatment for braids. It helps with itchy scalp and new styles. Sta-so-fro is great for your hair while it's in braids. You really should not soak your hair with braid sprays. I think we tend to over use spray bottles. I braid hair. I've had to catch myself gettin' spray happy.
I say less product will leave you better off when it's time to take them out.
Better Braids Braid Spray is my favorite it provides the moisture I need for my braids and does not let my scalp flake.
I have also used African Prides Tee Tree and Peppermint Braid Spray like the way it makes my scalp tingle.
Well the lady that made up the Crown and Glory technique actually usus Infusium as her braid spray. I say use what works. Im not a briad spray fan either so I stick with surge and/or infusium.
I've found that African Royale's Braid Spray works wonders for me. It really moisturizes my hair, African Pride dries out my hair. Why not make your own concoction? Try mixing Glycerin, coconut oil, a cheapie conditioner like suave that's creamy, distilled water and essential oils.