Braid regimes and relaxing. Do you relax . . .


Well-Known Member
. . . after every set or wait until you've reached your goal length?

Hey Ladies,
I am new to the board and I have decided to go on a braid regime. My hair is currently shoulder length and I guess you could say that it is texturized. I went for about 9 months without getting a relaxer but broke down and got one after reading Cathy Howse's book and realizing that I never gave my hair a chance with a relaxer (meaning caring for it properly). In the meantime though, I was amazed to find out that my natural hair is NOT rough like I always thought it was - it's soft (except for my kitchen, now that thang IS rough

My question is this. If I get braids for 2 months at a time, on and off for 8 months to a year, leave them out for a month in between to deep condition, should I relax my hair each time that I take the braids out or should I wait until I have reached my hair goal before relaxing?

I would think that I should wait until I've reached my goal but, when I was transitioning before and relaxed, my hair was under processed and it took forever to get it how I wanted it. I actually just decided that I liked being able to wear a big afroby just washing and letting my hair air dry - that is what I like to call "semi-natural" look. Also I had a little section 1/2 way down my hair strands that was REALLY under processed and I could never quite catch it up to the rest of my hair. I got an Affirm relaxer which I love b/c it doesn't take all of the wave out of your hair BUT I don't know if it is the best relaxer to use if I'm going a long time between relaxers. It seems to work with the heat from your head therefore the hair farther away from your scalp doesn't get processed as well.

Also, if I do get a relaxer after every braid "session", when should I do it. I know that you need to deep condition your hair for a while after taking out braids and before a relaxer however I definitely don't want to relax my hair right before I get a new set of braids. What do you guys think? I'm all amped to go on my program but that is the only part that I'm not sure about. Thanks alot for any advice!!
I think a relaxer that doesn't leave you bone straight is the best one to use when you are in braids. I don't relax my hair in between braiding. I wear my braids from November to March and I I don't relax in that time period. I just wait to the end. HTH.
I wore mine for 6 months, 2 months at a time. I didn't relax until after the 6 months. I got about 5 inches of new growth during that time.
I relaxer my hair then 1-2 months later I put in braids and keep them in for 2 months. Take the braids out relax about 1 week later and start the cycle all over again.
Hey Deby!
Did you say comb?? I don't think so!

I only comb while I am taking out the braids to detangle. I use a raittail comb for that otherwise my hair may get a little swipe from a shower comb under running water.

My hand are my comb!
OK cool, thanks. I will be braiding up in January, planning to do six months again like I did this year and making up my mind -- either braid and relax or go relaxer free for 6 months.
Ok, thanks. So CBJ and debyjay, do you take a break between your braids or do you keep getting them back to back?

Also, did you guys find that your hair was underprocessed when you did finally relax your hair after going for so long without a relaxer? If not, what relaxer are you using? Thanks again!
I dont think I can ever commit to putting in braids for such a long time, I have to do something new with my hair every 4 to 6 weeks,maybe I should try the braiding for a few months and see if that works on my busted hair.
Re: Braid regimes and relaxing. Do you relax . .

Hi Chanteuse, my 'break' was only for one day. I washed and conditioned and got them re-done the next day. Now that I know better I'll be clarifying and deep conditioning and doing protein treatments and moisturizing and all that good stuff. I'll prolly even wait a whole week!
I used Affirm relaxer and it was all good. I got about 5 inches of new growth then and I didn't know a thing about caring for my hair. I'll be in braids from January to June and expect excellent results.
Thanks for your responses. I've decided that I am going to wait to relax until I have completed my braid regime (I'm gonna try for a year). That way there should be no danger of any breakage at the roots or at all.

I'm also going to give Affirm another try - coming out of being natural for a while. When I was transitioning before, I went to my stylist with a head full of big curls (I think I had done a bantu knot set) and I really think that she could not see all of my new growth which led to her not getting all the way to the end of my new growth. Next time I will try to have my hair straight (or as straight as possible considering the fact that I will have a YEARS worth of new growth!) when I go to her so there will be no excuses (on her part) and no chances taken (on my part). At any rate, I'll take under-processed hair over over-processed hair any day.