Braid-Out Ladies: Need Your Pics

Gorgeous! I don't know how ya'll are doing it buy my braidout and my twist out looked like crap!!! Actually my twistout was halfway different but as the day wore on it got swollen and weird looking. I twisted again that night and pincurled each individual two-strand, did not work out. Today hair was so awful that I rewashed it and I'll just do my regular bunning.
Sorry i don't have any pics but after several unsuccessful attempts at braid-outs on natural hair, i tried twist-outs instead.

On damp hair i did about 20 chunky twists and went to bed with a plastic cap on.

After my shower in the morning i took the cap off and when i'm dressed i undo the twists. The results were perfect.

The braid's gave my hair a zig zag, frizzy effect and was very puffy.
Small twist-outs made my hair look like a very large twirly afro.
Chunky twist-outs looked just right and my hair laid down.

I re-twist every night - if i didn't it would be matted by the morning.
uh...mine did not turn out well at all....

kind of like a freaky, funky, poofy, wavy, stringy afro-ish looking thing

ugh...I won't give up, though...maybe I'll try twists next time. :look:
JuicesN'Berries said:
Ok ladies I always wanted to it better to do cornrows or do individual loose braid....Help me out here!
If your hair is longer than shoulders then Individuals turn out really nice.

Shoulders & shorter, you'll probably get the best results with rows.
Its soooo funny you should mention this bc i had decided today that i was going to update my fotki with a very detailed braidout regimen. I have been doing them every since the blow-out ordeal, and my hair has certainly caught back up. It is much more moisturized, softer, and a LOT less breakage. There has been some shedding however... but that is expected when you hair has been in cornrows for a week. So, for all of you that claim you cannot do it... help is on the way. I must say this much.. if you aren't natural, or you have fine, maybe 3textured hair... good luck! The softer your hair is, the harded it is to keep the braids together. It isn't impossible, but it most certainly easy. Also, keep in mind that you can wash your braids, so try and get someone to cornrow your hair instead of doing individual braids. The individual braids have a tendency to get tangled up and is probably what is giving you that frizzy, stringy, messing look, instead of a sleek crimp. (is that an oxymoron? Sry!:look:) Also, the tutorial will give everyone a good idea on how my hair has been doing since i have been using LR and can be used as a starting point for BT growth. Although, i have to say that I am very close to SL. Maybe with BT, i can reach it in October?
I wanna try this SOOO badly!! Ya'll are some beautiful women! I think Im gonna ask my sister to cornrow my hair Friday nite while its damp.. my hair is layered tho so she may have to do two rows of cornrows (top and bottom) and Ill just see what I get. I may have to use baby scrunchies on the ends to keep them from unraveling. What else... Im debating on letting them air dry or sitting under da dryer. Ne short haired ladies that have tried a braid out before? If not, Ill try it and def post pix. :)
camellia said:
Here are mine,



I don't have pictures of the braids before I loosened them, but I just made about 20 regular plaits on wet hair and let them dry over night.

Here's a closer pic of another braid out but it really shows the tight texture. I think I made about 25 or 30 braids for this one:


Beautiful pics and braidout:)
We all should do braid-outs this weekend & take pics and if we don't like it.....we can just wash our hair over again.:)
Ladies, this thread inspired me to try the braidout again. I do twistouts every now and then, but I have only tried a cornrow braid out. Last night I washed and deep conditioned my hair. Then my cousin helped me braid my hair in like 25 braids (while we watched Run's house:grin: ). I thought that it would be dry in the morning...:nono: :nono: :nono: It was not. I normally would have just taken it all down and brushed my hair into a bun, but not today. I want this braidout so bad that I just pulled the braids back into a bun.:yep: Now to some of you, this sounds just fine, but if you knew me and where I work you would be like:eek: . I work in a VERY conservative office in the south and I am the only black person other than a secretary. I just knew I would get all kinda crazy looks, but I want this braidout THAT bad. I just snuck in and closed the door to my office and tried to hide out and stay busy most of the day.:lol:

The absolute CRAZIEST thing about this whole story is that my hair is STILL DAMP!!! Almost 22 hrs later!! I guess I will sit my but under the dryer. After all of this, I will be wearing it out tomorrow no matter what it looks like!
gosh.....i can't believe the love in this braidout thread :D - makes my day! may want to try doing them on damp hair. you'll get close to the same results as wet but not as "tight" a set and a much better more defined texture than doing it on dry hair.

i do this alot when i don't have time. try it next time and see how it goes.

ETA - you can also use a tiny bit of setting lotion (not clear lottabody though cause it dries too crispy for me) but something creamy like lottabody creme wrap or some other lotiony-type setting lotion.
DivaStyle said:
Ladies, this thread inspired me to try the braidout again. I do twistouts every now and then, but I have only tried a cornrow braid out. Last night I washed and deep conditioned my hair. Then my cousin helped me braid my hair in like 25 braids (while we watched Run's house:grin: ). I thought that it would be dry in the morning...:nono: :nono: :nono: It was not. I normally would have just taken it all down and brushed my hair into a bun, but not today. I want this braidout so bad that I just pulled the braids back into a bun.:yep: Now to some of you, this sounds just fine, but if you knew me and where I work you would be like:eek: . I work in a VERY conservative office in the south and I am the only black person other than a secretary. I just knew I would get all kinda crazy looks, but I want this braidout THAT bad. I just snuck in and closed the door to my office and tried to hide out and stay busy most of the day.:lol:

The absolute CRAZIEST thing about this whole story is that my hair is STILL DAMP!!! Almost 22 hrs later!! I guess I will sit my but under the dryer. After all of this, I will be wearing it out tomorrow no matter what it looks like!

Actually, some of the braids on my head were dry and some of them were wet. The wet braids were easier to take out and smoother. The completey dry ones tended to seperate a lot more making it look frizzier. I would try taking one of the wet braids out and seeing what you think before you dry it.

Ladies, you have inspired me to try a braidout again! I tried one with singles before and it came out a hot mess (didn't let it dry all the way and I have found out that it is VERY important to let it dry completely!!) The ones I have done have been flat twistouts.

This is the very first one.

This is the most recent time I did a flat twistout. (Dec. 2006) but the ends were frizzy b/c I still didn't let it completely dry.
Isis said:
Beautiful!! I bet it was wortht the wait, wasn't it! ;yep:

Thanks. You're right, it was worth the wait. This will be my new hairstyle for rainy days and times when my hair is dirty and I don't have a lot of time.
My girlfriend has long and thick texturized hair and she braids it every Sunday during her beauty routine and wears braid outs all week.

Isis said:
Beautiful!! I bet it was wortht the wait, wasn't it! ;yep:
Kimberly said:
uh...mine did not turn out well at all....

kind of like a freaky, funky, poofy, wavy, stringy afro-ish looking thing

ugh...I won't give up, though...maybe I'll try twists next time. :look:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Girly, you are funny! But yeah everyones twist/bantu/braidout looks lovely!
SweetCoco- your hair did grow!!

Im afraid to try braidouts my hair isn't as long as others and I don't thing it will "hang" but rather just stick straight out lol...I may try it this weekend and see what we have. Right now I'm loving my "so called pincurls" with my white spongy rollers
Wonderful braidouts! I really like them all!

And autumnbeauty, I love the dress you're wearing in your siggy. It looks so nice and "spring" like!:D