Braid Out Divas Help!!! - On ME it's not so cute.


Well-Known Member
I have hair closer to BSL than APL (4a/b Texlaxed)

Now that the's out of the way....I tried my first braid out last night. I've been braiding my hair to airdry it prior to flat ironing it...and when I unbraid it I noticed it didn't look half bad.

So I watched some You Tube videos on how to do a real BraidOut and like...wear it out! Instead of flat ironing it.

Well it didn't turn out terrible. But it wasn't cute either. To make matters worse I was rushing to leave for work. I know, I know I should have tried this on the weekend!

Um, why was my hair still wet after 8 hours (overnight)...? I even sat under the hooded dryer and it still wouldn't dry.

What did I do wrong? I deep conditioned with Organics Hair Mayo (loved how soft this made my hair), rinsed, then used a bit of Nexxuss Humectress, rinsed thoroughly. Then I detangled each section and slathered Leave In Conditioner and Oil on it, followed by a Twist & Braid Hair Putty. Which said it was moisturizing. Did I basically overdue it with moisture? Because my hair would not dry.

So now it's in a bun with some bangs. Standard Protective Style!!!

Answer this please:
How do YOU get a perfect braid out? How many times did you have to try it out first, before you felt confident enough to wear it out of the house?
Before someone responds with: This thread is worthless without pics....(lol) I posted a pic in my blog. Because I'm still looking for answers.

I watched a lot of You Tube braid out videos and obviously that didn't work for me. I think I would prefer to read your real life tips. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks ladies!
Personally, mine turn out better when I use Less Product on nearly dry hair.

After I W&C I let it air dry almost completely, add a spray leave in and some kind of conditioner, yesterday I used the Suave Almond and Shea Butter with some safflower oil. And did two French braids and rolled the ends.

I had your issue when I first started doing Braid Outs, hair would be wet all day and then I end up looking like poodle by time I get off work, LOLOL
I don't do many braid outs, but I believe the amount of products you had in your hair is the reason for the long dying time. When I do a braid out, I just use a little oil, braid it and let it air dry.

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This is my technique, in case it works for you as well:
Usually I wear my hair in an old t shirt for 10 minutes after the shower, then I apply my leave in and oil and braid. I twist the ends of the braids. I wear another tshirt as a turban on top of my braids and go to sleep. The day after, I undo the braids, smooth my hair with a little flaxseed gel and shake upside down.
I don't know the difference between a braid/twist-out with too much product vs. less product but it depends on the kind of hair you have and the look you're going for.

Besides detangling each section you will twist or braid, I suggest starting with small sections. How many did you do? I'd place the twists in the exact location I'd like the hair to be and then use a perm rod to keep the ends curled up. Let the rods hang, don't roll them all the way up.

The smaller the section the less time it will take to dry and it will be easier to manage the look. When I first stated doing them, I made TONS of twists (I'm talking 80+) until I had no more patience to do them that way. It also allowed me the opportunity to 'warm up to' this new look and see if I really liked it or not. Slowly, I started to adjust to bigger twists & other variations...
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Personally, mine turn out better when I use Less Product on nearly dry hair.

After I W&C I let it air dry almost completely, add a spray leave in and some kind of conditioner, yesterday I used the Suave Almond and Shea Butter with some safflower oil. And did two French braids and rolled the ends.

I had your issue when I first started doing Braid Outs, hair would be wet all day and then I end up looking like poodle by time I get off work, LOLOL

That's what I looked like! A poodle, but it was first thing in the morning and all I could imagine was wearing my Chia Pet Hair to my lunch meeting. I couldn't do it! I'm in a bun, it doesn't look half bad, but I was shooting for a braid out! Thank you for your tips. I'm going to actually rinse my hair and try try again.
When I do braid outs, I leave the braids in for a couple of days because they won't dry overnight.
See, nobody told me this on You Tube. (lol)

The girl did Part One - Putting in the braids
Part Two - 8 Hours later (after sleeping on them with a satin scarf) Taking out the braids and WHALLA! Perfect hair.

I'm not saying she wasn't acurate. But it didn't work for my hair. :spinning:
I don't know the difference between a braid/twist-out with too much product vs. less product but it depends on the kind of hair you have and the look you're going for.

Besides detangling each section you will twist or braid, I suggest starting with small sections. How many did you do? I'd place the twists in the exact location I'd like the hair to be and then use a perm rod to keep the ends curled up. Let the rods hang, don't roll them all the way up.

The smaller the section the less time it will take to dry and it will be easier to manage the look. When I first stated doing them, I made TONS of twists (I'm talking 80+) until I had no more patience to do them that way. It also allowed me the opportunity to 'warm up to' this new look and see if I really liked it or not. Slowly, I started to adjust to bigger twists & other variations...

Okay, I started with seven braids on my very thick hair. So I guess I should have done that X4 or X5 in order to see better results. I wondered at the time if these thick braids were going to dry overnight. I was prepared to bun just in case.

You guys, I may have failed to mention that they still weren't dry after 30 minutes this morning under the hooded dryer...I gave up after that. But I will try again on freshly rinsed hair this evening.

At least I discovered that the Organics Hair Mayo made my hair detangle and feel like soft cotton. It was a wonderful experience using that conditioner!
This is my technique, in case it works for you as well:
Usually I wear my hair in an old t shirt for 10 minutes after the shower, then I apply my leave in and oil and braid. I twist the ends of the braids. I wear another tshirt as a turban on top of my braids and go to sleep. The day after, I undo the braids, smooth my hair with a little flaxseed gel and shake upside down.

Thank you ciccina. I wrapped it in a towel, but I feel like the soft t-shirt is a better idea. About how many braids are you making? I'm just trying to get an idea. I made seven and that didn't work out to well. They were like thick ropes of braids.
I just add moisturiser to dry hair it sort of dampen it a bit since it is water based and I do small sections. I think btw 15 -21. Twist-out on wet hair just does not work for me.
The only time I ever had a good twist-out on wet is a flat twist-out, I had to wait for 24hrs to ensure it's really dry, and I felt there was too much shrinkage as well.
Okay, I started with seven braids on my very thick hair. So I guess I should have done that X4 or X5 in order to see better results. I wondered at the time if these thick braids were going to dry overnight. I was prepared to bun just in case.

You guys, I may have failed to mention that they still weren't dry after 30 minutes this morning under the hooded dryer...I gave up after that. But I will try again on freshly rinsed hair this evening.

At least I discovered that the Organics Hair Mayo made my hair detangle and feel like soft cotton. It was a wonderful experience using that conditioner!

I would suggest doing more braids at the beginning. If you can do less, go for it. So far, I like to do more than the average number I see people doing but certainly not a bunch of small twists (although the results were amazing.)

Also, let the hair breath a bit under the scarf, do tie it up too tight. Anf if drying the hair is a problem, buy a satin pillow case and don't tie it (hopefully you're not a wildchild in your sleep though.)
Do you t-shirt dry to soak up the water? I usually leave a shirt aroud my hair for about 15-30 minutes (depends on what I'm doing) before I proceed to add leave-ins and braid my hair. Basically all excess water is gone by that point. And my braidouts come out nice with anywhere from 4-8 braids. The one time my braidout wasn't dry when I took the braids out was the only time it got kind of poofy in a way I didnt like and the curls weren't set. Otherwise, I think your problem is that your hair is too wet when you do your braids. Also, why are you "slathering" product on? Do you really need that much? You also may be using too many different products. I use just my homemade moisturizer OR conditioner and my shea butter mix OR sometimes just my shea butter mix. That's it. If you click on my youtube link, I have pics of my braidouts in these videos. Don't know if you will like them but if you do, I could give you more tips I guess.
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Thank you @ciccina. I wrapped it in a towel, but I feel like the soft t-shirt is a better idea. About how many braids are you making? I'm just trying to get an idea. I made seven and that didn't work out to well. They were like thick ropes of braids.

I like t-shirts because the style comes out better and my hair feels smoother, sometimes I even keep it for half an hour. I usually go from 6 to 10 braids. I divide my sections vertically because I prefer the outcome and my hair has less volume on top that way, I dolike volume but more on the bottom part... I think how many and how they are positioned depends on the volume you want to achieve and on your hair texture, trial and error is the best way to know. But when you hair is well moisturized and not too wet, then your braidouts will improve significantly :yep: I like a good creamy conditioner on hair that is damp to almost dry.
Now that my hair is getting longer, I sometimes gather my braids into a bun in order to stretch them until the day after, and then wear my turban.
I hope it helps!
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Do you t-shirt dry to soak up the water? I usually leave a shirt aroud my hair for about 15-30 minutes (depends on what I'm doing) before I proceed to add leave-ins and braid my hair. Basically all excess water is gone by that point. And my braidouts come out nice with anywhere from 4-8 braids. The one time my braidout wasn't dry when I took the braids out was the only time it got kind of poofy in a way I didnt like and the curls weren't set. Otherwise, I think your problem is that your hair is too wet when you do your braids. Also, why are you "slathering" product on? Do you really need that much? You also may be using too many different products. I use just my homemade moisturizer OR conditioner and my shea butter mix OR sometimes just my shea butter mix. That's it. If you click on my youtube link, I have pics of my braidouts in these videos. Don't know if you will like them but if you do, I could give you more tips I guess.

Thank you LaFemmeNaturelle. I will check out the You Tube links as soon as I get to a private computer later on today.

I did not use a t-shirt. The original videos I saw suggested soaking wet hair, just like with a rollerset. So I put on my leave in and then the setting creamy moisturizer. I'm actually light handed with product, but the videos I watched suggested "really getting the product on the hair" so I was heavier with the product on purpose. That didn't work out for me.

I'm going to try the less is more - with the products. And for now I'll try MORE braids, maybe double (14) instead of 7. I can't wait to try this again and I really appreciated all the responses!!!

I just knew someone was going to come in here and say: That's already been posted. (lol) But I've never experienced it and this is new to me. I wanted dedicated advice for my hair problem and you guys rock!!!!

Thanks again everyone! I am going to try it again and post those results.
I think that you should have better results using more braids because your hair will dry faster and you'll get better definition.

Be sure to let us know how it goes!
I like my waves a bit looser, so I usually only do two braids.
It ends up like this

It was a little muggy yesterday, lol
Try using one product that is a setting agent (i.e. setting lotion or foam). Leave the moisturizers for AFTER the hair is styled.

ETA: Here is my BraidOut
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For me... its less product and the goal is to have it mostly dry (80%-90% dry) overnight. I usually only use Giovanni Direct leave-in and Qhemet's AOHC on my scalp but NO OTHER OIL. I also have a perforated, satin triangle scarf
Its important to do the braidout on mostly dry hair (80%) if you only have 8 hours for your hair to dry (especially if you use a spray leave-in). For me the amount of products you use really doesn't matter, but if you want your braid out to last, use some kind of setting agent (foam, setting lotion, gel). The only difference between a braid out and a twist out is the level of wave.

Here is a twistout I did

Braidout done similarly to the twist out:

and here is a braid out I did using French Braids

See, the variations of waves/curls.

Plaits work just as well, and the satin strips braid out works best for hair that is dry before applying product and braiding.

Bronzeg/chinablk Braidout using plaits
pt 1:
pt 2:

Ninapruitt's Satin Strips braidout
pt 1:
pt 2:

In most of these videos, people braid on hair that is not soaking wet, some use hold product, some do not. I like to use a spray leave-in, but some use creamy leave-ins, like I said, the common denominator is braiding on hair that has had time to dry a little before braiding.

Hope this Helps!!!

ETA: I am putting up a video later this week of a braidout done on dry hair, I have to sit down and edit it. I will come back and post a link to it for reference purposes:
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Thank you MissMusic and all the ladies who responded for all the wonderful information. I feel well equiped to try a braid out again. I hope the second and third time work out better than the first.
@lana - be sure to post pics when you do your next braidout!

Here's my braidout info and pics from when I did this in August of 2010:

I didn't sit under the dryer at all to do this braidout. I did a protein dc on dry hair using Motions CPR and then shampooed with Motions CPR shampoo. I applied my leave-ins (ORS Carrot Oil, Organic Coconut Oil, NTM Silk Touch, and Rusk Smoother) and airdried for about an hour. While my hair was still damp, I put in two braids in the back and two in the front. I rolled the ends with those stretchy rollers (non-foam) and went to bed. When I took down my braids the next morning and shook it out, I took the last three pictures.






Thanks for responding. I cannot braid flat yet. I can only braid long ropes that are not flat to the scalp. But after seeing your pictures, I would like to learn to braid flat.

I also cannot french braid my own hair. I can do this on others, so I hope that I can teach myself.

I will be sure to post pictures when I successfully complete a braid out. I'm tempted to try it tonight. We'll see.
Thanks again ladies! I will report back with results, next time!