Brahmi oil


New Member
While I was shopping at the Indian grocery store about a week ago, I was asking about Amla oil and Vatika oil which I did purchase(I actually got a box of pure dried Amla so I could mix it with evoo and/or castor oil). I asked the owner about different hair and skin products and he told me about this Brahmi oil that would make my hair healty and strengthen the roots of my hair. Well, I've been using it now for about a week and I have to give it a big thumbs up. You're supposed to massage it into your scalp, leave in overnight and then wash out the next day. Well, I'll leave mine in a few days and I promise you my hair stays moisturized the entire three days. It seems to make it's way down my hair shaft and although shiny, my hair has swingability (if that's a word)it not heavy at all.It's in a coconut oil base, green and fragrant at first, but then kind of goes away. I really like this product. Ladies google the words brahmi oil or brahmi oil ingredients. It's used for a plethora of things. Oh, he didn't have the Himani Gold, but I did get something for skin with turmeric called Ubtan and I make my paste with milk and let dry on my face then wash off. Oh, it's great!! I have a new little friend, my indian grocier. He was so helpful and patient with me. I had a lot of questions and he said, "Nothing will grow your hair, don't believe it here or in India, but if you want healthy, strong hair, these are very great products". I appreciated his honesty. He said the next time I came in I'd have beautiful skin and hair!! I intend to go back again. I'm not so good at linking stuff from different sites, but feel free to google all of the above mentioned products then try them for yourselves. I paid $3.49 for a 300 ml bottle. Everything else was about $2.49. I don't think I've seen any of these products this affordable online anywhere. Sorry such a long post. Ladies in Charlotte can find it in that little strip where Bi-Lo is on Albemarle Rd. It's either Gateway of India or Gateway to India. I hope we don't make him go up on the prices!
Hi, I know how you feel. I just started using the indian oils. I bought Vatika Hair Oil and i use it once a week overnight treatment and wash out the next morning. I also started using alma oil. I found this conditioner rinse recipe and this is one of the oils that i use in the recipe. I tried it this past week and it did very good in making my hair manageable. I purchased a product called hair revitalizer from (i think that's right) and i went to my indian grocer to see if he could get it for me, and unfortunately, he can't. He said none of his suppliers sell it, so i have to kept ordering it online. I just purchased 8 bottles and i also purchased another hair oil called kesavardhini. I want to continue to use these indian hair oils (i massage the oils in my scalp using my electric massager). I think this is the new kick that i'm on, using indian oils to enhance and strenghten my new growth so my hair can grow in healthy. I will concentrate on oiling my scalp regularly (2-3 times per week), a hot oil pre-shampoo treatment using Vatika oil once a week, and spraying my scalp only with the hair revitalizer daily. I've never tried the brahmi oil but the hair conditioner recipe calls for either alma oil or brahmi oil. It's a hair conditioner rinse and i will continue to use this as well. I just wish more indian grocers sold some of these products so i don't have to keep ordering them online. It can add up.
Yes fancypants,
I think I'm going to just stick with the Indian products too. They are very serious about their natural products. I frequent a site called and it's Indian. It has so much info on it about everything from recipies to beauty to Indian culture, it's in like question/answer format.I see lots about that Ubtan and the Amla and Vatika and Brahmi oils. I am so excited about their products. I've used so much expensive stuff and funny thing is, I get better results from stuff God already gave us to use. Now, the pj in me won't rule out snatching something off the shelves at my local asian beauty supply store LOL. I am a pj, but within reason as I always say.
Hey ladies,

I too use Indian Products and get all products from

They have fast quick, reliable service.

I use the Vatika Hair Oil
and have for the last month been using the Himani 24 Karat gold cream for my face and body.
It is an excellent product. As I have posted on the board in reference to skin care.

I have used the Upton powder as well and agree this is a wonderful for smooth skin.
I know this does not pertain to hair ,, but felt it was my duty to comment on these products.
I too use the Hair Revitalizer. It is a keeps. Some of you must be reading my post and taking my suggestions. This is good.
I was trying to find the Himani Gold after reading your post! The people at another Indian store said she'd order it. I'll let you all know my results if she gets it in stock and I can get it. I am so glad to have the Brahmi oil for my hair. When it runs out, I'll open the Vatika and Amla. I can't say enough about these products!
BB606 said:
You're welcome Chocokitty...I see that look in your eye...I think I've started something!

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been using Brahmi Oil along with my Amla Oil(mixed together of course), but I think I'm going to transition everything to Indian products at some point. We have an Indian community where I live "little india", and I have a ball going in and out of all the indian shops and grocery stores and have bought a lot of stuff because of this board...just don't buy that Anoop oil, that stuff makes your hair smell like an ahstray.
I think I will do the same too. I thought I saw on another post someone said one of the products was made with mineral oil in it. Everything I got has a coconut oil base. Well, except the pure dried Amla powder. I'm going to mix that with my evoo or castor oil, not sure yet. I was wondering if maybe some products might be american made and disguised as Indian b/c it seems that in all of the ingredients I've looked up, I've never seen mineral oil as one of them. I wonder where the product was purchased? I was laughing about the hairstuff smelling like an ashtray. That was so funny! Man, I just found out about this Brahmi oil about a week ago and I am in love!! I like my little indian friend's shop it's so cozy and interesting. He and his wife run the strip of stores. One is his grocery store, one is a dollar store and the other is a coin laundry. I'd like to even try some foods next!
Well, Oglorious...I'm not really sure about anything other than the stuff I purchased last week. I went in search of the Himani Gold skin creme that Sterry posted about. He had none but he gave me the Ubtan and I really do love how it makes my face feel. It takes away dark spots and will prevent facial hairs from growing. It contains some turmeric and sandlewood, can't remember what else but because my skin is dry I mix it with milk and make a paste and let it dry, then wash off. All of my old dark blemish scars have actually lightened. As for the hair products, I got Ramtirth Brahmi oil, Daburs Vatika oil, and Hesh pure Amla powder. I've been rubbing half of a lemon on my face and neck too for a few minutes each day. I will be going back in the future and I will be sure to ask about more things that actually work and as I learn more I will share.