Brahmi Amla and Bringraj oils


New Member
I ordered both of these oils, after reading up on the benefits of both. I can't wait to get started using them, however I can't quite get past the small. :perplexed It's not a smell that makes me want to's just a really herbally (if that's a word) smell, herbal and powdery, and very strong.

I generally like sweet smelling products. For those that use these oils, do you add anything to them/ Can you add essential oils to them without disrupting the benefits?
I like the scent of Indian herbs, but maybe you can add a few drops of essential oils that you like - maybe some lavender or orange?
Some EOs will help, but those herbs are good for ya! :grin:

That reminds me, I might get myself some of those oils, I used to use them for over night scalp would thank me in the morning :-)

There is one particular blend that was hella strong scent wise, but I liked it because I knew I had some good potent oil... but I'm weird :weird:
Some EOs will help, but those herbs are good for ya! :grin:

That reminds me, I might get myself some of those oils, I used to use them for over night scalp would thank me in the morning :-)

There is one particular blend that was hella strong scent wise, but I liked it because I knew I had some good potent oil... but I'm weird :weird:
I am going to use them for pre-poos and scalp massages. I'm weird, too. I really don't think the smell is that bad...I have just been spoiled by using sweet smelling things for so long. I'm gonna have to take a trip to Home Economist and find some sweet smelling EOs. Maybe lemon and orange.

The brand I have is Vadik Herbs. They both have a lot of good ingredients, and no mineral oil. :yep:
OP do you mind sharing where you purchased your oils. I've been on a hunt for these two like forever. Please and thank you. :grin:
OP do you mind sharing where you purchased your oils. I've been on a hunt for these two like forever. Please and thank you. :grin:
Not at all! I got them from Aziza Beauty Supply: First time buyers get a 15% discount, I believe the code you need to enter at checkout is FLY02. Their shipping was very reasonable and it was the least expensive option out of all the places I looked for the Brahmi Amla and Bringraj oils.

And I don't know if it was just for the holidays, or what - but she sent me a free pair of earrings with my order. :yep:
Not at all! I got them from Aziza Beauty Supply: First time buyers get a 15% discount, I believe the code you need to enter at checkout is FLY02. Their shipping was very reasonable and it was the least expensive option out of all the places I looked for the Brahmi Amla and Bringraj oils.

And I don't know if it was just for the holidays, or what - but she sent me a free pair of earrings with my order. :yep:

Well thank you girl!!! Merry Doggone Christmas to me!!!!! :bighug:

ETA: Okay, I pulled up the site. Why do I want one of everything I see? I think work is officially over for the rest of the day.
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Not at all! I got them from Aziza Beauty Supply: First time buyers get a 15% discount, I believe the code you need to enter at checkout is FLY02. Their shipping was very reasonable and it was the least expensive option out of all the places I looked for the Brahmi Amla and Bringraj oils.

And I don't know if it was just for the holidays, or what - but she sent me a free pair of earrings with my order. :yep:

I am going to use them for pre-poos and scalp massages. I'm weird, too. I really don't think the smell is that bad...I have just been spoiled by using sweet smelling things for so long. I'm gonna have to take a trip to Home Economist and find some sweet smelling EOs. Maybe lemon and orange.

The brand I have is Vadik Herbs. They both have a lot of good ingredients, and no mineral oil. :yep:

Thanks for posting Cassandra! I use Vadik ayurvedic oils also, I had purchased mine from another vendor. Aziza looks like a great website. I'm sure I'll order from them in the future.

Since the oils have that odd herbally smell, I mix mine in the palm of my hand with HairVeda's Cocasta Shikakai oil, which also contains amla & brahmi. It helps cancel out any weird scent.
Thanks for posting Cassandra! I use Vadik ayurvedic oils also, I had purchased mine from another vendor. Aziza looks like a great website. I'm sure I'll order from them in the future.

Since the oils have that odd herbally smell, I mix mine in the palm of my hand with HairVeda's Cocasta Shikakai oil, which also contains amla & brahmi. It helps cancel out any weird scent.
I will have to try mixing with the CoCasta oil. :yep:

So how do you like the Vadik oils? How long have you been using them? Do you feel like you are seeing results?
Well thank you girl!!! Merry Doggone Christmas to me!!!!! :bighug:

ETA: Okay, I pulled up the site. Why do I want one of everything I see? I think work is officially over for the rest of the day.
I just saw your ETA. :grin: That's the same way I felt when I went to the site. But I had to focus on the oils and that's it. I have spent entirely too much money on hair care lately! :wallbash:
Not at all! I got them from Aziza Beauty Supply: First time buyers get a 15% discount, I believe the code you need to enter at checkout is FLY02. Their shipping was very reasonable and it was the least expensive option out of all the places I looked for the Brahmi Amla and Bringraj oils.

And I don't know if it was just for the holidays, or what - but she sent me a free pair of earrings with my order. :yep:

Why didn't I search here before I bought to bottle of Vadik herbs from them? I could have saved some money
Not at all! I got them from Aziza Beauty Supply: First time buyers get a 15% discount, I believe the code you need to enter at checkout is FLY02. Their shipping was very reasonable and it was the least expensive option out of all the places I looked for the Brahmi Amla and Bringraj oils.

And I don't know if it was just for the holidays, or what - but she sent me a free pair of earrings with my order. :yep:

thanks Cassandra for sharing the discount code. I placed my order for the brahmi & amla hair oil on new year's day and it has already been delivered here in Memphis.
Hey there OP!

Great site! Thanks for sharing.

Have you ever thought of making your own? You could put half a box of brahmi (or amla, or henna maybe?) in a clean unused mens dress sock and steep it in a cup of extra virgin coconut oil for 2 hours in a crock pot on low. After 2 hours replace the powder with the other half of the box and allow to steep for another couple of hours.

I think Sareca posted that's what she does for her homemade shikakai oil except I think she said she lets it steep over night. Says she wakes up to the smell of lightly toasted coconuts. The men's dress sock is what I use. Filters the powders wonderfully, though! No grit.
Not at all! I got them from Aziza Beauty Supply: First time buyers get a 15% discount, I believe the code you need to enter at checkout is FLY02. Their shipping was very reasonable and it was the least expensive option out of all the places I looked for the Brahmi Amla and Bringraj oils.

And I don't know if it was just for the holidays, or what - but she sent me a free pair of earrings with my order. :yep:

Thanks Cassandra for posting where you got the oils from. I just ordered some of the oils. They were on sale so I got the larger bottles.

To answer your original question - have you tried Rose Geranium EO? I don't know how the EO's scent will react with the oils' scents but it has a pleasant smell and it's not expensive like the Rose EO. I personally like the earthy smells of the oils. So if I add any EO's its more for a hair/scalp therapeutic effect than an olfactory one.
I personally love the strong smell of vedic oils .. I take it as a good sign lol. I make my own oils and they are quite potent. I usually add stimulating EO's (peppermint, rosemary) which help to disguise the smell but they are more for the therapeutic benefits. Ylang Ylang is a great EO for disguising unpleasant scents.
I ordered both of these oils, after reading up on the benefits of both. I can't wait to get started using them, however I can't quite get past the small. :perplexed It's not a smell that makes me want to's just a really herbally (if that's a word) smell, herbal and powdery, and very strong.

I generally like sweet smelling products. For those that use these oils, do you add anything to them/ Can you add essential oils to them without disrupting the benefits?

You're not really going to be able to mask those odors at all. I wouldn't adulterate it except maybe with olive or coconut oil. Perhaps you can dilute it with those? They are ayurvedic formulas and are "set medicines." I wouldn't add essential oils. How do you wear your hair? Maybe you can use them on the weekend and wash out the next day or if you are wasn 'n wear, use them at night then wash out in the morning. Do warm them up first before massaging it into your scalp, tho. It's a more effective technique.
I'm bumping this because today my package was delivered


The mailman knocked on my door and told me that postage had not been paid and it would cost me $9.95 to get the box. I said no and told him to hold it at the Post Office until I contacted the merchant. Anyone have this problem?
I hope not. I emailed her and hopefully it will be resolved. I really wanted that package.
thanks Cassandra for sharing the discount code. I placed my order for the brahmi & amla hair oil on new year's day and it has already been delivered here in Memphis.

Hey there OP!

Great site! Thanks for sharing.

Have you ever thought of making your own? You could put half a box of brahmi (or amla, or henna maybe?) in a clean unused mens dress sock and steep it in a cup of extra virgin coconut oil for 2 hours in a crock pot on low. After 2 hours replace the powder with the other half of the box and allow to steep for another couple of hours.

I think Sareca posted that's what she does for her homemade shikakai oil except I think she said she lets it steep over night. Says she wakes up to the smell of lightly toasted coconuts. The men's dress sock is what I use. Filters the powders wonderfully, though! No grit.
I haven't tried to make my own...probably because I'm one of the few people who doesn't own a crock pot. :lachen: I like this idea, though. I haven't bought the individual powders yet, but when I do i will keep this in mind. Thanks!

Thanks Cassandra for posting where you got the oils from. I just ordered some of the oils. They were on sale so I got the larger bottles.

To answer your original question - have you tried Rose Geranium EO? I don't know how the EO's scent will react with the oils' scents but it has a pleasant smell and it's not expensive like the Rose EO. I personally like the earthy smells of the oils. So if I add any EO's its more for a hair/scalp therapeutic effect than an olfactory one.
I have not...I decided to just leave the oils alone for now. But I will keep that in mind if I decide to scent them. Thanks!

I personally love the strong smell of vedic oils .. I take it as a good sign lol. I make my own oils and they are quite potent. I usually add stimulating EO's (peppermint, rosemary) which help to disguise the smell but they are more for the therapeutic benefits. Ylang Ylang is a great EO for disguising unpleasant scents.
I got used to the smell after a few days, so I decided I will just use them as they are. But thanks for the tip on the Ylang Ylang.

You're not really going to be able to mask those odors at all. I wouldn't adulterate it except maybe with olive or coconut oil. Perhaps you can dilute it with those? They are ayurvedic formulas and are "set medicines." I wouldn't add essential oils. How do you wear your hair? Maybe you can use them on the weekend and wash out the next day or if you are wasn 'n wear, use them at night then wash out in the morning. Do warm them up first before massaging it into your scalp, tho. It's a more effective technique.
I decided to go ahead and leave them alone. I will probably used them on the weekends as you have suggested, because during the week I do wear my hair out...the oil tends to weigh it down and take the "wave" pattern out if I am wearing a twist out.

If I was doing wash & go I would definitely use every night. But my wash & go's tend to look like "wash & gone all wrong," for the most part. :grin:
I'm bumping this because today my package was delivered


The mailman knocked on my door and told me that postage had not been paid and it would cost me $9.95 to get the box. I said no and told him to hold it at the Post Office until I contacted the merchant. Anyone have this problem?
I hope not. I emailed her and hopefully it will be resolved. I really wanted that package. in the world could they even ship it without paying for the shipping? Unless they somehow accidetally coded it as C.O.D.?? I hope she resolves this for you ASAP. Keep us posted.
I hope everthing is settled! (meaning I don't have to pay anymore money :lol:)

I don't know what happened. THe shipping was super fast though. Too bad this happened.

She was wonderful

There was some kind of mix up with her mailing system and the receipt for my shipping didn't print. She called my post office and tried to pay for the $9.95 over the phone but they wouldn't allow her.

So she credited my paypal account the entire amount of my purchase to take care of the shipping and she apologized. Hopefully it didn't happen to too many people because I don't want her to lose money!
I'm gonna go pick my stuff up now!
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