Bra Strap, Relaxed and Color-Treated Hair


New Member
Is this combination possible??? I see there are alot of ladies with relaxed bra strap hair. Does having relaxed and permanently color-treated hair impede reaching bra strap length?

Are there any relaxed and permanently color-treated ladies out there with bra strap or longer hair???
It is possible, but I think it can be very hard on the hair if you are not careful. Conditioning and protection are super important. I've never colored my hair while I was trying to grow it out. Once I reached the length I wanted, then I colored it. I've colored my whole head 2x and I've had highlights once before. Neither the color or the highlights have been more than 2 or 3 shades higher than my natural color because I'm not big on doing color re-touches and I figured the lighter you go, the more you have to break down the hair. I've always picked a date at least 3 or 4 months away as the day to do it. That way you can focus on conditioning and strengthening as much as possible. You might also decide you don't want to do it.
My hair is past my waist and I have colored and relaxed it. I usually use semi-permenant because I can never find a color I absolutely love. Plus I like to experiment. As Myco said, the key is to condition your hair. I regularly deep condition my hair as well as use protein condiioners.
My hair was very near bra-strap (about a half an inch away) til I suffered some issues this summer, but it was NOT related to the fact that I do both (and yes, my hair is bleached). But, it is definitely possible. I got it trimmed 2 weeks ago, and now, I'm about an inch to 1 1/2 inches away from being bra-strap.

The front of my hair is a different story. That mess just doesn't grow!

I'm working on it. I don't have a digital camera but I'm going to try to borrow one from someone.
My hair is relaxed & color treated and it's approaching bra-strap length in the back
Like everyone said, you really have to be diligent with protein AND moisturizing conditioners. My stylist has told me he's very impressed with my hair growth and health considering that it's color treated (and especially since it's a light color!!).
You go, girls!
Just happy to hear of all of your successes with coloring and relaxing and STILL having flowing locks! What an inspiration
I used to have this question too until I saw the pics of all the beautiful manes on this board! I'm so inspired!
Yes, it is possible. My hair is bra-clasp length and it's relaxed and has a permanent color in it. Though I regret ever coloring it because it changed the texture a little and it's drier.

My hair has gotten it's longest and has been it's healthiest while I've been color treated. It's all about using the right color and taking care of your hair in very specific ways.