Bra Strap Length for 30 Years!!


Well-Known Member
I was watchin a morning show and these women were having a haircut because they wanted a makeover. Anyway there was this woman with about bra strap length hair (they were all white) and she said she hadnt trimmed or cut it for 30 years! this was kinda surprising because u wud xpect a bit more growth than bra strap after 30 yrs especially wiv no trims or cuts. This makes me not believe the stereotypes that black hair cant grow even more because look at all these waistlength people on LHCF and they've only bin growin their hair for a few years and i grew my hair to bra strap length in only 5 years when i was younger and this white woman could only stay at brastrap for such a long time. Just wanted to share. :)
lol, I just watched that show..GMTV right? the makeovers were dreadful.

I dont think the woman's hair had trouble growing though cuz she said she kept it at that lenght since she for a while and she hadn't has shoulder lenght heair since she was 12
Well there is this woman at my job who is white who cannot grow her hair past her shoulders its stringy and she can't do nothing with it. She just chopped it all off got a color and it looks nice it fits her. Theres nothing she can do. it grew long waist length when she was younger but would never grow back once she got older. Theres another woman white who also is having a time growing her hair it grows but it thins out badly and she ends up cutting it again. I been growing out my hair for two years with no mishaps thankgod and its still not to far past my shoulders. Seems like its frozen. I don't think I gained in inch an atleast three or four months.
i know it's not a popular concept but that's why i believe we all have a terminal length. :look: now of course i didn't see the woman and i don't know her hair care practices... she could very well have just been hovering around that length because her ends were breaking off as fast as her roots were pushing out new hair. this is the case with my mom, she's been around collarbone/APL since i can remember and only rarely (and i mean once or twice in the past 13-14 years) has she let me trim an inch or 2 off her ends. :perplexed
There's a white girl on my floor who recently got tracks and it looks really nice on her. Anyway, I noticed that her hair went from a little longer than chin length to brastrap in a day and asked her if she got extensions and she said yes, that she was so nervous to get them done but her hair does not grow fast at all. She said she also straightens it a lot because her hair is naturally curly so that makes my hair break off. I think it has more to do with hair care, than predisposition, but that's my opinion. And I don't think that black women are the only one with "issues" growing their hair. Sometimes it comes easier to us. But whatever :rolleyes:
From my observation's with Caucasians(I'm in a predominantly white culture), its usually the ones with dry, curly hair that have the terminal hair problems. I feel it's because they don't know what to do to protect their ends(using too much heat). I have seen this in my office and with acquaintances who are Caucasians. If they would use some of or practices I believe their hair would grow, everything grows ..some at a snails rate, others like weeds, while most are somewhere between. I believe people who don't see growth, are people who's ends are being broken in some way or form....just my 1 cents

My hair was at BSL for about 30 years. I thought it was terminal length. Then I transitioned, did the big chop and took good care of my natural hair and it grew. The longest layer is now at about hip length when stretched. The moral of the story is that just because someone stays at the same length for many years, it doesn't necessarily mean they've hit terminal length. I hadn't. And I still haven't. Sometimes it has to do with how a person is taking care of their hair.
I believe it. I've been shoulder length for 30 years. I've just been slightly past it for about the last two years. I'll see at the end of the year if I can get to BSL. If I don't I'm giving up because I know it won't grow past that.

My mother's hair doesn't grow either. She doesn't do anything bad to her hair but it's always been short. I'm hoping I take after my father's side of the family. My father had long braids when he was a boy. All his siblings had long hair.

My hair was at BSL for about 30 years. I thought it was terminal length. Then I transitioned, did the big chop and took good care of my natural hair and it grew. The longest layer is now at about hip length when stretched. The moral of the story is that just because someone stays at the same length for many years, it doesn't necessarily mean they've hit terminal length. I hadn't. And I still haven't. Sometimes it has to do with how a person is taking care of their hair.

Ohhhh Cichelle can u give me some tips?? :grin: I have been stuck at BSL for like prob. 10yrs now and recently I haven't started to give up on healthy hair, but that my hair will reach waistlength. I always thought that once you get over shoulder-length that hair just starts to grow like a weed, but I guess not... :perplexed

My hair was at BSL for about 30 years. I thought it was terminal length. Then I transitioned, did the big chop and took good care of my natural hair and it grew. The longest layer is now at about hip length when stretched. The moral of the story is that just because someone stays at the same length for many years, it doesn't necessarily mean they've hit terminal length. I hadn't. And I still haven't. Sometimes it has to do with how a person is taking care of their hair.
ITA. My hair took off only after discovering LHCF, after learning how to care for my hair and I am very grateful.

Thanks for sharing this Cichelle. :yep: Who knows how much longer your hip length hair will grow--it could technically grow as long as you allow it to.
Well there is this woman at my job who is white who cannot grow her hair past her shoulders its stringy and she can't do nothing with it. She just chopped it all off got a color and it looks nice it fits her. Theres nothing she can do. it grew long waist length when she was younger but would never grow back once she got older. Theres another woman white who also is having a time growing her hair it grows but it thins out badly and she ends up cutting it again.

So, we know that there is a terminal length/terminal time for everyone, but from my experience and observations with women of other races (primarily caucasian women), having the inability to grow your hair past your shoulders is very rare. In fact, I've been in predominantly white settings all my life, have lots of white girl friends, and I've actually never heard any one of them make this claim. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen--I'm sure it does. But I'm just saying that such short growing phases (matched with slow growing speeds) just doesn't seem to be very common at all.

Now as far as black women are concerned, unless someone is making the argument that black people are genetically predisposed to short anagen cycles and slow growth rates, I think most women on here trying to grow their hair out probably don't really need to worry about hitting their terminal length. A few might hit a wall at APL, but if a short terminal length is as rare in our community as it is in the caucasian community, then most of us don't need to worry about it. The question is, is it that rare?
That is pretty short terminal length for anyone regardless of race.

It may be her terminal length, but it's much more likely that it stays at that length because she doesn't take the best care of her hair.
The opposite can sometimes be true though.

My boss at work has got the driest, frizziest ends, I know for a fact she's not that bothered about her hair, I mean she uses a combined shampoo and conditioner and has been known to use washing up liquid when she's run out of poo but yet her hair grows so fast! She went from chin length to mid back in the space of about 7 months.

She's now chopped her hair off again, but it will be back at mid back by the second quarter of next year I'm sure...
The opposite can sometimes be true though.

My boss at work has got the driest, frizziest ends, I know for a fact she's not that bothered about her hair, I mean she uses a combined shampoo and conditioner and has been known to use washing up liquid when she's run out of poo but yet her hair grows so fast! She went from chin length to mid back in the space of about 7 months.

She's now chopped her hair off again, but it will be back at mid back by the second quarter of next year I'm sure...

What's her hair type?