Bra-Strap Blues!!!


New Member
Ladies, I'm feeling a little bit frustrated about the time it's taking to reach my goal of bra-strap...
It seems like just when I think I'm "there," I go for my touchup/trim and come out right back where I started!! It just seems that I can't get past a certain point!! I took wet hair pics last night (first wash after my touchup) and I have ZERO growth since my last touch-up!

Don't get me wrong though... I'm happy with the condition of my hair these days, and my ends DO look nice & thick now, but it's just that by the time I get my next touchup in 4 months, the ends will probably end up looking thin again, and this prompts my stylist to want to "even them up" at every touchup... it just seems like it's damn near impossible to achieve brastap length hair and ALSO have thick, healthy ends!!

Am I the only one having this problem??
Your hair is beautiful!!! Hang in there. Do like DSD says " let your hair be". take care of it and it will get there, and you certainly are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up and cheer up!!
Lindy, I'm with ya. I am stuck at 22 inches. And I think I'm going to have to get a trim, b/c my ends seem thin/see through. So I'll be back to 20 and 1/2. Argghh!
Yes but I figured out what I was doing wrong. Is there anything you do to improve the state of your ends? If not then the key is probably extending your relaxer even more or giving up on the trim for one of your relaxers to let your hair even out on its own.
Thanks Wildflower, for the encouragement, and the compliment...

Melodee, I'm feeling ya... it's SOOO frustrating!!

CBG, That's a good idea... not the extending part, cuz I don't think I can go much longer than 16 weeks, but at my next touchup I'm going to ask my stylist not to cut the back at all, and see if he'll agree to that.
The only problem with that is I'm afraid that if the ends don't get clipped, they'll end up breaking or splitting, and then they'll eventually have to be cut anyway!!...
Lindy I am definately feeling you on this one! But my advice is to just skip the trim. Around touch up time, my ends also start to look all thin, but compared to my bushy newgwrowth of COURSE they are going to be thin. AND, if you're worried about the breaking/splitting if you don't get the trim, just keep in mind that your ends are more likely to split when freshly washed (or at least that's what I think). Good luck, your hair is fabulous, and you'll be there in NO time!
Since you're *so* close to brastrap, what about just letting your ends be until you're there. It shouldn't be too long a period. Then you can just trim your ends to maintain brastrap and you'll have healthy ends from that point on. If your ends are just thin and not dry and damaged they probably won't split before that time.
Lindy, you're almost there. Don't get the trim w/your next touch up. Try getting your trims every other touch-up and you'll retain more length.
yeah i say skip the trim, btw your ends do look really good
i think you can definitely skip one lil ole trim
-- jainygirl
I too understand how you feel Lindy. I was actually about an 1/4 of an inch past my bra-strap but got about a 2 inch trim. Don't get discouraged! I agree with the others wait to trim your hair. That's what I'm planing to do! You might wanna do your own trims temporarily. Just trim the ends that you think are split. I'm using my splitender for a few months until I feel comfortable enough to get another trim.
Stick with it Girl--you're gonna be there before you know it!
Lindy don't get discouraged. I started doing the "haircare thing" in may and found this place in october. I only measure my hair immediately after a touchup, and I don't let that SHS cut my hair at all (not a trim since last summer). By may i will probably be at bra clasp and maybe u will too!!! whoo hoo
Thanks ladies!! That settles it... I'm DEFINITELY not letting my stylist trim my hair in the back at my next touchup. That means I'll get to keep ALL the length I get back there from now until November!! That definitely gives me enough time to reach brastrap.

You guys are THE BEST!!
I feel that same way Lindy, it's like right there *holding thumb and index finger together*

But don't you find this crazy though: Other people are always in awe over your hair? Does that happen to you? Everybody always oohs and aahs and tells you how long it is, but then I'm just like

I think we see our hair differently than other people see it. Think about that the next time you get the bra-strap blues
lisatamika said:
But don't you find this crazy though: Other people are always in awe over your hair? Does that happen to you? Everybody always oohs and aahs and tells you how long it is, but then I'm just like

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That's so true!!
A few years ago I would have been THRILLED if I even THOUGHT I could have hair this length (this is the longest it's ever been!!) but now, I want even more...
I guess it's human nature to always want more than what you have, and to never be satisfied...
Hang in there Lindy. We are in the same boat, so we can support each other. Bra-strap is so close I feel like I can touch it
, so I can definitely sympathize with you.

P.s. I think your hair looks great.
Lindy, you have beautiful hair...please, don't be discouraged. Maybe you should try getting dustings instead of trims.

When I cut my hair off thinking that I would look as good as Halle Berry with her pixie, boy was I wrong. I didn't think that I'd ever get my layers out or ever get any decent length. I stopped getting trims and started getting dustings instead. I've saved a lot of my length that way.

Maybe your stylist is just getting a little too happy with the scissors.
Your hair looks great, but my advice:

MAKE SURE MAKE SURE MAKE SURE that you are not the victim of an SHS!

Sometimes, they're really not jealous and they are really good with hair and are good with healthy hair techniques, but they just get carried away with those scissors. Even when I've trimmed myself--I've felt the temptation to go overboard...

something about the sound of the fresh clean hair getting cut and falling to the floor and the way that the scissors feel in your hands when you make that cut--it can be addictive. It takes self-control and alot of these stylist just aren't worried about practicing self-control on someone else's hair.

I used to have one of those stylists that always wanted to even stuff up. Notice I said USED TO!
I'm also "stuck"

If it helps at all, I'm consoling myself with other posters experience of bra strap being one of the particularly challenging "hurdles" during the hair growth journey.

Shoulder length and bra strap are routinely the lengths that people get frustrated. I decided to just put my hair way and fuggetaboutit.....
Stop worrying about it... don't let that stylist come near your hair w/ scissors... and hang in there!
HealthyHair said:
Lindy, your looks gorgeous! What brand/color haircolor do you use? I love the color too!

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Thank you, HealthyHair!! I use Clairol Textures & Tones in "Bronze". I've been using that for about 2 years, and so far, so good!!

Ladies, you are all so sweet and encouraging!!
Thank you all for the nice compliments, and I'm definitely gonna take CBG's advice and skip the trim at my next touchup. I really think that's the ONLY way I'm EVA gonna make it to brastrap. I think my stylist is obsessed with thick ends; if he sees any straggly ends he's like "OK, that's gotta go!!"
I mean, true that I don't want brastrap length hair with straggly looking ends...
Maybe I just need to be more patient...
Especially if you wear a bun or ponytail if the ends are scraggly then it can be hidden so easily. Just wait, cause you'll never know unless you try and I personally do not beleive in the ends will split right up the shaft theory. With the level of care we do here these theories don't really apply to us.
Yeah, stop getting your hair trimmed as much. I just got like about an inch and a half trimmed so that the back of my hair could be more blunt instead of tapered into a slight V. Yeah, it's set me back but I have also rebelled against my bun because I want to look cute for the summer with my hair wrapped up at night and down during the day. I'll continue to keep my heat to 1x per week but I know that my hair needed to be cut so that my sides can catch up to the back. You'll get to bra-strap especially since it's warming up.
Hey Lindy
Your hair is truly beautiful. I am just in love with the color too
. I COMPLETELY understand how you feel. You know I had my little brastrap meltdown a few weeks ago. I've decided to stop worrying about the length of my hair and just enjoy my hair as is. I figure, I have a good length, I like the condition my hair, so why worry about it getting longer. So I'm just continuing to care for it while not thinking about the length of it. Enjoy your beautiful hair. The length will come
Thanks ladies!!
Sometimes this hair thing can get kind of frustrating!! I really thought that I would have been at brastrap length by now. I remember that my goal was to be there by my birthday in November 2003. Well, here it is April, and I'm still not there!!
I'm convinced that it's because of "Edward ScissorHands" (my stylist)
. Sometimes I wish I could relax (I'm too chicken!!)& trim my own hair and not have to rely on a stylist for ANYTHING!!
Lindy said:
I think my stylist is obsessed with thick ends; if he sees any straggly ends he's like "OK, that's gotta go!!"

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My stylist is like this too.
I'm gonna tell him no more trims til the end of summer 2004. I don't think he's as concerned for the ends as he is for the extra $20 that a trim gets him.

Don't worry Lindy. I believe in you. You are almost there.
Lindy..Have you ever went to Cathy Howse website..she claims that trimming your ends does not make your hair grow it just makes it shorter and that it is a common misconception in black hair growth
. I think maybe you shouldn't get so many trims....every other relaxer sounds a lot more feasible if your trying to retain length.