Boyfriends says "You aint gonna make it"


Well-Known Member
Yesterday after shampooing and conditioning my hair I experienced some shedding.I just had a baby boy 3 and 1/2 months ago, so thats where the extra shedding is coming from. Anyways, he walks in the bathroom and sees me taking a picture of my hair ball for fotki and starts laughing at me. Then he goes on the say that "you aint gonna make it to mid-back by Dec 31"and "Why are you worshipping your hair anyway thats why its falling out". I told him that "I'm not worshipping my hair and its no different than the silly hobbies you have. This is something that me and you will never understand stand." After I tried to explain to him that I dont worship no one but the man upstairs. He walks out the bathroom chanting "Oh mighty hairgod please grant my girlfriend some hair!!!":notworthy After that I waited until 12am in the morning to take pictures of my hair results because I'm tired of the insults. I wish men could be more supportive and sensitive to our needs. They dont have to do half the ish we do in order to look our best.:confused:
krissyprissy said:
Yesterday after shampooing and conditioning my hair I experienced some shedding.I just had a baby boy 3 and 1/2 months ago, so thats where the extra shedding is coming from. Anyways, he walks in the bathroom and sees me taking a picture of my hair ball for fotki and starts laughing at me. Then he goes on the say that "you aint gonna make it to mid-back by Dec 31"and "Why are you worshipping your hair anyway thats why its falling out". I told him that "I'm not worshipping my hair and its no different than the silly hobbies you have. This is something that me and you will never understand stand." After I tried to explain to him that I dont worship no one but the man upstairs. He walks out the bathroom chanting "Oh mighty hairgod please grant my girlfriend some hair!!!":notworthy After that I waited until 12am in the morning to take pictures of my hair results because I'm tired of the insults. I wish men could be more supportive and sensitive to our needs. They dont have to do half the ish we do in order to look our best.:confused:

:lachen::lachen:Girl that is TOO funny! But yeah, I completely understand what you are talking about. He thinks my fotki is stupid too and laughs at me all the time about me taking pics of my hair and whatnot. I'm like, youre the main one wanting me to have hair I can sit on and then laugh at what it takes for me to get it there. MEN!

ETA: My hair is shedding a lot too. My baby is 4 1/2 months old. I wonder when its gonna STOP already!
Woooo, no he didn't! Wait until the next time he's screaming at the football players through the TV screen and ask "Why are worshiping a game?"
that is so unfair!!! ya'll funny though- but that's why you have us for support. My hubbie is very supportive (outwardly) but girl my hair so jacked he's probably secretly think yea right and praying for God to drop some hair on me lol! but the support makes the world of a difference. Girl - just keep doing what you are doing- he'll see. show him gurl! show him!!
naturallady said:
: I'm like, youre the main one wanting me to have hair I can sit on and then laugh at what it takes for me to get it there. MEN!

Yea! About 3 weeks ago he told my stylist not to cut off all my hair. Go figure:nuts:
sareca said:
Woooo, no he didn't! Wait until the next time he's screaming at the football players through the TV screen and ask "Why are worshiping a game?"

Girl he is a die hard Dallas Cowboys Fanatics.
My hubby just looks at me and says "Your hair is short. Why does it take so long to do? I just shoo him out the bathroom and do my thang.:lol:
Sure, he's laughing now, but, you'll get the last laugh when his eyes pop outta his head from seeing ya swang "all that hair on your head" and constantly hearing people ask him, "Man, is that her real hair?"

My hair is shedding more than it ever has. I don't understand it. I didn't shed this much after I had my son. But, as strange as it seems, it's longer and thicker than it ever has been.:p

I'm transitioning AGAIN. This is the second time.

I'm determined to become a natural!!!!
Aww don't feel bad. You'll make it and then he'll be secretly smiling to himself when he sees your results. That's when you can just swing it in his face.:D
You are not worshipping your hair, you are maintaining it. It's the same as a guy who works out. Don't pay him no mind. Watch when you reach your goal in Dec. You can pass in front of him swinging your hair as you walk by. He will be sweatin' your hair then. :grin: :grin:
Ok, I realize that a lot of times men don't have much tact about women's issues. Mostly because they're just clueless about them. However, this and a couple of other comments I have seen posted here in the past few days about what boyfriends and husbands have said about your hair goals are just flat out MEAN.:mad:

"You ain't gonna make it". What a terrible thing to say. Even if he doesn't believe you can by then, that's no reason to crush your dreams!! He could have at the very least softened that INSULT by saying, "Even if you don't make it by then, you'll get there".

Sorry for ranting, but I'm very sensitive about comments like these. All I hear when someone says something like this is "You can't do it, so stop trying". Certainly not something that anyone who cares about you should be saying.
Awww, that's so not nice. I can relate though. for the first 6months, my hubby used to tease me about all the products and that it was a waste of time. Then i kinda shyed away from sharing my obsession with him. Then around mont 7 (last fall) is when he started seeing results and now he is happy and he thinks my hair hobby is cute and he supports me. So the moral of the story is...dont waste your breathe...just keep things on the low now and then in a few months, he'll see your results and that you know what you are talking about...
Awww. Don't pay him any attention sweetheart. Your boyfriend and my hubby must have graduated from the same school on the same night! He flip flops from being supportive to thinking that I am out of my mind. He once told me that I am too obsessive about my hair and thought I should seek counseling because I am making this so important (I have only been a member of this board since July 15th...huh)

I am learning the hard way not too include him in my hair journey and to ignore his stares when one of my fellow sisters with lovely locks passes by.

You have plenty of support here! We understand and are in your corner. Do like I do... shop for hair products in private and hide the bags before he gets home!

Just wait until you're sporting that length!! Happy growing
I must be too sensitive because I would not even be able to have any kind of sense of humor about that. If my husband said "you aint gonna make it" or otherwise made fun of me, I'm quite sure he'd never do it again after he had to deal with me for the next 72 hours, 'cause that's about how long I'd be telling him off. :mad:

Girl, don't wait until 12am to take pics. Do your thing. And make sure to have something snarky to say to him about his Dallas Cowboys "worship". ;)
Do you know that men can be quite jealous of a woman? Also don't you know that men expect for you to react to their sarcasm? In your case hun, it has to be one of the other, because your hair is beautiful. Did it ever cross your mind that he is saying that as defense mechanism, thus being quite insecure that you actually do and might attract other men because of your hair length?

Next time, don't react, don't get emotional like a typical women, just say "that comment was unnecessary, wouldn't you say?"
MizAvalon said:
Ok, I realize that a lot of times men don't have much tact about women's issues. Mostly because they're just clueless about them. However, this and a couple of other comments I have seen posted here in the past few days about what boyfriends and husbands have said about your hair goals are just flat out MEAN.:mad:

"You ain't gonna make it". What a terrible thing to say. Even if he doesn't believe you can by then, that's no reason to crush your dreams!! He could have at the very least softened that INSULT by saying, "Even if you don't make it by then, you'll get there".

Sorry for ranting, but I'm very sensitive about comments like these. All I hear when someone says something like this is "You can't do it, so stop trying". Certainly not something that anyone who cares about you should be saying.

My boyfriend is very cut throat with a lot of things he says. First of all he's a army drill seargent:Crowned: but that gives him no excuse to hurt my feelings.He is sweet in other ways, but let some one else disrespect me and he will try to fight. I guess you cant have the best of both worlds.
My boyfriend is supportive, even though he'll crack a joke every now and then. He jokes about how all I do is go to class, sleep, and do my hair. When I'm on LHCF, he'd be like "so what y'all talkin about now?" and then he'd pretend as if he's one of us and be like "ooooo I did my hair today for 5 hours, what'd you do to your hair today?"

He may joke, but he's never been negative to the point to where he tells me that I won't make it to my goals. He's the one who first told me "Ashley, you DON'T need curling irons everyday; put them away." He tells me when my hair looks nice and if he notices any improvements. Like I said, he's supportive, but all-in-all, I think that men (in general) will never get the full understanding of us women and the love and care that we have for our hair.
My husband said something very similar. It really really hurt my feelings and made me feel inadequate:(

I told him how it made me feel, I still don't think he gets it. I can't wait until I reach my goal, so I can say I told you so...and I am always saying I told you so