BOYCOTT Carol's Daughter?


Well-Known Member
Might be a lonnng vent. Be prepared. Has anyone else experienced piss-poor, non accomodating, customer service from these folks?

I have made about 4-5 orders from them trying to promote black people, plus I loved most of her hair care products Waayyy before she was ever introduced on Tyra Banks show.

Their website never works. Item will say "in stock" yet when i get the email shipping info, its suddenly on backorder. I can't use my 10% membership online because THAT doesnt seem to work either. So when i call, i get extreme wait times, and I always get some Snappy, ghetto girl who acts like I'm always bothering her. I tell her what i want, she proceeds to tell me its out of stock even though its clearly on the website IN STOCK. They NEVER update their website.

She's sucking her teeth in the background, sighing and asking me "what else did you want?"

AND WHY must you pay $25 just to GET 10% off as a membership fee? I have to PAY just to GET a discount? Not 25$ worth of products. Just a STRAIGHT $25 to get 10% of my orders for just ONE year. I only order once a year because theyre shipping is so high that i make sure i spend $75 just to get free shipping and i'm good for a loong time.

When u are tryin to ask them questions about products, they have no idea, and if theyre any promotions that u saw online or in a magazine, they dont tell you about it, you have to TELL them, hey, "I want that free lip gloss youre offering on your site too!" Sales rep goes "oh yeah, i guess i should add that too" WTF?

I saw a promotion for a full size Almond cookie lotion in Vibe magazine once and when i called to get it w/ my order, they said "oh, thats not even out yet so u cant get it yet" They know before press time, which advertisements are going in which magazine and they should be stocked WELL BEFORE. Vibe magazine is a nationwide magazine and thousands have seen it so why am I the first to complain about the lotion? I had to almost curse the rep out to demand my free lotion.

So now I am boycotting them. My sister just ordered something today and they treated her like crap and she had to call back and complain. She was trying to ask the rep to help her find a product for around $6 so she could get free shipping right? Sales rep,"we dont have nothing at $6, everything starts at $12" Sister says, umm, isnt your lip gloss around $6. Sales rep,"oh yeah, i guess you can add that" What's her problem?? We have NEVER had a pleasant experience and for that reason, I boycott. I cannot support black businesses if i keep getting treated like trash.

Is there ANYONE who has yet to have a pleasant experience w/ Carol's Daughter? Why does this seem to be the norm w/ black owned/operated businesses?
Yeah I have heard about the lack of customer service since 2002. you would think a business on the level of hers would at least be courteous to its customers and have people working for them that know what they are doing and what the heck they are talking about. :ohwell: Sorry you have such bad experiences with them.
and for as much money as Carol charges... the customer service should be up to par :perplexed. Sorry you had a bad experience.
I've only ordered their products through Sephora. I have no problem with service that way. But I don't like their products that much anyway, so I'm with you on the boycott. I'm mad that the expensive Tui oil is just crisco and fragrance anyway.
I would not go as far to boycott.

Yet, I do not use her products. I bought a couple of her products several years ago. First, the products were late and not all my products came at the same time. One arrived weeks later.

Last, the products were HORRIBLE!!!! :sad: My hair hated ever single product because it either was too heavy or like Crisco..

One bad experience was enough for me. I do not order anymore from her business. I wonder why some Black businesses have to be so bad.:nono:
I've never had a problem with CD customer service but I'm not a big fan of the product anyway. I prefer Jane Carter. :ohwell:
I've never ordered, but I was thinking about it. I don't think I'm going to now. :nono: This is not the first time I've heard about bad customer service from CD.
I've only ordered their products through Sephora. I have no problem with service that way. But I don't like their products that much anyway, so I'm with you on the boycott. I'm mad that the expensive Tui oil is just crisco and fragrance anyway.

LOL I wondered about this oil! I initially just wanted it because the flowers in the bottle looked like the ones Celie had in the first letter she read from Nettie :look::lachen::lachen:
Don't even get me started because I love their products but the customer service has stopped me from buying also. As much as I love my ecstacy and almond cookie, their poor customer service has turned me off. Q
Not that it should matter , but carols daughter charges way too much money to provide such horrible customer service. There products are crappy anyway (at least the ones i tried) so i have no issue with never buying from them again.
Somehow I dont think that will help. :look:
No? I mean, it might not. I've been hearing about the less than stellar service for a few years. I guess I'm a little sensitive because sometimes we are quick to write off black businesses who provide crappy customer service instead of letting them know,"Hey I want to patronize you, but you've got to do better, here's how." For all the money CD charges, the service needs to be top shelf.

At the same time, a lot of our business owners and managers need to understand that its not just enough to get customers. You've got to make them want to come back. What am I telling you this already know!:)

I wonder if its a case of the company growing too fast for them to keep up with. They may be better off focusing on distribution instead of direct sales.
WOW I must just have good luck. I would call and get a young lady named Nicole I think. Anywho she helped me select products, informed me of any discounts and would respond to me when I would call back about order status updates.

My girl claimed she ALWAYS had problems with CD's customer service and timely product delivery but every time I called I got my product Day 2. Since the new formulations I haven't been that crazy about the products so I stopped using them. Plus my hair has no problems with petro products such as petrolatum and mineral oil so if it ain't broke - don't fix it.
I would just buy the products at Sephora.

Her healthy hair butter and mimosa hair honey have been staples for me.
They are pricey...but they last 3-4 sets of twist, so I look at it as like $6-7 a hairstyle which is cheap compared to $80 or so at the shop...anyways...I digress....

The bottom line is...if you like the products but dont like the service...just purchase from Sephora. That way you get both :yep:
I've never had a problem with CD customer service but I'm not a big fan of the product anyway. I prefer Jane Carter. :ohwell:

I'm with you Sareca. For haircare I prefer Jane Carter. I bought the Saturday Morning Special. I ended up using the Kizzi's balm for my feet and the Black Vanilla Leave-In as a hair perfume. The rest I've tried to give away but can't find anybody who likes this stuff. I love her body products though. I buy them from All beauty products have $5 shipping. No problems there.
I really wanted to shop at Caarol's Daughters, but I was never able to purchase the products I wanted because they were always out of stock. The "we'll email you" deal never worked. At least, I never received an email.

I like shopping at Nordstorms - I really do. And I often do not mind that what I purchase may cost a bit more because the one thing they have is excellently sublime customer service. When I spend my hard-earned money, I want to be treated with respect and consideration. I want prompt attention in a clean store. I do not want to hear "out of stock" "we only have what's out" nor do I wish to deal with rude sales assosicates. I want Nordstorms service at each store I shop; I don;t care of the business is owned by blacks, greens, polkadots, or anyone else - I want the service. When I don;t get it, I spend elsewhere.