Boundless Tresses website isn't working...arghh!!!


I've been wanting to try BT since it's an odorless version of MTG and everyone's been getting great results. The website works until I get to checkout and then it just goes crazy...the page tries to open repeatedly, the page opens up empty to a plain white page, or it says that there has been an error opening the page.

The website is Could someone go to it for me and click to order and then press checkout just to see if the page works? (of course don't really order it..but just to see if the page opens).

I PM'ed Natural Lady, but she hasn't replied yet.

Has anyone else had problem with it, or is it just me?
Thanks for tryin for me :)

I just downloaded Foxfire's internet and for some reason it works on there but not on my Internet Explorer. Hmmm, really weird.

Anyway, it's cool now. Thanks!!! :)