Boundless Tresses order STILL unreceived

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but how does one explain the theft? she has stolen money. i can see not sending products, but she has stolen from people and she hasn't taken down her website. LHCF members aren't the only ones purchasing her products. something else is wrong.

Never thought about the drugs possibility...

It's probably mental though. I know she recently put her kids in school after homeschooling for years.
Bee Mine is not nearly as effective as BT and, in my opinion, is a waste of money. Rather than buy another bottle of Bee Mine I put together my own mix with the help of some folks on the board.

Really, I've had some decent results with Bee Mine,*shrugs* I need to stay on it though and be consistent otherwise no. It works particularly well when I mix it with CO/JBCO
Really, I've had some decent results with Bee Mine,*shrugs* I need to stay on it though and be consistent otherwise no. It works particularly well when I mix it with CO/JBCO

Bee Mine did nothing for me. BT started growing in my sides--which had been bald since I was 8 or 9. When I ran out, I ordered the Bee Mine because everyone raved about it. It was useless. I never got around to ordering any more BT and now I mix my own sulfer mix.

I think BT has more sulfur. And, I know it has more coconut oil.

I totally agree with you, however if any of you payed through
papypal call them and file a claim, they will refund your purchase
back to your credit-card or account. Worked for me.

Its a real shame because I really had results
Crack. Must be on something like that when your going around theiving like this without worrying about the consequences.

DAMN! :lachen::lol::lachen::lol:

The way yall goin in on this girl got me in here DYING! I ain't mad though... :look:

The ensuing hilarity made it worth the hassle... :lol:
I'm going to order the supplies this week. I know I have to melt the coconut oil first and mix with the other oils. So, will the coconut oil solidify or will it stay as a liquid when it's mixed with the other oils?
I do wish she would say SOMETHING. Folks done got her in the midst of mental breakdown and sniffing crack lines.

Oh and I like Bee Mine's growth serum :look: It didn't grow my hair but it's a great scalp oil :)
Ya'll need to stop. Let's stop assuming and wait and see if she comes forward. But ya'll are doing too much by insinuating she's smoking crack or doing drugs. JMO.
I do wish she would say SOMETHING. Folks done got her in the midst of mental breakdown and sniffing crack lines.

Oh and I like Bee Mine's growth serum :look: It didn't grow my hair but it's a great scalp oil :)

This got me howling! Bwhahahahahaha! Well, I can't wait to see her explanation. I hope she shows up soon.
^^^^ now you know she isn't going to offer up an explaination....not at this point. She's got the money and no one's got the product. Dang, I really thought that there would be a .gif off by now!! lol *slinks out of this thread*
I just reread my comment and it sounded kinda rude. I was being serious and hope everything is ok.

Droid typing leads to typos for me
:dead:yall aint right. i dont think she spent yall money on least i hope not :look:...but i'm sure yall done paid a few bills and funded some shopping sprees...
I ordered this a long time ago. It was so long ago (read: years), I don't remember how long I waited... I think it was awhile though. I had an allergic reaction and had to stop using it. I had terrible headaches and nausea for days after using it. I had to stay home from work and everything. I ended up selling it. Oh, and it smells HORRIBLE.

Sent from my Samsung Epic :)
I didn't read comments after the thread lol. I don't know what she's on, or if she's on. I just think I heard some things but we shall wait and see.

Droid typing leads to typos for me
Dang! This is not good and I've been dying to try her products. Geesh, what is going on with her?

2 oz. coconut oil
2 oz. castor oil or other oil
4 oz. EVOO
1 heaping teaspoon of sublimed sulfur powder (I use 2)

Optional: 10 drops of an essential or perfumed oil.

Save your $$$$$
She did not refund me personally, I filed a claim
through Paypal and it worked. I hope everyone gets
their money back.

I'm glad you got your money back through Paypal, because it's obvious at this point that she has no plan to issue a refund directly herself. I wonder how many times Paypal allows a complaint against someone before they revoke their merchant account...
As tight as people are on this board it's odd no one has an explanation of where she is and what happen. :scratch: SOMEBODY knows what's going on and they are being a LOYAL friends to her. Cause as many pms, phone # exchanged and chatting on other boards SOMEBODY gotta know what's the deal......
Whatever her "deal" may be, it doesn't excuse her behavior. It would be different if she just dropped off the face of the earth altogether, but she didn't. She was posting here for a bit, chilling on youtube, facebook, and cashing checks for products she hadn't sent.

No, "I was busy" or "I was sick" is going to explain that. If her loyal friends are smart, they will let her handle her own problem rather than post here and incur the wrath of HER upset customers.

If they just want to gossip though, that will probably be appreciated.:look: Messy, I know...
As tight as people are on this board it's odd no one has an explanation of where she is and what happen. :scratch: SOMEBODY knows what's going on and they are being a LOYAL friends to her. Cause as many pms, phone # exchanged and chatting on other boards SOMEBODY gotta know what's the deal......

If she were not a 'well liked" member you know the LHCF FBI would have been ALL OVER this case with the quickness. It's a shame really. :nono: When AfroVeda raised her prices...when we found out HairVeda was using bases... LHCF was ON FIRE! Shima became LHCF's Voldermort, she who must not be named, for stealing pictures. But this vedor can steal money and the majority is all quiet and polite...............
If she were not a 'well liked" member you know the LHCF FBI would have been ALL OVER this case with the quickness. It's a shame really. :nono: When AfroVeda raised her prices...when we found out HairVeda was using bases... LHCF was ON FIRE! Shima became LHCF's Voldermort, she who must not be named, for stealing pictures. But this vedor can steal money and the majority is all quiet and polite...............

I totally agree. It's almost like if it was her business plan to gain popularity on LHCF, then build a busines offering a product and eventually stop sending the product and go cash checks everyday her plan worked. Because not only is she getting away with it, she has people DEFENDING her and she doesnt have to say a word in her own defense. There are probably people still ordering from her, and she's probably sitting back collecting money. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody were taking note, posting cutesy comments, gaining "LHCF street cred" in preparation for copying her model. All I can say is I hope she's sharing her profits with her supporters. Maybe they are getting hush money. Lol!
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