Boundless Tresses order STILL unreceived

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Oh ok..but neither did this route either.:look:..just didnt seem like the right thing for her to do...didnt sit right with me..espeically since its really not her battle..

For the OP, what would you suggest she do? All attempts at contacting Boundless Tresses to remedy the situation have gone unanswered.
Would you feel differently if you were one of the people ripped off though?

I didn't buy anything from her either, fortunately, but I still think it's an effed up situation that shouldn't be ignored. Since I've been on this site, I mainly buy from online vendors (shescentit and hairveda makeup about 80% of my staple products). So I'm glad that people are being made aware of her shady ways. If either of those 2 vendors started stealing, I would damn sure want to know about it by any means (forums, fb, youtube) so that I don't spend my hard earned money on them anymore.
I dunno what i would have done..cause its not my situation..but i am sure i would have gone thru paypal or another route..
make people aware..thats fine..on the hair the vendor forum..hell even a revue on YT but on a personal FB? ..not me..
I look for vendor reviews as well..I am not against that ..
if she would have gone on FB to message her..that, i could understand..cause it was her who lost money...but not GA...justsayin..

I hear what you're saying, but the reality is that the OP didn't have access to her FB page. Do you have any idea why SF isn't responding to the OP (who by the way ordered with a Money Order)?
I guess the only thing to do now is to get the word out to warn others. It would be cool if one of the youtube gurus who get a lot of hits could make a warning video.

Personally speaking I wouldn't do such a video. If I paid for something that I personally never got, then okay. But because someone else didn't get their stuff and me to go out of my way to make a video to warn other people? Hell would freeze over first.

If I have a beef with someone I'm not going to delegate, I'll handle it myself.
So is what SF did to more than 1 person sitting right with you? I think if you're going to point finger at wrong people, your finger should be pointing closer to SF than GAB. GAB was helping out a fellow member... and trying to help SF too... on the itty-bitty chance that she didn't know about this thread.
she was tryna help out? on her FB page like that? didnt seem that way too me..seemes like she was tryna embarass her if u ask me...its one thing to PM the member did to me to alert me of this thread...its another thing to get on her page and go in like that..but yall right..its not my money so hey...
but again..that still wasnt the way to go about it to me..
Personally speaking I wouldn't do such a video. If I paid for something that I personally never got, then okay. But because someone else didn't get their stuff and me to go out of my way to make a video to warn other people? Hell would freeze over first.

If I have a beef with someone I'm not going to delegate, I'll handle it myself.
I dunno what i would have done..cause its not my situation..but i am sure i would have gone thru paypal or another route..
make people aware..thats fine..on the hair the vendor forum..hell even a revue on YT but on a personal FB? ..not me..
I look for vendor reviews as well..I am not against that ..

Well I'm smellin what you cookin there, even though I don't agree. Aren't some of the members of the board FB friends with her? Do all you know each other on a personal level outside of the board? I'm asking because those people could be former members who no longer visit the board and therefore wouldn't hear about it any other way.

ETA: Your daughter is beautiful
You have got be kidding me? Let someone start a FB page about Boundless Tressess or what ever her business is and I'd be sure to sign on and post.

I am with you on this. People need to realize that this not only affects OP but it also affects people who have or want to have a start up business themselves. I, for one, am now very leary. Between Sparklingflame and that 3" in 7 weeks broad, I won't be buying from anyone if they are not an established company. If I can't make it myself or order from a company with a clear business repuptation that they want to protect, I will pass.

I am bothered by the fact that some think that this is ok because PayPal will take care of it or whatever or because they have a relationship with the seller. That is not the point. Not one of these people who are trying to defend foolishness or staying suspiciously silent would want to be taken for their money and would be all over the place campaigning for justice.
I am .....I gotta be honest here..I really dont like the way GA called her out in the open on her FB page..If she felt the need to say something, I would have PM'd her...IMO that wasnt the saying goes..2 wrongs dont make a right? nothing good came out of that....but again..thats just me..I dont know what the deal is but again, its none of my just an unfortunate situation..i wish all the best..

The only good that came out of it was confirmation for the OP (and us) that SF knows good and well she has ticked off customers and clearly doesn't care. It basically got rid of the "what if something is seriously wrong with her or her family" variable.

But, I agree, I wouldn't have gotten involved. At BEST it would have been via PM. But, I think the way gabulldawg approached it was respectable.
Well I'm smellin what you cookin there, even though I don't agree. Aren't some of the members of the board FB friends with her? Do all you know each other on a personal level outside of the board? I'm asking because those people could be former members who no longer visit the board and therefore wouldn't hear about it any other way.

ETA: Your daughter is beautiful

thnx gurl!
I appreciate, and i undersatnd where yall r coming from..i truly do..i get it.....i hope everything workls our for the best in this situation..
nope..friends via LHCF and FB..i have quite a few FB friends from here..everyone is great and I enjoy thier commentary on the feeds..never any drama..i dunno if anyone else knows here outside of the forums tho..
Personally speaking I wouldn't do such a video. If I paid for something that I personally never got, then okay. But because someone else didn't get their stuff and me to go out of my way to make a video to warn other people? Hell would freeze over first.

If I have a beef with someone I'm not going to delegate, I'll handle it myself.

That's completely fine. The only reason I suggested someone else help out the hair community is because Hairsoaper may not have a youtube following. I know if *I* were to go on youtube and make a video I'd probably get 20 hits at the most because my face is not known on youtube. So it would pretty much be pointless. But if you have someone that gets hits on a regular basis, especially a youtube hair celeb, then the chances of people seeing it are a lot higher. So in this case, I don't see anything wrong with a well known face helping out her fellow hair sisters.
The only good that came out of it was confirmation for the OP (and us) that SF knows good and well she has ticked off customers and clearly doesn't care. It basically got rid of the "what if something is seriously wrong with her or her family" variable.

But, I agree, I wouldn't have gotten involved. At BEST it would have been via PM. But, I think the way @gabulldawg approached it was respectable.
thats all im sayin...
How does anyone know she didn't agree something with Den - who also btw mentioned she got the recipe off Nurse....?

I think the mods should close the thread and close her vendor account till its all sorted. Things are now speculation, all the advice possible has been given and people who lost money have decided to go the legal route which is the right way to go.


I spoke facts in my post.
Caisha's own post about *bugging for the recipe* also backs up my facts.
Have A blessed evening

All because you are FB friends with someone doesn't mean you are really "friends". GA had a lot of balls for doing what she did. All because someone didn't say anything doesn't mean they don't care. They probably don't want to get involved. This is a mess up situation but at the end of the day lets not forget who the real culprit is, SF, not her"friends on the net or FB. Besides its obvious that she doesn't give a damn so just expose her publicly because PMing her ain't working.
I am .....I gotta be honest here..I really dont like the way GA called her out in the open on her FB page..If she felt the need to say something, I would have PM'd her...IMO that wasnt the saying goes..2 wrongs dont make a right? nothing good came out of that....but again..thats just me..I dont know what the deal is but again, its none of my just an unfortunate situation..i wish all the best..

I don't get it, what's so WRONG about it? It's not like everyone, including her defenders, don't know that she's involved in scamming other people. :look: People cuss out and break up with each other on their walls and that's fine but telling SF that people are wondering about their products isn't? On her wall or in PM, it doesn't matter, she needs to know. There's no real 'polite' way of telling her to get her act together and cough up people's money.

Dang, why are people trying to run around in circles with the subject? It is what it is and needs to be dealt with.
if she would have gone on FB to message her..that, i could understand..cause it was her who lost money...but not GA...justsayin..

I could almost get your logic; however, you are not practicing what you preach. You are here speaking up for your friend. You are not the one who took OP's money. How are you any different from GA? People talking about OP handling things herself or pming or whatever so as not to embarrass or inconvenience the seller. I think she should have her behind on her defending herself or her butt at the post office mailing a refund or I think anything goes.
I think it's F'd up how people are getting on GABullDawg for being one of the only FB friends to publicly ask SF what's going on.
I could almost get your logic; however, you are not practicing what you preach. You are here speaking up for your friend. You are not the one who took OP's money. How are you any different from GA? People talking about OP handling things herself or pming or whatever so as not to embarrass or inconvenience the seller. I think she should have her behind on her defending herself or her butt at the post office mailing a refund or I think anything goes.
excuss me..she is my FB friend...same way u are my LHCF friend..we dont do lunchs or ladies nite lets clear that up..I just speaking up for what i feel is right..and i think a postiung by GA on her FB page was wrong...nothing more..nothing whats wrong with that?
I think it's F'd up how people are getting on GABullDawg for being one of the only FB friends to publicly ask SF what's going on.
Im just sayin..I think that was OP's battle or whoever else lost thier money.. and its not people..its just me who said something..:look:
excuss me..she is my FB friend...same way u are my LHCF friend..we dont do lunchs or ladies nite lets clear that up..I just speaking up for what i feel is right..and i think a postiung by GA on her FB page was wrong...nothing more..nothing whats wrong with that?

Folks need to realize that being friends here or on Facebook really doesn't mean anything in the end. It's just another way to socially connect, but it doesn't necessarily mean you're connected socially.

People choose different ways to communicate or get involved and asummertyme, you nor gabulldawg need to defend yourselves. The only person that needs to defend themselves in this situation is the owner of Boundless Tresses.
excuss me..she is my FB friend...same way u are my LHCF friend..we dont do lunchs or ladies nite lets clear that up..I just speaking up for what i feel is right..and i think a postiung by GA on her FB page was wrong...nothing more..nothing whats wrong with that?

I agree, but following your logic, how is this different from GA? You claim it is not her battle, but it isn't yours either. I see two people just speaking up for what they feel is right. You are not the problem here. GA certainly isn't the problem either. I am just saying let's be fair about this. The problem is SF and she needs to show OP the money!
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