Boundless Tresses order STILL unreceived

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I don't know if anyone is referring to me, but I actually just came in this thread today. Yes I am friends with her on facebook and I had no idea all of this was going on. :nono: I wasn't avoiding drama or trying to pick her side. :rolleyes: I would have been in here sooner but I assumed it was a one-time deal until the thread kept getting longer and longer. :nono: I'm baffled.

Anyway, here is the message I just posted on her wall. Don't know if it will get deleted or not:

"Ummm have you been on LHCF lately?? People are kind of pissed about not receiving their BT... What's the deal?? People are getting the impression that you are cheating people out of their money and I can't blame them. :-/"

I didn't really know what else to say. :ohwell: There is no excuse for this kind of behavior. I don't care how cool you are with someone. It's not my style to smile in someone's face or defend them when they are doing wrong. :nono: But I'm also not going to call her a crackhead either. Hopefully this can get straightened out. Has anyone tried to call the number someone posted? I don't intend to get anymore involved since I haven't bought anything from her in years. If you want me to post another message on her facebook I can give it a try later. Good luck, folks.

gabulldawg Did she respond to your Facebook message?
Your recourse for the money order is a mail fraud complaint. If the Post Office sees a pattern suggesting attempts to defraud they will open up an investigation and contact the local police. Inform your mom to only make payments via credit/debit card which are simple to dispute.
I am so sorry this happened to you. :nono: You just wanted your product while simultaneously supporting a member's business. Times are too hard now to be taking people's hard earned money.

I just want to say I appreciate those members who recognize wrong, and are willing to voice their opinions"dog in the fight" or not. She could have taken advantage of any of us, so just because it wasn't you doesn't mean it couldn't have been you. To let this kind of fraud take place on this forum and sweep it under the rug would be seriously compromising the integrity of this community, and I don't think that's what people want. I ordered a product, I expected to receive it, contacted the owner several times when I didn't, and came back to the place where I first learned of the product again in hopes of getting a response. 3 months later, from the start of all this, I have yet to receive a product our correspondence from her, with EVIDENCE that the money order was cashed. (I don't want three product at this point, just the money back.) I think that this behavior is the definition of a crook, most people recognize a crook when they see one, and can identify with how I feel right now, even if only hypothetically since they don't directly have a "dog in the fight". So thanks!

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@gabulldawg Did she respond to your Facebook message?

She actually has not. :nono: I noticed that a couple of her friends jumped to her defense, asking if I could have just sent a private message. :rolleyes: I responded back by saying I didn't think it was necessary and that if she had handled the situation I would not have sent a message in the first place. The way I see it, everyone should know that she does not have good business practices. Not trying to be rude, but it is the truth.

I hope she has at least seen my comment and, if there was ANY way possible that she didn't know what was going on and that she has many upset customers, she knows now. :yep: I will check back when I try to remember to see if anything else comes of it.
So it's really only 3 people on here who didn't get their orders? I just wish she would address it. For what's got to be less than $300 ( from on here at least) why the heck would she be acting shady about it is beyond me.
So it's really only 3 people on here who didn't get their orders? I just wish she would address it. For what's got to be less than $300 ( from on here at least) why the heck would she be acting shady about it is beyond me.

I truly think there are more. Some wont come out and will just handle it on there own or chalk it up to a lesson learned and some maybe non paying members who got the info from here and cant post. But in all honesty does it really matter how many? A theif is a theif no matter how many times they stole. Oh and lets not forget that there are many of friends, families, youtubers, and facebookers that may have gotten swindled too.

IMO she is not going to address it. Why should she? The damage has been done and there is nothing to say to make it better. She has been a member long enough to know when you get the ladies here mad there is no coming back, as a matter of fact she has been apart of some of the infamous gates. I remember her when I joined and she would gladly jump into a drama thread with her 2cents so she knows how we roll.
Twenty-five pages and nearly 500 posts, with no word from the owner? That is not right. I'm sorry for all of those who lost their money and trust in small online businesses.
Your recourse for the money order is a mail fraud complaint. If the Post Office sees a pattern suggesting attempts to defraud they will open up an investigation and contact the local police. Inform your mom to only make payments via credit/debit card which are simple to dispute.

Thanks, I'll look into that.
She actually has not. :nono: I noticed that a couple of her friends jumped to her defense, asking if I could have just sent a private message. :rolleyes: I responded back by saying I didn't think it was necessary and that if she had handled the situation I would not have sent a message in the first place. The way I see it, everyone should know that she does not have good business practices. Not trying to be rude, but it is the truth.

I hope she has at least seen my comment and, if there was ANY way possible that she didn't know what was going on and that she has many upset customers, she knows now. :yep: I will check back when I try to remember to see if anything else comes of it.

Thanks for the update. Sorry her friends ganged up on you.
I'm not sure why some are assuming "only 3" people were affected. Just looking over the posts, along with me, Southern Belle and Malaika1 never received their products...they got Paypal refunds thankfully. But also iri9109 said she had heard of at least 5 complaints of people not getting their products in the past. Fifi134 mentioned a cousin who had not received her product at the time of the post (unsure if she ever did), and babygrl79 at the time of her post on 7/20 had not received an order from May. And these are just the people speaking up about it. I'm sure there are more. So if numbers matter to people, do the math. My order was $64. I dont think we're talking about a small amount of money swindled here.
She actually has not. :nono: I noticed that a couple of her friends jumped to her defense, asking if I could have just sent a private message. :rolleyes: I responded back by saying I didn't think it was necessary and that if she had handled the situation I would not have sent a message in the first place. The way I see it, everyone should know that she does not have good business practices. Not trying to be rude, but it is the truth.

I hope she has at least seen my comment and, if there was ANY way possible that she didn't know what was going on and that she has many upset customers, she knows now. :yep: I will check back when I try to remember to see if anything else comes of it.

I wish I would defend a friend in some nonsense. That is not a true friend. At the very least, before I posted any type of response to you, I would have sent pm to my friend immediately fullly expecting a response stat! I have zero tolerance for crooks because if they are robbing somoneone else, they would have no problem doing me eventually :(
I'm not sure why some are assuming "only 3" people were affected. Just looking over the posts, along with me, Southern Belle and Malaika1 never received their products...they got Paypal refunds thankfully. But also iri9109 said she had heard of at least 5 complaints of people not getting their products in the past. Fifi134 mentioned a cousin who had not received her product at the time of the post (unsure if she ever did), and babygrl79 at the time of her post on 7/20 had not received an order from May. And these are just the people speaking up about it. I'm sure there are more. So if numbers matter to people, do the math. My order was $64. I dont think we're talking about a small amount of money swindled here.

You shouldn't even have to post this.:nono: The amount or number of victims should be irrelevant.

I have never looked at SF the same after the "Spank my child and post pics of her crying" thread...Let me get outta here.:nono:
You shouldn't even have to post this.:nono: The amount or number of victims should be irrelevant.

I have never looked at SF the same after the "Spank my child and post pics of her crying" thread...Let me get outta here.:nono:

Wayment! :lol: Is this thread still around? Or has it gone to heaven?
You shouldn't even have to post this.:nono: The amount or number of victims should be irrelevant.

I have never looked at SF the same after the "Spank my child and post pics of her crying" thread...Let me get outta here.:nono:
@ the bolded *in my Stewie from Family Guy voice* Say Whaaaaat?!?!?

Whoever started that thread and the people who posted pics in that thread should all be beat themselves!:perplexed
Your recourse for the money order is a mail fraud complaint. If the Post Office sees a pattern suggesting attempts to defraud they will open up an investigation and contact the local police. Inform your mom to only make payments via credit/debit card which are simple to dispute.

This is excellent advice. She still has her website up, so she's still soliciting orders and not shipping the products. That's considered mail fraud.
@ the bolded *in my Stewie from Family Guy voice* Say Whaaaaat?!?!?

Whoever started that thread and the people who posted pics in that thread should all be beat themselves!:perplexed

Don't act like ya'll don't remember when she spanked her daughter for wasting some hair products and then took pics of the baby crying.:look: Not sure which screen name she was using back then. Thinking back it did get kinda ugly fast so that thread probably did go poof.:perplexed
I know it is not the mods jobs to play FBI agents and intermediaries in these types of situations but I find it funny that LHCF has these vendors pay these fees to advertise in the vendor forum to essentially gain new business from the ladies here, yet the mods are not able to ban those vendors who have stolen from the LHCF community. Something about that doesn't seem right. :perplexed
Don't act like ya'll don't remember when she spanked her daughter for wasting some hair products and then took pics of the baby crying.:look:


And y'all didn't realize something was wrong then?? Wow.

All I can really say now is she should do the smart thing and try to fix this. She'll never get her reputation back but if she keeps pretending this will only get REAL ugly in her daily life. She's being reported to numerous agencies and I know legally attorney generals don't like online fraud by people preying on others trust and goodwill.

I'd also suggest writing reviews on different websites for products and customer service (you could also make a free website) the whole point being someone who googles her will see these negative reviews, website warning against fraud, etc. towards the top of the google results and prevent her from scamming others not associated with LHCF.
WELL... She is just a plain ol' thief after all. You never know who you are dealing with on the interwebz until its too late. Such a shame. I was shocked this girl had a line of products anyway, didn't seem that bright.

I agree. I could tell from this video that she's simple-minded.

Sparkling Flame: "I oan even know what habben wit dat. I cain't even...I oan know!" :thud:
Don't act like ya'll don't remember when she spanked her daughter for wasting some hair products and then took pics of the baby crying.:look: Not sure which screen name she was using back then. Thinking back it did get kinda ugly fast so that thread probably did go poof.:perplexed

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