Boundless Tresses order STILL unreceived

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Ok I'm all for calling her a crackhead/thief and blah blah blah, but now y'all are extra'd out! Linking the ol' girl's address and phone number...? That's completely out of line!

Isn't calling her a crackhead out of line too? :lachen: Point is, the thread has GONE THERE, no turning back now, she's exposed. Plus, I think it was iri9109 that said that the information is public anyway if you look hard enough for it. :look:
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Isn't calling her a crackhead out of line too? :lachen: Point is, the thread has GONE THERE, no turning back now, she's exposed. Plus, I think it was iri9109 that said that the information is public anyway if you look hard enough for it. :look:

Calling her a crackhead won't necessarily put her in danger... Linking her address and full name to people that she stole money from, can. I watch First 48... :look: Everyone isn't google savy.. :lol:
Thank you for reaching out to her on FB, I appreciate it. If I were her FB"friend", I definitely would have done it a long time ago. I tried calling that number several times and I never get an answer. My Mom is filing a claim with the SC Attorney General's office. We are going to take it as far as we have to.

I'm trying to remain civilized about this but I'm pissed to say the least.

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I used to be close to Sparkling Flame/Naturallady/Caisha on here and another member who actually created the formula for Boundless Tresses.
We all had the original recipe- The Ex member created.
Caisha took the recipe, created BT, Made quite a lot of money from it and didnt offer the ex member anything. no mentioning of her, pretending the formula was hers etc..I tried to support BT But felt bad for the ex member who is actually also disabled but very gifted.
And to be honest most of these "sulphur mixes" came from the ex member and not one person has given her ANY credit whatsoever. I have held my tongue for like 5 years in regards to this matter, I do speak to the Ex member occassionally, She is so humble- Her belief is that God will punish all theives. I'm glad the Boundless Tresses Scam has finally been uncovered and very surprised it went on for all of these years.

And the sulphur/sulfur was purchased from: they seem to have the best sulfur ever! its yellow, safe, potent but gentle on the skin.

Bless you all
I used to be close to Sparkling Flame/Naturallady/Caisha on here and another member who actually created the formula for Boundless Tresses.
We all had the original recipe- The Ex member created.
Caisha took the recipe, created BT, Made quite a lot of money from it and didnt offer the ex member anything. no mentioning of her, pretending the formula was hers etc..I tried to support BT But felt bad for the ex member who is actually also disabled but very gifted.
And to be honest most of these "sulphur mixes" came from the ex member and not one person has given her ANY credit whatsoever. I have held my tongue for like 5 years in regards to this matter, I do speak to the Ex member occassionally, She is so humble- Her belief is that God will punish all theives. I'm glad the Boundless Tresses Scam has finally been uncovered and very surprised it went on for all of these years.

And the sulphur/sulfur was purchased from: they seem to have the best sulfur ever! its yellow, safe, potent but gentle on the skin.

Bless you all

Maybe you can persuade the ex member to open up a shop or something along the lines of it...perhaps, unless she doesn't want to, then just send some thanks to her for me :)
So from doing some research, it seems she had three names on here: Sparklingflame, Naturallady, and Stillalady.

Edit: one of the old profiles:, no activity though.[/QUOTE

I think I mentioned the names above?
The Ex Member did have a shop, But could not keep up with the demands of the large amount of orders with her disability. So she professionally closed down the shop and did not rip off a soul. :)

Her products were excellent
That sucks. Anyway, she or someone with the same name posted a comment on that website. It appears that the addiction isn't drugs, it's e-books. :ohwell: I hope Hairsoaper and the others manage to straighten things out somehow.


Droid typing leads to typos for me
I used to be close to Sparkling Flame/Naturallady/Caisha on here and another member who actually created the formula for Boundless Tresses.
We all had the original recipe- The Ex member created.
Caisha took the recipe, created BT, Made quite a lot of money from it and didnt offer the ex member anything. no mentioning of her, pretending the formula was hers etc..I tried to support BT But felt bad for the ex member who is actually also disabled but very gifted.
And to be honest most of these "sulphur mixes" came from the ex member and not one person has given her ANY credit whatsoever. I have held my tongue for like 5 years in regards to this matter, I do speak to the Ex member occassionally, She is so humble- Her belief is that God will punish all theives. I'm glad the Boundless Tresses Scam has finally been uncovered and very surprised it went on for all of these years.

And the sulphur/sulfur was purchased from: they seem to have the best sulfur ever! its yellow, safe, potent but gentle on the skin.

Bless you all

A thief all along, just like I thought. I've ordered from her in the past and received orders too, but the point I was trying to make was that she has the mind of a thief. Your friend (the maker of the original recipe) did the right thing when the demand exceeded her ability to deliver. Thank you for sharing this.
I used to be close to Sparkling Flame/Naturallady/Caisha on here and another member who actually created the formula for Boundless Tresses.
We all had the original recipe- The Ex member created.
Caisha took the recipe, created BT, Made quite a lot of money from it and didnt offer the ex member anything. no mentioning of her, pretending the formula was hers etc..I tried to support BT But felt bad for the ex member who is actually also disabled but very gifted.
And to be honest most of these "sulphur mixes" came from the ex member and not one person has given her ANY credit whatsoever. I have held my tongue for like 5 years in regards to this matter, I do speak to the Ex member occassionally, She is so humble- Her belief is that God will punish all theives. I'm glad the Boundless Tresses Scam has finally been uncovered and very surprised it went on for all of these years.

And the sulphur/sulfur was purchased from: they seem to have the best sulfur ever! its yellow, safe, potent but gentle on the skin.

Bless you all

WELL... She is just a plain ol' thief after all. You never know who you are dealing with on the interwebz until its too late. Such a shame. I was shocked this girl had a line of products anyway, didn't seem that bright.
I used to be close to Sparkling Flame/Naturallady/Caisha on here and another member who actually created the formula for Boundless Tresses.
We all had the original recipe- The Ex member created.
Caisha took the recipe, created BT, Made quite a lot of money from it and didnt offer the ex member anything. no mentioning of her, pretending the formula was hers etc..I tried to support BT But felt bad for the ex member who is actually also disabled but very gifted.
And to be honest most of these "sulphur mixes" came from the ex member and not one person has given her ANY credit whatsoever. I have held my tongue for like 5 years in regards to this matter, I do speak to the Ex member occassionally, She is so humble- Her belief is that God will punish all theives. I'm glad the Boundless Tresses Scam has finally been uncovered and very surprised it went on for all of these years.

And the sulphur/sulfur was purchased from: they seem to have the best sulfur ever! its yellow, safe, potent but gentle on the skin.

Bless you all
is the ex-member Den from the UK?
I used to be close to Sparkling Flame/Naturallady/Caisha on here and another member who actually created the formula for Boundless Tresses.
We all had the original recipe- The Ex member created.
Caisha took the recipe, created BT, Made quite a lot of money from it and didnt offer the ex member anything. no mentioning of her, pretending the formula was hers etc..I tried to support BT But felt bad for the ex member who is actually also disabled but very gifted.
And to be honest most of these "sulphur mixes" came from the ex member and not one person has given her ANY credit whatsoever. I have held my tongue for like 5 years in regards to this matter, I do speak to the Ex member occassionally, She is so humble- Her belief is that God will punish all theives. I'm glad the Boundless Tresses Scam has finally been uncovered and very surprised it went on for all of these years.

And the sulphur/sulfur was purchased from: they seem to have the best sulfur ever! its yellow, safe, potent but gentle on the skin.

Bless you all
The plot thickens.
I don't know if anyone is referring to me, but I actually just came in this thread today. Yes I am friends with her on facebook and I had no idea all of this was going on. :nono: I wasn't avoiding drama or trying to pick her side. :rolleyes: I would have been in here sooner but I assumed it was a one-time deal until the thread kept getting longer and longer. :nono: I'm baffled.

Anyway, here is the message I just posted on her wall. Don't know if it will get deleted or not:

"Ummm have you been on LHCF lately?? People are kind of pissed about not receiving their BT... What's the deal?? People are getting the impression that you are cheating people out of their money and I can't blame them. :-/"

I didn't really know what else to say. :ohwell: There is no excuse for this kind of behavior. I don't care how cool you are with someone. It's not my style to smile in someone's face or defend them when they are doing wrong. :nono: But I'm also not going to call her a crackhead either. Hopefully this can get straightened out. Has anyone tried to call the number someone posted? I don't intend to get anymore involved since I haven't bought anything from her in years. If you want me to post another message on her facebook I can give it a try later. Good luck, folks.
That was a stand up thing to do.:yep: I actually did not even see you on her list :look: but I sure saw some people. Wonder if she will respond to that at all.
I used to be close to Sparkling Flame/Naturallady/Caisha on here and another member who actually created the formula for Boundless Tresses.
We all had the original recipe- The Ex member created.
surprised it went on for all of these years.

And the sulphur/sulfur was purchased from: they seem to have the best sulfur ever! its yellow, safe, potent but gentle on the skin.

Bless you all

What was the orginal recipe?
So from doing some research, it seems she had three names on here: Sparklingflame, Naturallady, and Stillalady.

Edit: one of the old profiles:, no activity though.[/QUOTE

I think I mentioned the names above?
The Ex Member did have a shop, But could not keep up with the demands of the large amount of orders with her disability. So she professionally closed down the shop and did not rip off a soul. :)

Her products were excellent


I always wondered what happened to her. I wanted to purchase some items from her, went on her site and noticed her site was bare.:nono::nono:

I hope she is doing well and tell her if she ever wants to start up again, she'll have a customer waiting.:yep::yep:
Did anyone check her youtube channel? I unsubscribed a long time ago, but yall could check to see the last time she logged on. That's also another way to see if she's still active. I would do it, but I can't see that info on my cell phone.

Sent from my Samsung Epic :)
Wow, this is just too much for me now *dead*

Since it's all out there I think the only thing missing now is somebody doing a video tutorial on how to mix the formula:lachen:
Did anyone check her youtube channel? I unsubscribed a long time ago, but yall could check to see the last time she logged on. That's also another way to see if she's still active. I would do it, but I can't see that info on my cell phone.

Sent from my Samsung Epic :)

It says that she has not logged on in five months.
Wow, this is just too much for me now *dead*

Since it's all out there I think the only thing missing now is somebody doing a video tutorial on how to mix the formula:lachen:

I was thinking the same thing!: lol: I'm sure someone has already bottled it and getting ready to debut their product on this site in a little bit!

MAN! Who would have thunk it? About SparklingFlame?

***message to SF - Get your act together SF! All of your shenanigans are
gonna come back to haunt you! If it hasn't all ready***
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